Sedona AZ – The city of Sedona encourages residents to apply for the Budget Work Group to serve as a citizen sounding board during the upcoming annual budget process. No previous budget experience is required other than a general interest in the city’s budget process.
More specifically, the group of up to nine volunteers will meet no more than four times in March and April on the following topics:
· City staff will give a high-level explanation of the budget, followed by facilitation of a meaningful discussion where city staff asks what changes to programs and services need to be made and what community issues with budget implications need to be addressed.
· The work group will make recommendations on the additional major budget requests staff prepares for the coming year’s budget.
· The six service providers will present their proposals for renewals of their agreements and the work group will review and provide their recommendations.
All of this will culminate with the Budget Work Group’s recommendations summarized for the City Manager and City Council so that they can make more informed decisions when refining and considering approval of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget.
Additionally, as part of the budget process, city staff will launch an online survey for all residents to take, which will ask about different community-wide issues that have significant budget implications.
The city invites anyone interested in participating in this year’s work group to apply before February 2, 2023, by filling out the volunteer questionnaire found here: Please make sure and check the box on the questionnaire that indicates interest in budget oversight and share any relevant background information. Again, no previous budget experience is required other than a general interest in the city’s budget process.
For more information, contact the city’s Public Relations Coordinator Kegn Moorcroft at
Headline really should be: City Budget Planning Process Asks Residents to Be Servile.
I know people who applied for this in the past (or similar committee with different name) and they were blown off because not rubber stamps.
Twelve states (Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and could be more) enacted legislation to prohibit the use of eminent domain for economic development. We need to do the same in Arizona and sooner in Sedona. Have the staff put it on the Council Agenda and have Council make it part of the city rules and regulations. Put public pressure on them now and get it done. If Council won’t vote on it, let it be put on the next ballot.
When was the last time Sedona used eminent domain? I cant remember a single one? Now they have paid for easements many times, but thats not even close to the same.
Make it so they can never do it. Get it done voters or council. Start the process now Before they come for your home.
A jury said Thursday that a Georgia hospital would have to buy a 93-year-old’s home for five times its original offer if it condemns the frail woman’s rental house. › wbna1…
93-year-old tenant wins eminent domain case – NBC News
…Condemnation via eminent domain indicates the government is taking ownership of the property or some lesser interest in it, such as an easement, and must pay just compensation for it. After the condemnation action is filed, the amount of just compensation is determined in trial. However, in some cases, the property owner challenges the right to take because the proposed taking is not for “public use”, or the condemnor is not legislatively authorized to take the subject property, or has not followed the proper substantive or procedural steps as required by law. Also, in some cases the right to take may be denied by the courts for lack of public necessity for the taking (required by statute)…excerpt from law journal.…