Home » Posts tagged with "sales tax"
Sedona City Traffic Plan: Run Roads Through Our Neighborhoods for Tourists
Sedona AZ (August 4, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
No on Home Rule!
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ August 4, 2018
Someone asked me how I was voting in Sedona and why. Because everyone is entitled to my opinion, below is my response.
No on Home Rule will force the City to prioritize spending — finally! Notice that the people...
2018 is a critical year for Sedona
Sedona AZ (May 13, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Dear Sedona residents,
Sedona AZ
2018 is a critical year for us in the Greater Sedona Region. Those registered Voters in the Sedona City limits have the opportunity to make an important decision and positive changes. After living here twenty-five years, I think I’ve seen it all but, more importantly, I finally...
Eye on Sedona Taxation and Representation
SedonaEye.com columnist, Eddie S. Maddock asks the powers that be to answer whether the Chamber of Commerce advertising is solely responsible for Sedona tourists
Sedona AZ (July 4, 2013) – In an appropriate column for the celebration of Independence Day, SedonaEye.com columnist, Eddie S. Maddock, asks “Where is the balance, Sedona?” in her Eye on Sedona column:
Question? Does anyone...
State Unveils Arizona Tax Recovery Program
PHOENIX, AZ — Arizona is launching a tax recovery program that will run from September 1 through October 1, 2011. The legislature included the proposal in the budget bill that was passed and signed by Governor Jan Brewer on April 6, 2011. The proposal gives individuals and businesses the opportunity to file past due Arizona state tax returns with no civil penalties and a reduced amount of interest....
Sedona Tax Revenue Continues to Slide
Opinion by Peter J. Fagan
Much like the waters of Oak Creek flowing down over Slide Rock, the city’s fiscal strength is following that same downhill path.
Peter J Fagan
During the council retreat on November 20, tax revenue results for the first quarter of the 2010 fiscal year were reviewed. With the majority of the city revenue derived from excise taxes, sales tax revenue is down from budgeted revenue...