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Have you aided and abetted a Jewish murder today?
U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered in a planned embassy attack by anti American terrorists and his body dragged through the streets of Benghazi
Sedona AZ (September 26, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
During the 2014 Oscars, the 75th anniversary of the release of the Wizard of Oz was celebrated by having the pop singer Pink sing “Somewhere Over the...
Sedona Film Festival Passes On Sale
SEDONA AZ (December 4, 2011) – Academy Award winners, up-and-comers and old friends will complement and enhance the week-long experience surrounding the 145 films to be screened at the 18th Annual Sedona International Film Festival, February 18-26, 2012.
Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne returns with his favorite classic films. Academy Award-winning producer, artist and costume...