SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock on Sedona city employees salary and additional compensation packages budgeted for 2024.
Sedona AZ – WHAT’S IN STORE FOR 2024?
Boldly and sincerely stated in a video at the opening of City Council meetings is Sedona’s Vision:
“To be a city that is constantly vigilant over the preservation of its natural beauty, scenic vistas, pristine environment and cultural heritage. To be a city that retains its small-town character and creates its manmade improvements in strict harmony with nature. To be a city that is animated by the arts, and lives with a spirit of volunteerism to help achieve our common goals. To be a city that offers equal opportunities for all and fosters a sense of community. To be a city that welcomes and accommodates all of its visitors and future residents with a spirit of fellowship. To be a city that retains and enhances a strong and vital economy which preserves existing lifestyles without exploiting the natural beauty. To be a city that lives up to the challenge of proper stewardship of one of the earth’s great treasures.”
Before proceeding with what may or may not be a surprise to Sedona residents via a Freedom of Information Act, “Douglas Ducey in 2021 was employed in Arizona Governor’s Office and had annual salary of $95,000 according to public records. This salary is 20% higher than average and 36% higher than median salary in Arizona Governor’s Office.” (Phoenix has a population of 1.6 million and pays its City Manager $314,999 annually.)
With the city of Sedona gearing up to prepare its fiscal year 2024 budget, a review of the 2023 budget shows that average budgeted compensation for a city employee is presently $106,174. (Population of Sedona is 9,684 – a decrease from previous years.)
Here is what we pay Sedona city employees:
City Manager Karen Osburn: $183,000. (No change from 2022.)
Deputy City Manager Joanne Keene: $161,850. (A 7.9% increase from 2022.)
City Attorney Kurt Christianson: $155,235. (A 7% increase from 2022.)
Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works J. Andy Dickey: $155,147. (A 7% increase from 2022.)
Director of Financial Services Cherie White: $153,422. (An 8.4% increase from 2022.)
Chief of Police Stephanie Foley: $135,200. (Foley replaced Charles Husted, who retired last fall; the chief position’s salary is an overall 2% decrease from 2022.)
Magistrate Judge Paul Schlegel: $125,008. (No change from 2022.)
Director of Community Development Steve Mertes: $125,000. (No change from 2022.)
Criminal Prosecutor William Kunisch: $120,443. (An 8% increase from 2022.)
Director of Wastewater Roxanne Holland: $119,061. (A 9.6% increase from 2022.)
Information Technology Manager Chuck Hardy: $117,830. (A 6.8% increase from 2022.)
Assistant Director of Public Works Sandra Phillips: $114,660. (A 4% increase from 2022.)
Human Resources Manager Brenda Tammarine: $114,354. (A 7.6% increase from 2022.)
Transit Administrator Robert Weber: $110,850. (A 10.9% increase from 2022.)
Engineering Supervisor Kurtis Harris: $103,000. (Position vacant in 2022.)
Police Lts. Karl Waak and Scott Martin: $103,000. (A 13.2% increase from 2022. Martin is a new hire, replacing the retiring Sgt. Michael Dominguez.)
Network Engineer, unspecified staff: $102,615. (A 5.6% increase from 2022.)
System Administrator, unspecified staff: $102,614. (A 5.6% increase from 2022.)
GIS Analyst, unspecified staff: $102,014. (A 5% increase from 2022.)
Additional benefits over and above wages include, but are not limited to health, dental, and vision insurance coverage plus countless hours of paid time-off; as offered in ads seeking even more City of Sedona employees.
And this, dear readers, is active even during the uncertainty of a predicted economic recession next year.
Suggestion: Reread the “Vision Statement” and then decide.
Gunfire in Haiti after their election – pay attention Democrats and learn to be less menopausal and old like your latest candidates – can’t stop laughing in Tucson
President Trump announces possible deportation of criminals, if they have families, I think pack Them up and say goodbye at the border.
Grew up when if you bear children you and
your spouse or partners Chose Your Path.
No sympathy or empathy for stupid Border jumpers and women don’t have sex with gangbangers or illegals and produce kids who won’t get separated from families.
Find jobs at local papers like this. Jobs are coming back to America under Donald Trump. Thank you, Mr. President, and thank you for bringing woke stupids to unemployment lines. Word of advice Eddie and Sedona Times, keep it lean and mean and no need for woke.
Democrats mission was destroy integrity, Biden kept Kamala the Vapid from office and likely saved planet ok exaggerated but felt could be more right when he banishes Pelosi publicly?
Democrats don’t respect the will of the people. Democrats couldn’t win outright, so now, they’re trying to steal this election and the House Majority. Democrats have no ability to self reflect because they’re Marxists and Maoists and Stalinists and Bolsheviks and Communists and Socialists and Castroists and Antifas and above all they are Narcissistic Traitors who will destroy America because they don’t think people have the right to differing views.Believe when you hear it said by people from Pakistan and Colombia and Chile and Poland like my family members and Californians are awakening from
their anarchist narcissistic disorders.
Our American born children @Gupta are DNA rich Finnish and Chinese mixes with each of our three sons marrying Americans: spouse one is Peruvian and Mexican, another is Scottish and Egyptian and Laotian, another is English and Greek, each born and schooled in three different states. One set of grandchildren is Catholic, another granddaughter is Nazarene Protestant and the youngest set are Buddhists. Every day seems a holiday in our family we would have it no other way. This glorious country on earth allows freedom of association, expression, reproduction, religion, education is the United States. Sedona Eye American Eyes see and hear multi culturalism applauded when globally nations value culture sameness. USA’s the beacon of light for humankind to embrace freedom equally, not identically and it must demand respect. Thank you @Gupta it inspires here to rethink and to rereason.
Live Laugh Love not trendy
Biden Harris policy drove eggs up 50.5 % over last year and they’re still blaming Trump saying prices fell from 5 years ago a blatant lie again by morons with Trump Derangemenf Syndrome.
They’ve Biden Blinders Bonkers Syndrome good riddance ya losers.
Congratulations to Mr. Scott Turner, 52, President-elect Donald Trump choice to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development who lead the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council during President Trump’s first term was selected to be a member of the 47th President’s Cabinet in its new term.
IMO First order of business for HUD Secretary Turner is demanding resumes of HUD management (and Acting) now on HUD.gov site serving as notice that HUD will be reorganized (required) and subject to new job reviews and performance evaluations under DOGE guidelines and early retirement plans now offered for all employees choosing to exit by year end 2025.
Termination notices must go to Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexis Pelosi’s senior advisor for Climate position at HUD. An unnecessary politically created position (paying $200,000 approx) under HUD and or its reorganization, includes any and all staff assigned supporting that position.
HUD Support staff Employees with 5 years of full time experience in their respective positions may reapply for government positions under the new DOGE reorganization or if qualified choose an early retirement option based on 2024-2025 anniversary dates.
Have at it Sec. Turner and be great!
Jack Smirh drops all charges against Trump clearly political not legal charges that’s UNAMERICAN, now Alvin and Fani need the boot
Sedona Dems are haters, misogynists and hypocrites, they can’t figure out why they’ve lost or what is wrong with Joe and Kamala
Hospitals are overwhelmed with government provided healthcare for everyone but those who provided the funds to the government (tax) and schools don’t have enough English speaking students to make teaching possible but babysitting the true job, and reality is it’s paid for by compassionate taxpayers. Free healthcare isn’t free because money isn’t virtual, it’s an asset that belongs to me and you not elected officials.
Southern Republicans were against slavery and for slaves and conscripted workers economic opportunities in the 1800s and ostracized politically and Socially by powerful southern Democrats. Facts, Go Learn history not fed to you by ignorants in news medias.
Anybody else rolling eyes about CNN MSNBC CBS NBC NEW YORKER NYT WAPO CALIFORNIA NEWS OUTLETS dramatizing Trump’s out of swamp picks for cabinets? Republicans were told to rollover and shut up when Biden’s goons and loons like Myorkas or Gay Mayor or Alvin Braggfart or Nancy Pissossi or Fani Willis or Falala Harris or NMD you know how the democrats played us STFU Democrats losers. You’re considering giving another air brained stupid slut a promotion like AOC means you democrats are a step above dirt bags.
guess who got pardoned by his daddy? lmao sheeples
I agree and am ashamed.
Biden said he wouldn’t and he did.
We knew he was going to do it, and we still backed him and then her with votes and bought the propaganda.
NEVER again.
“It is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” – James Madison, Father of the Constitution
U.S. Congress certified President-elect Donald Trump’s electoral victory in the 2024 election on January 6, 2025, marking the official last step to guarantee former President Trump’s position as the incoming commander-in-chief. The newly elected President’s opposition party lead by Vice President Harris (Democrats) certified the election results with the pronouncement of votes for candidates and the VP gavel to Congressional cheers and applause for the elected. Congratulations America!
Prayers sedonaeye publisher Palisades house okay , what’s happening . , Sedona listen messages SoCal water & weather mismanagement fiasco, special fire districtsshould be mandatory no politicians zones . God keep Sedona/Sedonaeye okay , keep safe
Eddie, do an article on AI eliminating local city state local jobs because computers no longer need to be programmed by computer science people or websites like yours. Nobody needs newspapers or oversized municipalities? Nobody needs website support because they’ll have self correction free features? Ideas for you!
Cal Dem Adam Schiff (aka Shifty) pre pardoned by outgoing shady Joe needs to GOOOOOOO
What’s in store for 2025, Sedona Eye your take?
False equivalences
no Cuomo on tv wtf that family crooks like Biden fam & not talented honest smart only $$ connected
Heard politicians saying “Trust the science”? If you read, try That Hideous Strength novel. Stop falling for leftist stupids and listening to ignorants.
Get Kennedy approved for HHS.
so what Trump pardoned a bunch of criminals that beat up cops Glad Biden pardoned whoever he wants to .. including his son.. a bunch of two-faced idiots..LOL
Turning points:
1. Hispanic voters swung heavily toward Republicans and President Trump
2. Major youth vote (18-29) voted for President Trump.
3. Republicans swept the White House, Senate, and Congress and national voted overwhelmingly for President Donald J. Trump.
Pray for everyone in the horrific DC air disaster last night.
Biden Harris admin ruined America, appreciate ST forums
This plane and helicopter crash in DC is a result of Obama Biden Harris Buttigeg. Buttigeg was a woke hire and typical Biden-style politician and this crash was after 100 near misses over four years of Buttigeg and more? Understaffed and poorly managed by Buttigeg.
@@nation reversed it
Democrats are unpatriotic and should be voted out of any office in the midterms because of the failure to put us first by getting cabinet seats filled.
Every single democrazy made a complete fool and ass of themselves. Bernie admitted to millions from big pharma and Warren the wannabe Indian degraded voters and researchers found she has hundreds of thousands from pharma. Stop obstructing the Constitution, Democrats. Stop sabotaging our party and get out of office and return the Democrat party back to the American people and not our enemies. Pitiful behavior from entrenched Democrat politicians and corrupt officials and they’ve lost their right to public service and opinions unless they vote for ALL Trump’s cabinet and let our country get their disgusting woke racism communism off our backs. Resign and or get voted out. You’re laughable fools, Democrats.
And we should feel safe with an attorney making Dr decisions? Sure hope you call your house cleaner for electrical problems!
Why do you want unqualified people running dept. that effect you and me?
Not sure if your part of a cult, brainwashed, or just brain dead stupid? Id say all 3, so enjoy the chaos you created……….Now we will all pay for your stupidity!
Give it 6 to 9 months………..Boy I will rub your face in it!
Hey explain that ridiculous comment? You supported a brain dead Prez and Vice President KNOWINGLY because you craved power over the people. You supported open borders and fentanyl deaths by denying the border was controlled by cartels and ngos sucking politicians votes. Fool. Bet that Trump gets Canada and Mexico to come to understanding and do their jobs and get their leaders hands out of our tax dollars and off the cartel payrolls.
like was Blinken on Chinese payroll at UPenn ???????
At least the lawyer knows the law!!! Democrats don’t and won’t obey them.
Buttigieg spelling
12 Democrats joined Republicans in voting for the Laken Riley Act.
Rest of Democrats didn’t vote for it.
Is it a sin to wish aliens intent on criminal acts target them and not the rest of us?
Well Canada and Mexico agreed to send 10,000 to their borders to begin policing their borders – guess tariffs didn’t raise the price of eggs LOL
Afghanistan Gets $122.5 Mil to Combat Gender-Based Violence under TALIBAN and of course there’s no Follow Up who pocketed money because no woman or man could engage in that behavior or action without a death sentence.
Trump’s mass deportation program, which focuses on criminal illegal aliens, is a clear effort to enforce immigration laws. Trump supports a guest worker program and future automation to reduce dependence on illegal labor. The Biden Harris administration statistics showed only 1% of illegal immigrants are agricultural workers, rather they live in urban and suburban areas. Agricultural workers have long been able to come and go seasonally using a guest worker visa which is easily obtained by employers. Get serious fellow Democrats, we lost because Harris was a piss poor choice and she chose a fellow pisser nothing to do with race or misogyny and we all know that except for racists and misogynists running our party. Better not hold a stupid rally here for illegals or get the Council and Police voted out for not obeying laws and subjecting my taxes to their fraud and abuse. Council and police are here to do what is legal or get out.
Dems calling for Christian prayers to not be allowed on public property like the Capitol and White House citing USAID findings that Jewish, Catholic and Christian churches have received funds for homeless, shelters, illegal immigration housing and documentation ngos. What’s going on here in Arizona?
LOVE D.O.G.E. No decent American taxpayer minds having tax money transparency, its nonpartisan issue its overdue, elected to office never means I trust you with my money. It means you sit your jackass down and budget with the $$ I Give you no mas. Less best is budget.
$4500 is what the average family is projected to pay over the next decade thanks to Biden Harris‘s 2022 tax increases and if Elon does a good job, we won’t have to pay it. Why is AZ Govenor and Senators not supporting DOGE audits? The people of AZ demand and support DOGE.
FCC investigating CBS election interference @60 Minutes & rumors that Stahl may be on FCC radar & Goldman. Democrats less popular three weeks in to this administration because red flags on corrupt politicians and 7 out of 10 Democrats approve of DOGE getting the budgets scrutinized!
IMO investigate Schumer & Warren & Schiff & Jeffries & Sanders & Clinton for election collusion, expose RussiaGate in minute detail for voters, expose Pharma & Fauci & Wuhan
My dad died from the demand that he be placed in a nursing facility after testing negative for COVID and if it hadn’t been for the Angel nurse that had him moved to a ground floor room with a window she slid open so he could hear my mom and then masking my mom up and letting her be by his bedside while he died, the unforgivable in my heart directed to those responsible would be irreconcilable. We need to have accountability because good people followed government dictates and we were lied to by those that created and funded the modern plague. Wikipedia needs to be dismantled for misinformation get cleaned up.
@mark. Lmao comment bullseye.
Heard this on news and thought to post this. Our church prays for hostages globally annd God blessed this man.
American Marc Fogel released from Russian custody today after President Trump sent a plane and Fogel’s release is hailed as an amazing success and breakthrough for Donald Trump’s administration. President Biden was called out by many for failing to include Americans (charged with the same marajuana offense as basketball player Brittany Griner) when President Biden released a Russian mass murderer criminal for her exchange). Remember Israeli hostages who need protection until release dear Lord.
Farah sorry for loss
Hey sheepees USAid NGOs used taxes to fund illegal immigration
(Offsite link) wwwdotgregabbott.com/why-governor-greg-abbott-wheelchair/
NY stock exchange Chicago headquarters leaving for Texas
Bidenomics numbers came in this week and inflation Bidenomics grew to 3% inflation in January report – welcome Donald Trump taking over end of January. Thanks for getting prisoners home as promised. Sen. Schumer knows it’s Biden numbers but he thinks we’re stupid – a politician pathological lying with TDS. Demand Resignation Schumer – we’ve moved past lying that Joe or Kamala was smart or in charge when it was you and your cronies ruining US. No woke believer here but old centrist Democrat like JFK.