SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock on Sedona city employees salary and additional compensation packages budgeted for 2024.
Sedona AZ – WHAT’S IN STORE FOR 2024?
Boldly and sincerely stated in a video at the opening of City Council meetings is Sedona’s Vision:
“To be a city that is constantly vigilant over the preservation of its natural beauty, scenic vistas, pristine environment and cultural heritage. To be a city that retains its small-town character and creates its manmade improvements in strict harmony with nature. To be a city that is animated by the arts, and lives with a spirit of volunteerism to help achieve our common goals. To be a city that offers equal opportunities for all and fosters a sense of community. To be a city that welcomes and accommodates all of its visitors and future residents with a spirit of fellowship. To be a city that retains and enhances a strong and vital economy which preserves existing lifestyles without exploiting the natural beauty. To be a city that lives up to the challenge of proper stewardship of one of the earth’s great treasures.”
Before proceeding with what may or may not be a surprise to Sedona residents via a Freedom of Information Act, “Douglas Ducey in 2021 was employed in Arizona Governor’s Office and had annual salary of $95,000 according to public records. This salary is 20% higher than average and 36% higher than median salary in Arizona Governor’s Office.” (Phoenix has a population of 1.6 million and pays its City Manager $314,999 annually.)
With the city of Sedona gearing up to prepare its fiscal year 2024 budget, a review of the 2023 budget shows that average budgeted compensation for a city employee is presently $106,174. (Population of Sedona is 9,684 – a decrease from previous years.)
Here is what we pay Sedona city employees:
City Manager Karen Osburn: $183,000. (No change from 2022.)
Deputy City Manager Joanne Keene: $161,850. (A 7.9% increase from 2022.)
City Attorney Kurt Christianson: $155,235. (A 7% increase from 2022.)
Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works J. Andy Dickey: $155,147. (A 7% increase from 2022.)
Director of Financial Services Cherie White: $153,422. (An 8.4% increase from 2022.)
Chief of Police Stephanie Foley: $135,200. (Foley replaced Charles Husted, who retired last fall; the chief position’s salary is an overall 2% decrease from 2022.)
Magistrate Judge Paul Schlegel: $125,008. (No change from 2022.)
Director of Community Development Steve Mertes: $125,000. (No change from 2022.)
Criminal Prosecutor William Kunisch: $120,443. (An 8% increase from 2022.)
Director of Wastewater Roxanne Holland: $119,061. (A 9.6% increase from 2022.)
Information Technology Manager Chuck Hardy: $117,830. (A 6.8% increase from 2022.)
Assistant Director of Public Works Sandra Phillips: $114,660. (A 4% increase from 2022.)
Human Resources Manager Brenda Tammarine: $114,354. (A 7.6% increase from 2022.)
Transit Administrator Robert Weber: $110,850. (A 10.9% increase from 2022.)
Engineering Supervisor Kurtis Harris: $103,000. (Position vacant in 2022.)
Police Lts. Karl Waak and Scott Martin: $103,000. (A 13.2% increase from 2022. Martin is a new hire, replacing the retiring Sgt. Michael Dominguez.)
Network Engineer, unspecified staff: $102,615. (A 5.6% increase from 2022.)
System Administrator, unspecified staff: $102,614. (A 5.6% increase from 2022.)
GIS Analyst, unspecified staff: $102,014. (A 5% increase from 2022.)
Additional benefits over and above wages include, but are not limited to health, dental, and vision insurance coverage plus countless hours of paid time-off; as offered in ads seeking even more City of Sedona employees.
And this, dear readers, is active even during the uncertainty of a predicted economic recession next year.
Suggestion: Reread the “Vision Statement” and then decide.
Wildwood NJ used emergency powers to close its boardwalk from unruly thugs saying unparented, undisciplined, blatant crimes like doing drugs and smoking and beating people up. Send them to Sedona, we’re a sanctuary city and we’ll be nice to them and give them things.
2024? Watch and read the Boys in the Boat.
IMO it’s time to charge Hillary and Bill Clinton for crimes and misdemeanors including email coverups and Benghazi and maybe Arkansas murders, and the Biden family including the granddaughter and others be sure you can go back decades and don’t need more than hearsay to prove cases that intelligent lawyers won’t touch. Start filing cases in every state that you can guarantee an unintelligent political biased jury pool. Investigate the judges in these cases because the Attorney Generals are corrupt and need to be held accountable like Willis in Georgia and Bragg in New York working for Hungarian white man Soros.
IMO Investigate the rampant rumors about Obamas and their dealings and moneyfalls. This Trumped up charge about a $130k NDA against a former President or you and me is insanity and now it’s been uncovered that the FOIA lady Marge Moore (name may be incorrect ?) showed or coached Democrats and CDC officials how to avoid providing information which ought to be criminal behavior including the ones who took her advice with immediate firings and loss of pensions.
Yesterday the CNN news woman who advocated for conservative values was found dead outside her suburban DC home, a marathon runner and 58 years old. Just sayin.
@strawbeery pines and Sedona reader
OMG thnks for the belly laugh… your imagination is precious
Been awhile commenting Sedona Eye.
One dishonest voter is one too many and they should be fined minimum $10,000.00 for each wrongful vote or one year in prison without time off for good behavior. While in prison they will need to undergo psych evaluations and must earn a passing grade in American history crafted by a local law firm.
Just facts I lack imagination
You’re Welcome $$ like knowing city politicians laugh at your backs with “what does it matter now” trash talk right!?
Trump is my asshole. -Dennis Quaid.
IMO mine too IMO
This NY jury must know they’ll be considered the stupidest people ever to take jury seats and no one will talk to them again for being used by politicians! This case is so bad and it didn’t have anything to do with who’s being charged! Michael Cohan was and is lying.
Well there ya have it you twits and idiots. Trump finally won the popular vote by a landslid. Guilty on all 34 charges….This is just a start, but more lube cult followers, your going to need it…………….and man you will be publicly humiliated till you and he dies!…………….ENJOY!
@wsdave. Asked hundreds if not thousands of times before during after this trial.
Why the average judge?
Why no fear?
Why no experience?
Why links to created wealth from the Democrat party?
He was out of his league professionally and intellectually.
He lacked spine to power.
Who groomed him? Who groomed his daughter? Who and what is he from birth to now?
He sold his soul for a Wikipedia entry.
Whose parlay is this?
https://youtube.com/shorts/YC51zGS9TVU?si=3Zu1Cwq-fvf0y2lI (offsite link)
Checks given to Illegal migrants are twice what our average American gets from social security each month.
America is a beacon of hope to the rest of the world
Biden Unveils Order to Limit Asylum at Southern Border
The president is taking executive action to turn away asylum requests once the average daily border crossings exceed 2,500.
This morning before his picture op and fake executive action concern for border crisis —- 5200 had been reported by news to have crossed over. Trump said to do fix this issue every time asked. Vote Trump because President Biden lied and denied there was a problem.
Democrat twits.
They say on news something like Delaware jury pool for Hunter Biden is mostly black and sympathetic to junkies and felons which is what Biden wants. Gifts coming to those addresses? LOL
He’s guilty but will not go to jail and might get a bracelet that has a remove me button. If I was like that jury, I’d send that privileged gun and dope sucking junkie white boy away for the max like his family and friends do ever day. Just saying and why that wicked stepmother at trial and that white granddaughter??!!
news tell 8 million illegals came this past 2 years not counting the majority missed bringing fentanyl over border with suitcases filled see it on teevee
Found out today from broker what CRT means when people are talking moving or pulling investments out of California – it means Critical Return Tax and it shut down over 30% of California restaurants the past 3 years. It lost billions and the taxable people are leaving Cali. Welcome to 2024
love America don’t love illegals
@westsedonadaves give it up Joe cult followers
Admire Justice Alito for being a good neighbor to a few who don’t deserve it. BOO CNN for the girl fight reports that’s low level reporting and childish liberal ass kissing by low level media at its worst. Time for a CNN purge or start running old movies 24/7 like Turner network. Admire Justice Thomas for standing up to white privileged racists male and female and stay the course with courage and dignity always. Sadly, it may be time for Justice Kagan to resign and here’s a bow to Our Supreme Court of amazing nine that’s due the highest respect for their work on our nations behalf. Let the Supreme Court Justices do their jobs because they do it well for majority poorly educated populace that arrive at our major institutions. Keep up the good fight for democracy.
@guilty ? noticed hunters wife snatched her hand away from his walking in to court yesterday, she gave fish eye before walked ahead ? POd ? Rumors Jury sees porn hunter & his brother’s wife posted to sites ? Probably half country supports JB pardon ?
In 2024 we need to listen to our veterans and recognize that Americans are the best people in the world. We do not believe in being humbled, we believe in being great in deed and resolve. It’s in our DNA because our forefathers and foremothers were the unwanted of other nations and we proved we were mighty and necessary for world peace and support of those facing the same injustices that set us apart from commoners in other global nations. Be proud and be loud in your success no longer limited by your status. Strive and be successful and live your best life. Love being an American and throw off the shackles of the past. Love your neighbor as yourself.
In broker speak ———Average hourly earnings jumped to a number that says inflation will rise.
I’m from place leaders jail & take bank accounts. Life in freedom loving America is best life. July Four show love for country. Hold flags & where red white blue great pride & honor for world sees America greatness.
(Deleted by editor) Thanking freedoms
On the first day of President Biden’s “new executive order” to fix border crisis over 1000 illegals were released into interior alone from one place San Diego, today 3000 plus were released into the interior. French have a saying “The more things are promised to change, the more they stay the same.”
Masih may you and yours grow old and prosper forever! Iran must be brought to heel for its beliefs.
If you want a person Democrats can vote for, then choose Wyoming Governor. But if it’s too white and too male and it’s too not-ethnic for scooping up votes, and even though that combo typically produces more good than bad, check your racism and prejudice at the table.
California wants Wyoming energy. So to you losers who keep screaming Arizona doesn’t pay as much as California or others in taxes, suck it up you losers.
Arizona provides sanctuary for California taxpayers and other states citizens fleeing social taxes and weird programs. Screw you socialist losers.
Arizona subsidizes what you don’t want to admit is loser policies, and unneeded debt, by playing the social “I’m okay if you’re okay” academic stupidity.
Wrong Brian…. Shine up you tin cup!!!
You should be taking your meds regularly my friend. What a insane ramblings you spew from your mouth!
California economy is the 5th LARGEST IN THE WORLD!
#1) USA
#2) China
#3) Japan
#4) Germany
#5) California
Why you have so much hatred about fellow Americans is very sad. Maybe where ever you get your news wants you all rilled up and feed you buckets of crap for a reason? You are being manipulated quite well….And its very sad indeed!
Hypocrisy rules your life, West Sedona Dave and others. Do go ahead and forgive yourself for believing what you are and were told by Democrat government experts (you know like Dr. Fauci, the COVID Science God falsely informing us about COVID origin and its vaccines) and that mutilating children for research by removing genitalia and sewing other parts on is pro human and not damaging (or is it time for Dr. Mengele the Nazi to be honored with a statue for pioneering the Trans and LBGT++ movement?).
Never mind you’re not in favor of controls unless you want them which is about everything except for medical and mental health issues and go believe whatever you want and share it with us, and give it a thought about locking up your guns and knives and shovels for awhile, okay?
make it clear & choose a bumper sticker
Don’t CA My Arizona
Don’t CA My Texas
Don’t NY My Florida
@@brian without posting under his own name a sign of a loser afraid of being called out
Curious what your point is? That list means nothing and hasn’t bearings on @Brian comments. You like to scream but you don’t ever know anything.
Thanks Brian. Watched interviews with this governor that I’d not heard of. Seems like an interesting centrist. Not sure Democrats have interest in smart people, they always vote against their constituents wants and needs and Democrat voters are notoriously racist and misogynist hidden beneath their white supremacy deflections. Heard at a roundtable centrists in the party thinking of boycott, specially with Senate and House Democrats here at home and in DC. What would we vote for President Biden promised additional states or almost 38% more taxes or a bigger dysfunctional economy? No takeaway for us.
Sedona Eye you’re good for the normal peoples soul.
Oh yea and calling yourself Bill uptown tells us all a lot about your true identity.. It’s the same as putting a @ In front of a previous comment. You should watch what you post….your not as smart as you think you are.. IActually I think you’re moron With narcissist tendencies.. Post on smart guy. LOL
@westsedona. Joe ran out of brain gas baby
go be something special Vote Trump
Why are you afraid of Washington DC Becoming A state. Oh I know…….it might take money out of Arizona and your “ Beggars tin cup” since AZ runs a Deficit when it comes to the Feds…
@Ted Anonymous??????? My opinion and others are – Why do we Democrats want this when it negatively impacts our existing states? To be frank – this Democrat party plot would set the stage for a nationwide takeover by unchecked elites. DC is run by incompetents like their crack smoking former mayor Marion Berry in the past and like other crack smoking politicians and families in the present. DC politicians openly don’t support its police, absolutely does not hold any criminal accountable, has the highest carjacking and deadly carjacking (remember the highjacked Congressman at gunpoint recently) and murder crime rates are outrageously high for a city of just a few. Why do Democrats want DC as a state? Why does the White House want a vassal system at its door? Figure it out and follow the money, because if you support this adding states by Democrats, you aren’t worthy of being called a Democrat because you’re a full out Maoist and Stalinist.
You’re not a member of my Democrat party, you support a takeover of America that favors communism and everyone including communists know its system doesn’t work for anyone but the politicians. Like our hapless and incompetent and incompetent President, they would be kings and queens with unchecked ambitions and money. You don’t matter to them @Ted and they don’t have to negotiate for you ever.
Googled top 5 world economies California wasn’t on ANY list. Top ten world an California not on any lists. Publisher take down that comment / Disqualified.
(Deleted by editor) Arizona rez and Fed owned lands make 1/3 of state untaxable you idiots (deleted by editor)
Sucky state of California destroying thousands of Joshua Trees to put up PLASTIC SOLAR PANELS in a DESERT that has thousands of suitable acres without pulling up one trees of any specie and it won’t produce anything that a cheap fossil fuel isn’t better. Environmentalists don’t live in California, they destroy in California.
Mr Garey’s right Govy token goose . white Kamala call radio pound sanders
This week Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed record budget for environmental protection at $1.5 Billion for environmental issues by itself. Universities there are world renowned for education no longer at Harvard or USC.
Good day, Sedona Eye. You need to get content updated. Put Eddie on the council coverage again.
See no coverage of the hearings for a judge President Biden wants appointed that’s going on now except CSPAn leaving this household speechless.
A woman judge President Biden loves and wants to give a bigger better judge job was the WOMAN who ordered a trans MAN to be housed in a WOMENS prison (up in northwest). That WOMAN judge said it didn’t matter that the trans MAN had been convicted of forced pedophia and criminal rape against WOMAN meaning his trans penis got aroused by access to WOMAN. The I feel like a woman MAN rapist said he felt like a woman and the WOMAN judge said good for you and screw those women’s groups and lawyers objections to a MAN going in WOMENS prison. Trans MAN did just that and pillaged and raped the harem given him by this WOMAN judge.
WOMAN JUDGE should be disbarred not given a medal. President Biden administration has lost its mind and no longer does right and wrong matter.
FYI, “fossil fuel” doesn’t come from fossils. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSff0pwc1Xc (Offsite link)
Those who control the language control the debate.
You should be kissing Californias ass…. If it wasn’t for Cali you’d have to be walking around with 2 beggars tin cups(and probably OTHER things to cover the deficit AZ runs in relation to the Feds.. Cling cling. Or should I say kiss kiss to you Jim.. (deleted by editor)
California remains the 5th largest economy in the world. California is the 5th largest economy in the world for the seventh consecutive year, with a nominal GDP of nearly $3.9 trillion in 2023 and a growth rate of 6.1% since the year prior, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. California’s per capita GDP …Apr 19, 2024
California remains the 5th largest economy in the world. California is the 5th largest economy in the world for the seventh consecutive year, with a nominal GDP of nearly $3.9 trillion in 2023 and a growth rate of 6.1% since the year prior, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. California’s per capita GDP …Apr 19, 2024
https://www.forbes.com/places/ca/ (offsite link)
@Jim west Sedona
You’re trying to prove to us, How intelligent and “in tune” you are….let me repeat one of your lines from your last comment.
WOW Jim…What a frigging Genius, you are if in fact your name is really Jim LOL
Come on Jimmy…give us all your REAL name she we can Congratulate you and you’re super high IQ
Saw this on web and commenting on it here. Hail Sedona Times.
Trump prosecuted based on a legal theory that has never been used before. They assigned a Judge whose daughter receives millions from Democrats.
The star witnesses in these cases were a serial liar fired by Trump for stealing and other gross misconduct issues and a porn star bringing hearsay decades old. Somehow these two liars have money and fame!
IMO the Trump trial has been nothing but a sham from the start and I’m a registered nonpartisan. Unlike the rich man crack smoker jet setting around the world collecting money and trying to influence people on our tax paying dime, the very soul of our nation under this administration is smelling like garbage. Hunter needs to go to jail and rehab for life and Trump needs to return to the White House and restore our nation to the more perfect union it was while he served. Biden’s granddaughter needs a psyche evaluation as does the crack smoking daughter-in-law.
We need a brown or black no woke VP who’s served in the military and has served in an elected office. Time to believe in America again.
Democrats and Rinos enabled the election of a president unfit for office just like Obama hinted or believed dodging the Hillary annd Joe shows. NO illegals get to vote! No Clintons or Obamas family members need to be in DC or in any office. Personally I prefer Lt Gov Sears of Virginia, but Virginia needs her more and prefer Gov DeSantis for President (he may be the most qualified in either party) or for VP, but Florida needs him more. Tulsi Gabbard is a terrific choice for VP like Dr Ben Carson. California needs an Asian, Black or Brown Governor as it’s fallen to 38th and in some polls 41st in states expected to be positives.
IMO we need Republican sanity back in offices and as of this month, I’m not voting for a single Democrat in this state or federal and suggest that you join me and others doing the same. Thanks for hearing my rant this morning caused by news. (Deleted by editor)
Senator Rubio knocked Meet the Press big mouth little brained Russian collusion pusher off her woke platform and caught her lies about not covering laptop. Elect Rubio for President. He’s brilliant.
You say the star witness was a serial liar??!! Well, I guess you and Michael Cohan got something common then..(deleted by editor)
Biden not enforcing his new directive to control the border per HS. Numbers same
Coming over. Everybody knew he was doing it to get stupid Americans votes when he and his party really wanted it to go on to let terrorists and fentanyl and criminals and anti-democracy thugs in the country undocumented. If something happens it’s because you Democrats wanted it to happen and not because Trump did it.
Voting Trump and telling face to face you losers that I’m not. Democrats are anti Christian and anti Jewish and anti democratic free nation and my family generations support America. Hang your flags up. Happy Father’s Day to my Vietnam veteran dad, my and your true American hero. God Bless the USA.
This was sent from friend (newsletter).
NEW: As Russian Navy Conducts Drills Off The US Coast, Sen. Cruz Goes Off On Biden’s Appeasement Of Putin: “A submarine, a frigate, and two support ships from the Russian Navy are currently in Cuba, participating in military drills. While, as our Jim Thompson noted, the Russian Navy isn’t the frightening behemoth it was in the “Hunt for Red October” time frame, and the Russians claim there are no nuclear missiles on the sub or the frigate, there are hypersonic missiles and having part of the Russian Navy just a few miles off of the U.S. coast isn’t an optimal situation. Sen. Ted Cruz…”