Sedona AZ – The following is a letter from Rabbi Alicia Magal, Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley:
Gratitude and blessings to essential workers.
Shalom to all from the Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley.
On Friday, April 10 at 5:30 p.m. an Erev Shabbat service will be live streamed on Facebook for JCSVV members. All classes and services for the next few weeks will be virtual, online, with no one present in the synagogue sanctuary.
We have sacrificed our social gatherings that we took for granted only a few weeks ago, and now need to make an effort to stay healthy and safe, but still make sure our elders have what they need, and that our neighbors are ok. We can keep a distance and still find ways to be spiritually connected.
The Zoom schedule for classes will be at 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 13-16, during the week of Passover.
We send prayers of calm and healing to all. What poems, readings, humorous cartoons or jokes have you seen and shared during the pandemic? There are acts of heroism on the part of those in essential services. Gratitude and blessings to all who are enabling us to have food and health care during these difficult times.
The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley located at 100 Meadow Lark Drive, off Route 179 in Sedona, is a welcoming, egalitarian, inclusive congregation dedicated to building a link from the past to the future by providing religious, educational, social and cultural experiences. The congregation is unaffiliated with any particular stream of Judaism in order to respect and serve the wide diversity of its members and visitors. Once we are back in a regular schedule, you can call the office at 928-204-1286.
Rabbi Alicia Magal
Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley
Good Friday!
Coping while deepening faith.
Shalom to all from the Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley.
On Friday, April 17 at 5:30 p.m. an Erev Shabbat service will be live streamed on Facebook for JCSVV members.
We have sacrificed our social gatherings that we took for granted only a few weeks ago, and now need to make an effort to stay healthy and safe, but still make sure our elders have what they need, and that our neighbors are ok.
We can keep a distance and still find ways to be spiritually connected.
We are coping with a universal crisis, and yet, are finding ways to adapt our traditions, celebrations, and connections in a way that deepens our faith and calls upon each of us to remain strong and with uplifted heart.
We send prayers of calm and healing to all…There are acts of heroism on the part of those in essential services.
Gratitude and blessings to all who are enabling us to have food and health care during these difficult times. Thanks to those who have made generous donations to help others in our community who are in need.
The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley, located at 100 Meadow Lark Drive off Route 179 in Sedona, is a welcoming, egalitarian, inclusive congregation dedicated to building a link from the past to the future by providing religious, educational, social and cultural experiences.
The congregation is unaffiliated with any particular stream of Judaism in order to respect and serve the wide diversity of its members and visitors. Once we are back on a regular schedule, you can call the office or check our website
Rabbi Alicia Magal
Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley, Arizona, USA
The mayor of NYC changed his name from Warren Wilhem Jr. to Bill de Blasio because it was less white on ballots and better for his political career. At least he’s not 100% ignorant. Just the people who vote for Wilhelm Jr. are.
Every teacher in Sedona and Arizona should have the above on her or his student reading list, and the her/his pronouns are proper if you read and write and speak English.
Books & arts
The Economist
Sep 18th 2021 edition
Memory and the Holocaust in Ukraine
A bold, controversial memorial to a wartime massacre in Kyiv
The mix of painful history, Russian involvement and oligarchs is explosive