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World With End

The world will end on May 21, 2011. So said full page ads in newspapers this week.

People may choose Apocalypse now or later, or opt for prophecies like the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012. Some of us chose earlier, meeting spaceships in California, drinking Kool-Aid in Guyana, and planet trekking for prophesied Second Comings, Portal Openings, Awakenings and Ascensions.

Throughout the recorded centuries, mankind implored the heavens and earth for deliverance and punishment. Absolution and condemnation require dominion. In the now to that end, the Internet offers equality of dominion to saviors and devils.

What the Internet fails to offer is equality of discernment. So in the now and to the end, we will continue to wrestle power, testing wills with the unseen and the unknown, justifying the creation of gods, as if spitting in the face of fear grants faith and power reason.

So discern this: all our life’s beforesnows, and laters, matter. Whether an earth rendered asunder event on May 21, or any other date, happens, know this: life will end in too little time with so much to do.

Good day.

Thomas Clifton Mann, c May 20, 2011 written at the request of the Sedona Times Publishing and SedonaEye.com.


  1. Emilia Barr says:

    this post was great! here we are in virginia at a 6:01 Party! Happy to know that we are all still here and worrying about the nutcases among us that want to check out en masse…

  2. Prindie Hmodka, Mesa says:

    We drove to the beach this weekend. We ate Thai and pizza and Fat Tire drafts. We enjoyed family time, three generations of it. Talked about how the town changed, we argued and laughed about the good and bad times. Mann is right -live life well because, personally, God can worry about how it ends since next week we’re going to Vegas to see some shows. To life!

  3. Gavin Tosh, ASU says:

    news for you idiot world enders. ASU gets NCAA regional baseball championship games. that’s utopia. baseball is king.

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