Sedona AZ (July 5, 2012) – The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is required to release the following information pursuant to ARS 13-3825, the Community Notification on Sex Offenders Law. The offender in this publication has indicated that he will be living in the unincorporated area of Yavapai County. It is the responsibility of the Chief Law Enforcement Office having jurisdiction where the offender resides to make notification to the community.
Notification must be made when certain sex offenders are released from Arizona State prison, accepted under an interstate compact or released from the county jail back into the community.
Offenders are categorized into three levels: Level One (low risk to the community), Level Two (intermediate risk to the community) and Level Three (high risk to the community).
The individual who appears on this notification, 65-year-old Michael Thomas McNaught, has been convicted of a sex offense which allows for community notification. This sex offender has advised the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office that he will be living at 7225 East Ranch Hand, Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314.
This individual is not wanted by the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office at this time.
In 1990, offender McNaught was convicted of Lewd and Lascivious Acts with children under the age of 14 in California. McNaught is considered a level 2 (intermediate) risk.
This notification is not intended to increase fear, rather it is the Sheriff’s Office belief that an informed community is a safer community. CITIZEN ABUSES OF THIS INFORMATION TO THREATEN, INTIMIDATE OR HARASS SEX OFFENDERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
The YCSO would like to remind the public of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification program available at
This registry will allow anyone to enter a local address which will result in list of sex offenders registered in Yavapai County living within a one mile radius of the entered address. The registry will also provide information about particular sex offenders registered in Yavapai County. Additionally, a free email notification program is available which will alert you to any sex offender registered in Yavapai County who resides within one mile of the address entered on your subscription.
The YCSO Crime Prevention Unit may be reached at (928) 771-7441 and is available to help you join or start a neighborhood watch program as well as provide you with useful information on personal safety. If you have information regarding current criminal activity on this or any other offender, call Yavapai Silent Witness at (800) 932-3232.
Citizens can contact the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office with information or questions at (928) 771-3260 or the YCSO website