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The Labyrinth: Part Two of Angel Valley Remix series

It’s been a few days since my second visit to Angel Valley and I have noticed several things about myself that are changing. 

I am now more conscious of my thinking-process for starters.  Like many of you, my mind was always filled with chatter that polluted real thinking, the chatter that prevented us from being in the moment.  I would often think about things or events from the past and worry about the future.  I would rethink old conversations and review what was said, and think about what I should have said.  I would even re-think past e-mails!


Now when I find myself doing that “mind chatter” thing, I quickly remind myself to be “in the moment” and that stops the chatter…until I need to tell myself again.  The good news is that the length of time between reminders is getting longer and longer!


When I am “in the moment” my mind and body are more at ease.  While making the bed this morning, I found myself thinking of something from the past but with the “be in the moment” reminder, I actually enjoy the process of making the bed as odd as that may sound.  In the bigger sense, I am enjoying more of the little things because I am not focused on something I cannot change or control.  Even while writing this paragraph, the dog came up to me and wanted to play and at first, I said, “Not right now, baby, I’m writing.”  No sooner did I say it when it occurred to me to be “in the moment.”  I stopped and played.  The dogs are happy and so am I and now you are reading an even better paragraph. 


Other little things are happening since my visit to The Labyrinth.  My posture is better because I no longer do that low self-esteem “thing.”  I gently remind myself that I am loved and loving.  This morning while walking the dogs with a friend, my friend kept getting in my way and I wanted to say, “Do you mind! I’m walking the dogs and trying to keep an eye on them, but you keep walking ahead of me and stopping!”  Instead I said, “I’m sorry to keep stopping and getting in the way, but I don’t want a hawk swooping down for the girls so I need to be close to them.”  It worked!  I felt better and she understood. 

Before this morning, I would not have said anything to the other person and let the situation continue to bother me but being “in the moment” got my needs met with the greatest of ease! Try it. See if you like it. Leave a comment and let me know how it goes for you.

Sedona Times web help note:  To read “Angel Valley Remix” (first in the series) visit this site’s Home Page and perform a Search. The Sedona Times congratulates Jim Franckowiak on his notice this week that “He has a book deal!”  Expect Jim’s book this Fall. Watch the Sedona Times for more of the Angel Valley Remix series and news of Jim’s upcoming book. To reach Jim email HollywoodJimAdvice@Yahoo.com  and submit comments on this web site.

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