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Sedona Defaults on Festival Tourism Says Citizen
J. Rick Normand
Sedona AZ (June 14, 2011)- In a Letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Sedona Arizona resident J. Rick Normand takes the Sedona City Council and Mayor to task for failing to see the economic handwriting on the wall:
“Dear Mayor and Sedona City Council,
Sedona, Arizona has completely and utterly defaulted the world of festival tourism structured as signature experiences to...
1979 Home Purchases Decline in Value
J. Rick Normand
Sedona AZ (April 25, 2011) – That Home You Bought In 1979 Has Lost 8.5% Of Its Inflation-Adjusted Value by Gus Lubin of Business Insider submitted by J.Rick Normand:
Home values have already collapsed to 2003 levels.
But an even more grim picture comes when you adjust for inflation. That home you bought in 1979 has lost 8.5% of its inflation-adjusted value.
From Chart Of The...
Open Letter to Sedona City Councilor Mark DiNunzio
Sedona AZ (February 27, 2011) – In an open letter to City of Sedona Councilman Mark DiNunzio and SedonaEye.com, Sedona resident J. Rick Normand writes:
Councilor Mark DiNunzio and I are friends. I always enjoy talking and meeting with him and I always respect his opinion. He is a learned man who thinks well. On most issues we agree, however, we went different directions on the SR89A turn-back...
Opinion by J. Rick Normand: Sedona Game Over?
Sedona may end up owning SR89A irrespective of Sedona City Council’s vote. Sedona has virtually no bargaining chips left.
Recently there have been published in Sedona many riveting commentaries regarding the SR89A turn-back to this City. Nevertheless, I’ve seen no discussion of the legal ramifications of A.R.S. §28-7209’s impact on Council’s pending...