Home » Posts tagged with "rate hikes"
A Victory in the Champion Complaint Against APS
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
A Victory in the Champion Complaint Against APS
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona
“A Victory,” But Not THE Victory.
Last week the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) held an Open Meeting to discuss and vote on Stacey Champion’s Complaint against APS for having unjust and unreasonable...
Affordable Care Act Rate Hikes
Sedona AZ (June 02, 2015) – Americans for Prosperity, the nation’s foremost grassroots advocate for economic freedom based in Washington, DC, released the following statement today in response to the proposed premium hikes for hundreds of Affordable Care Act insurance plans:
“Millions of Americans could again see double-digit premium hikes next year, despite the fact that President Obama...
Maine Calls Smart Meter Audit After Ratepayers Costs Increase 1,848%
Sedona AZ (June 7, 2013) – “But now, just 3 years later, Central Maine Power (CMP) has come begging for an over 8% rate increase because they found that, instead of saving ratepayers $363 million, their “smart” meter program is actually going to cost ratepayers $99 million,” by way of introduction writes Warren Woodward in a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor about similar savings...