Sedona AZ (August 21, 2012) – A Sedona Fire District voter asks others to attend the August 22, 2012 public Open Meeting Law training session scheduled for 3:00 PM at Sedona Fire Station #1 in west Sedona (visit daily) and the Public Session board meeting that follows:
Hi all,
If you want to hear the findings of the Attorney General’s report against the former board read on Wednesday, don’t miss the meeting tomorrow, Aug. 22 (see time below).
They will also be reading the June 8, 2011 minutes from the EXECUTIVE session where the Blauert, Erick and Christensen Board first violated the Open Meeting Law. We will be able to hear exactly what went on in that meeting.
Tomorrow should be a very interesting meeting, now that Erick and Blauert did not turn in their signatures to run again in November, as they promised.
Meeting time: COURTESY NOTICE: This Agenda includes Open Meeting Law training for the Board at 3:00 PM for approximately an hour. The public is welcome to attend the training.
An Executive Session (not open to the public) will be held immediately following the training. After conclusion of the Executive Session, the Board will reconvene into Public Session for its business meeting at approximately 4:30 to 5:00 PM, but which could be earlier or later depending on the length of discussions during training and Executive Session.
See you there!
Karen Schmitt Sedona AZ Editor’s Note: Read the Exclusive Breaking News story here.
Just saw Tony Tonsich’s assertion on Sedona Eye that Chief Hazime is responsible for recommending what became the McGladrey audit. Where did you get that one, Tony? Totally untrue!
That all was started by SFD “haters” like Mr. Zirinsky, who ultimately got his way and caused SFD to spend $190,000 for nothing. To my knowledge, he has never apologized for wasting nearly a quarter of a million dollars of taxpayers’ money and insisting on the meaningless audit to question SFD’s reputation.
Please see below the Minutes verifying what I have said.
One would think Zirinsky and Tonsich would know better than to try to blame the former Chief for suggesting the forensic audit, since this happened BEFORE Nazih was even hired as Chief!!! So, please don’t blame it on him.
Mr. Tonsich and the other SFD haters have lost all credibility with the public. Have you noticed? Even their puppets, Blauert and Erick, have withdrawn from the November fireboard election, leaving Hazime and Jablow to run unopposed.
For your information, the following minutes and others are on SFD’s website.
“2/28/09 Budget Workshop Minutes:
Mr. Harr said he respected the publics opinions and that is what democracy is all about. He then said the Board, along with staff, is trying to bring the budget tighter in control in this present economy.
Mr. Zirinsky then suggested SFD have a labor and benefit cost study done, and if he is wrong, he would admit it. Mr. Harr said he felt that would be impossible to do before the budget is finalized, and Mr. Zirinsky said he did not expect that to be done now, but within the next year, and said it should be done by an outside, independent labor consulting firm. Ms. Daines asked for and received permission from Mr. Harr to address this issue; she said it has been the practice of SFD and the policy of the previous Board that SFD employees are not the highest or lowest paid in the industry based on market comparables; every time that our district enters into labor negotiations with the two employee groups, Human Resources undertakes the salary survey process, using certain standard organizations against which we benchmark, and have maintained our pay scale in between the high and the low. Ms. Daines said recently, an Arizona fire service consultant has done the comps, and SFD ordered that wage analysis, which could be provided to the Board and the public. She further said if the public does not trust that number and wants an outside consultant to do a market analysis study, it would cost approximately $30,000, but Ms. Daines believes it would come very close to the same numbers. She said our employees are not overpaid, and the cost of living in Sedona is very high and most of our employees cannot afford to live here; she argued that cost of living for the community should absolutely be figured into salaries.
Mr. Harr said when he was on the SFD Citizens Task Force, he found the average salary/benefit package for fire departments was 80% to 82% of their budgets; he believes Mr. Zirinsky made his point and, if nothing else, this dialogue gets everyone thinking about tightening the belt. He then recognized Craig Dible, who said that former-Fire Chief Matt Shobert who became Fire Chief in Hemet, California, recently was forced to close a station and lay-off firefighters; additionally, city council members have recommended an independent audit of how the fire and police departments spend their budgets; he pointed out this process is not unique to Sedona and cut-backs are happening; he concluded by saying that he is sure Chief Shobert had no idea he would be facing this when he moved.”