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The Will of the People, Be Damned Part Two
Eddie S. Maddock, Sedona Eye columnist
The Second in the Series, The Will of the People Be Damned, by Sedona Eye columnist Eddie S. Maddock looks at the incorporation of Sedona and subsequent efforts to manage its development.
The deciding election for whether or not Sedona was to incorporate occurred in the fall of 1987. When the final votes had been counted in early December, the decision...
The Will of the People, Be Damned
Eddie S. Maddock, Sedona Eye columnist
Sedona AZ (January 23, 2012) – “. . . and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earthâ as spoken by Abraham Lincoln during his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.
As we look at our great nation and smaller communities so many, many years later, was this not intended to apply to future generations?