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The Farce and Fallacy of Gun Control Laws
SedonaEye.com J. Rick Normand, Investigative and Financial Columnist
Once again headlines are questioning the role of gun control in American society. At the request of SedonaEye.com columnist J. Rick Normand, let’s go back three and a half years ago:
Sedona AZ – The farce and the fallacy of gun control laws? The reality of the problem is that it’s not an epidemic, it’s a pandemic!
FBI and Homeland Security Actions Treasonous
Sedona AZ (May 11, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Did anyone else find something curious in the actions of the FBI and Homeland Security, concerning the Garland, Texas attempted murder by Islamic Militants that drove in from another State? [I no longer say “Radicals” on this subject because ‘radical’ indicates something that is out of character...