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Tips for Halloween Fun
Sedona AZ (October 5, 2014) – Halloween can be a fun time of year, yet for infants, toddlers and preschoolers – who often cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality – scary experiences can ruin the holiday and create long-term fears. Below are tips for minimizing anxiety and helping young kids enjoy Halloween.
Teach kids the difference between real and imaginary: One way to do this is...
Halloween Safety Tips
Sedona AZ (October 30, 2013) – On Halloween night as we trick or treat, many of us will be walking and or driving on dark streets. Remember that little ghosts and goblins will be excitedly anticipating the fun of giving and receiving and may forget to practice safety rules. Be vigilant drivers and parents! It is everyone’s responsibility to keep our children safe from harm.
Harley McGuire Loves Halloween Treats and Tricks
Harley McGuire, SedonaEye.com Four Paws Up Star Pet Columnist gives a Shout Out to all local animal rescues and shelters
Sedona AZ (October 23, 2012) – Harley McGuire, SedonaEye.com Paws Up Star Columnist wants to remind everyone to have a great time dressing up, playing fun tricks and scooping up candy treats this Halloween while always staying safe and sound.
Here is Harley McGuire’s...