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AZ Governor Congratulates Anti Litter Movement
Sedona AZ Verde School students joined Folksville USA
Sedona AZ (July 28, 2015) – Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s office issued a thank you to the many individuals and youth organizations cleaning up Arizona highways and byways through the Folksville USA and its BagReadyJobs volunteer, school, sport and business partnership umbrella program spearheaded by Gary Chamberlain of Cornville, Arizona.
AZ Footy Soccer Community Role Models
AZ Footy Soccer Team are community role models
Sedona AZ (June 5, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor. Gary Chamberlain of BagReadyJobs, Trash for Cash and Folksville USA, asked AZ Footy Soccer to explain why they participated (in the May 10, 2015, highway litter clean up event), so here is their response about 1) why they participated and 2) something about their team...