Sedona AZ (October 30, 2013) – columnist Eddie Maddock reviews the Community Plan presentations before the City Council as it is “cleaned up” so no “weaseling” happens before the public is convinced to vote yes for its development goals:
On October 1, 2013, “Sedona Community Development Department” changed its name to Sedona Community & Economic Development Department and Director Kevin Snyder wasted no time pursuing the additional charge. At the Regular Council Meeting on October 22, Snyder engaged with the Sedona City Council in the first of what he hopes will be many discussions to further advance methods to enhance local and regional progress to boost economic levels.
The following day, October 23, at a Special Meeting, the Sedona City Council listened to a presentation from Kevin Snyder along with Mike Raber, Long Range Community Development Planner, Jon Thompson, Chair of the Community Plan Steering Committee, and Marty Losoff, Planning and Zoning Chair and member of the Community Plan Steering Committee. The nature of the discussion focused on the “matrix items” of the Draft New Sedona Community Plan, which to a large extent involved “housekeeping” items such as suggested choice of words, phrases, and grammatical corrections.
Although in a generalized manner focus areas, changes to vision statement, and perhaps even more palatable methods to address such things as possible future plans for the SR179 Corridor and subdivision connecting roads were acknowledged as being “delicate.” As perhaps Councilwoman Barbara Litrell best explained, set direction without opportunity to “weasel out of it.”
Emphasis was placed on the existence of the “Plan” to serve as “guidance for community” with “expectations (intentions)” somehow intertwined.
Detailed discussions relating to CFA’s (Community Focus Areas) did not occur at this meeting except the obvious abundance of the commodity as evidenced in the frequent references to the existence of CFA’s such as the Cultural Park to Oak Creek access at the other end of the city, to community gathering places along the way to include the Chapel Area and Morgan Road in conjunction with more discreet wording as “only going to consider new non-residential development only on a scale and architectural compatible in the neighborhood.” The point was made that the importance of choice of wording was paramount in convincing people to vote acceptance of the plan when it appears on the ballot in March of 2014.
The discussion about the 200 acres of property owned by the city at the Wastewater Treatment Plant was another work in motion – twenty-six acres comprise the Wetlands Preserve. Substantial public input convinced the “planners” that low density to “no density” is the existing consensus. However, Councilman Mark Dinunzio, having obviously paid close attention to Kevin Snyder’s economic development discussion the previous day, came up with the bright idea of (perhaps) initiating some means of allocating a portion of the property for a FIVE STAR RESORT that could contribute to Sedona’s tax base.
Although it was acknowledged that the city-owned WWTP acreage is outside City Limits and under the zoning jurisdiction of Yavapai County, not even one person at that meeting referenced that such a grand resort (if, by some miracle actually became a reality) would not contribute one penny to Sedona City Coffers because, the same as Enchantment, Hilton, and other businesses not within incorporated Sedona, they do not collect city taxes!
But of course why should that matter to them when, in fact, they have the sweetheart deal of benefiting from Destination Marketing via the special interest auspices of the Sedona Oak Creek Canyon Chamber of Commerce which only in recent years has been acknowledged as the “Sedona Chamber of Commerce?”
When did that change occur and for what reason? Certainly it wasn’t indicative that they represented only Sedona businesses as members.
And so, in general, that was the discussion. Mike Raber touched briefly on lack of connecting streets, need for alternate routes, feasibility of transit plan, and trail access. Conspicuous by absence was reference to “storm water.”
As pointed out by Councilwoman Jessica Williamson at a public Community Plan review Special Council Meeting on October 30, the overwhelming “public support” during the review process included perhaps a total of 200 people many of whom were repeat visitors at the Open Houses. In addition a reported 1,000 plus comments have been received – but there really is no tracking offered of the breakdown of repeat contributors.
This Community Plan, once accepted, will affect Sedona’s total population of approximately 10,000 – it is presently being formulated by input of a questionable 1,000 comments from how many of the 10,000?
In conclusion, it’s important to remember that the Community Plan is mandated by State Law to be compiled and updated every ten years for “incorporated municipalities.” Further let it be a reminder that it simply represents a suggested guideline for future development.
Let it also be noted that since the onset of Sedona’s incorporation the original Community Plan shortly thereafter lost credibility and integrity due to code implementations such as “Alternate Standards” and “Administrative Waivers” not to mention numerous major amendments relating to zone changes. Translated: It’s only subject to translation by those in position to enforce it.
This plan is yet to be formulated for the final production upon which incorporated Sedona voters will make a decision to accept or reject in March of 2014.
In the meantime, updates to change will be available on the following link:
Stay tuned.
see article below and links
I’ve reserved which will be used as a platform for disincorporation of the City of Sedona. It will be up after the first of 2014.
I need volunteers to help collect signatures to get the petition on a special election. Please send your name and contact phone number to Your name will not be sold or used for any other purpose.
We can get our small town back. But we need to work together.
Do any of you recall how the idea of “public/private partners” has been floating around? Especially in conjunction with improvements to the newly acquired Brewer Road property and restoration of usage at the Cultural Park? Well, here’s another sweet little excerpt from Agenda 21:
” Agenda 21| American Policy Center”
“Economic Prosperity”
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of
Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies.
@Richard Saunders…looks like you are at it again trying to stir up trouble. Before you did it under your real name …TONY TONSICH…in trying to stir up trouble against the SFD because they terminated your girlfriend’s employment. An internet search of shows that it’s registered to someone living at 61 Hillside Drive in Sedona…which just happens to be where you live…isn’t that a strange coincidence?
Hey Richard Saunders…don’t you have better things to do than to be a rabble rouser? Get a life!!
@Steve in the VOC
And why should you be troubled by “incorporated Sedona” issues? By the VOC after your name, you obviously are not subject to potential city taxes. If Sedona were to disincorporate it would even the playing field and we would all be one and the same. Your comment, Steve in the VOC, was a huge boost for the concept of Sedona’s disincorporation. Thank you ever so much.
Hey Steve in the VOC; since you live in the VOC why not let the residents of Sedona decide the fate of our town? I don’t care if the guy’s name is Richard or Tony since he has the right to do what ever he want’s as long as legal.
I personally wish he would focus on the new bible (AKA proposed Sedona Community Plan update) that we Residents will be voting on in March. I’ve been reading it and the jargon is disgustingly over the top because there is no Utopia and the Plan is trying to make this very little town into one. Plan is a joke.
Steve your in VOC why do you care, benefits? For us in the City we be better off not being incorporated. I say yes! Then guess what all the games stop as the playing field becomes equal we all be one team, under the county domain. :) I love it.
Tony Tonsich AKA Richard Saunders, with your reputation from the SFD old board days, why would anyone work with you on anything or support you and your cause? You and Julianna really need to learn how to move on in your lives.
@James Poole/Wes
As someone who lives in Yavapai County territory, I know how remote county services can be. Law enforcement is minimal in the VOC, even though it has improved a bit. I remember the day a year ago when a sheriff deputy showed up after 5:00 PM responding to an alarm that went off at 9:00 AM that morning…would you be happy with type of a response time? Nothing compared to the type of response you are getting in Sedona.
Having a Sedona City Council you can approach with your issues and be heard is far better than addressing a County Board of Supervisor with only one supervisor representing your area. As a resident of the VOC I wish I had the access to a local governing body like you. You guys think that the grass is greener on the other side…well, let me tell yoU… IT’S NOT!! ~~BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR~~
Even though I live in the VOC, I spend my time AND money in Sedona. What happens in Sedona impacts on a lot of people who live in the VOC and spend most of THEIR money in Sedona and providing the necessary revenues to provide YOU with the necessary services that YOU require. Do YOU understand now why I am voicing MY opinion? Just because YOU don’t agree with it, doesn’t mean that I have to remain silent. Last time I checked, we have the privilege to do so.
@Steve E. What I mentioned in my comments to James Poole/Wes are meant to cover your entry…are you all the same individual???
@Steve in VOC. What you apparently don’t realize is that the original proposed boundaries for incorporated Sedona did include VOC and the RR Loop areas, both upper and lower. When it went to vote, incorporation failed. The next time, by choice, VOC and the other areas were omitted from incorporated areas and incorporation passed. So you see, it was the majority of people living in VOC who did not agree with what you wrote.
In the meantime, those of us in incorporated Sedona are sitting here being threatened with increased taxes and a Community Plan that is totally “pie in the sky” which apparently people like you think is dandy as long as you don’t pay for it. We have a “regional” Chamber of Commerce being given over a million dollars to advertise non-city tax contributing businesses which are in competition to those in Sedona who do collect city taxes.
Your thinking is idealistic which is what created incorporated Sedona in the first place. Believe it, the system does not work as you so ideally describe the picture.
As for James Poole/Wes, never heard of either so I assure you I am neither. Same as you, Mr. VOC, they have a right to voice their own opinions and it’s coincidental they share to a large degree my own way of thinking.
Hey Steve in the VOC. Buddy, you too can enjoy the great benefits we, in the incorporated (vs territory), receive by having these council people ruin our lives. All you have to do is move into Sedona proper. oh and by the way I only speak for myself and am not connected with anyone else.
You think our Council is approachable? That’s really funny. They are approachable, or actually hear us ,ONLY if we agree with their concepts.
Haven’t you noticed the stacked audiences speaking to their agendas? Haven’t you noticed a gal named Sandy who speaks at almost every meeting who was Councilwoman Jessica’s mentor and main supporter?
You just haven’t realized how lucky you are to live in “the territory” outside Sedona. And you are right about what happens in Sedona impacts VOC. Our City business’s are charged much higher taxes as well as giving money to the Chamber which is spent to advertise business’s in your hood and the City never gets the tax benefits. Is that a tough concept to understand?
It is the same ol’ same ol’ with people like Steve in the VOC and Mrs Roger Thomas – you seem to talk in circles about other people and their character. You talk a lot, yet present no supporting documentation or facts. Sounds awful close to the line of defamation of character and slander. From an outsider’s point of view, I would heed caution of the slippery slope you walk.
“Steve in the VOC”, what’s it to you? Your residency in the VOC eliminates you from being part of the disincorporation issue.
As far as disincorporation, if you’re not affected by it, what’s it matter to you? Sounds like their right to the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech and Press. So they want to form a committee. What is it to you? So they want to start a petition. What is it to you?
Mrs. Roger Thomas, Tony Longo, Steve in the VOC, didn’t your mothers teach you manners? If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. If you have nothing to positive to add then you have nothing to contribute. And people who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it……”you need to learn how to move on in your lives.”
I could not disagree with you more. I moved to Sedona about a year before the incorporation and greatly appreciate the difference now. I tend to reflect back to those years where our community was virtually split; one side of the city was maintained one way with the other side maintained differently. Police coverage was really non-existent just like in the VOC. Sure that has recently improved but let’s not forget how the police coverage was way back when. As for representation, the area that is now our city had very little representation by either county. Getting something done was very difficult because we had to travel a distance to have our concerns heard by people who didn’t live here. Let us also not forget that there were fewer people living here back then, sedona wasn’t as publicized around the nation as it is now. I could continue on and on and I’m sure Eddie would have her own opinions to agree with me or not and that’s just fine. It’s why I love posting and reading this great web site.
Juli and I are happy to shine some sunlight on what ever wasteful spending is happening in our home town.
I still meet regularly with Chief Kazian, and he has made great progress at reducing waste.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
The “City” is giving money to the Sedona Chamber. See
The Sedona chamber is currently promoting “Celebration of Wine” Rhine Cruise Offered for 2014.. A EUROPEAN WINE CRUISE?????
Your tax dollars at work.
@Mrs. Roger Thomas. You say you lived here just a year prior to incorporation, and therefore I do understand that during the conflict of the matter of incorporation, to do or not to do, indeed there was considerable division and disagreement. In fact, from my recollection that is when it all began.
Neither my husband nor I thought incorporation was a good idea but we did not actively campaign. However, close friends, supporters of the measure, who were aware of our apprehension dropped our friendship. That’s how bad it became and in my opinion has never ceased.
When we moved to Sedona we did have to figure out a way to make a living or return to a metropolitan area. Thinking we would never be able to afford to move back to Sedona, we “toughed” it out and made living choices to accommodate what we were able to earn in the market here, therefore learning first hand all about that difficult trip.
And so, Mrs. Thomas, I feel fortunate in having had the opportunity to know the pleasure of life in Sedona prior to the upheaval of “concept incorporation.” Once the event occurred, both my husband and I looked positively, at least for a while, at the opportunity to learn about the process of incorporation and did so with open minds. However, our initial apprehensions turned out to be correct and many of our former friends had the courage to contact us and say “You were right” as they were packing up their backs and moving away from Sedona.
FYI there are a couple of other comments I made under the following link which detail my thoughts relating to specific issues you addressed in your own comment. BTW, all comments on Sedona Eye are openly embraced if for no other reason than to offer the opportunity to agree to disagree.
Hey Mrs. Roger T. Could you please explain what the point of your post is? Could it just be that as we all get older the past is always better than today?
When in fact we have to learn how to deal with all the crap spattered on us by the new folks in town who somehow got power over us and never want to listen to us.
To Tony: is the Chamber paying or is this another attempt to get us city folks to support their grand plans.
Oh by the way – being guy who the runs errands in our house and since my wife has me running into West Sedona a couple times a day: one thing I keep noticing is that the Free wrap your package place at the Y is always empty! I told Ruth that instead of me going out to get more scotch tape and paper etc………just take all our stuff to the Y and get it done for free! She just leveled her eyes at me and then started laughing and said “Well honey, that is one way we could realize a refund from our sewer fees.”
Hey all have a Merry Xmas and take your packages to the Y and let the city pay for wrapping them.
VOCA lost 2 businesses recently.
Sedona trading in bell rock plaza gone. Rumor was owners had no like for the recent chamber.
Goodbye jewelry store in webers Iga lot. Anybody notice?
Add those VOCA shrews women griping about business signs ( go tell adot to take down the thousand road signs in the mile or two of VOCA to get rid of eyesore signs!!!! We need to see a milepost sign every mile?) and damn lucky to have a business here and there.
Well, Wes, my suggestion to you is to go to City Hall and demand payment in the amount of at least one million dollars. Why?
Because for the first time, ever, since the onset of the “free” gift wrapping service at the soon-to-be-city-owned property at the “Y”, there were actually cars in the small parking lot this very afternoon (Sunday, 12/22)!
On the return trip from West Sedona to my residence uptown there was a even a cowboy (maybe the mayor?) and a horse!
Wes, my man, you have put the Chamber of Commerce to shame. And if Jennifer Whistlehoof (Sedona’s most recent Mother Theresa) attempts to take credit for last minute flurry of gift wrapping business, then for sure Richard Saunders, bring on your petition to disincorporate and include provisions for getting rid of the money-grabbing leader of the pack of greedy C of C manipulators who are presently running (and ruining) our once lovely unincorporated Sedona.
@Mike. From what I heard, the jewelry store previously at IGA moved to a much bigger location in West Sedona next to Judy’s Restaurant.
Did you know the Chamber showed up at the Sep 17th City Council mtg. claiming entitlement to a higher percentage of the City’s annual bed tax collections?
Soooooo, the spendthrift City Council proceeded to almost double the amount of taxpayer funds allocated to the destination marketing rat-hole sans RFPs or competitive bidding. This was after “Staff adjusted the estimated annual bed tax collections from $1,550,000 to $1,850,000.”
The big-bucks boondoggle:
(1) An increase in the Bed Tax by .5% effective Jan 1, 2014.
(2) A 50% allocation, or $1,075,000 of annual Bed Tax receipts, to destination marketing effective July 1, 2014.
BTW, the current fiscal year total Chamber funding is $580,000 or 37% of annual bed tax collections (no ‘staff’ adjustment).
So much crazy!!
Someone just told me about this site and I hope I’m not out of line but know not where else to go.
We just had out of town company and the evening of Dec. 21 took them to the Tinsel Town display at the Posse Ground. It was around 8:00 PM and had we known, on my, we would never have embarrassed ourselves to have done such a thing.
When we arrived there were no other cars then eventually maybe two or three others showed up. But the reason I’m sending this is because of the potential liability. Due to recent storm it was muddy, even swampy in places, and one area in particular was without lights which circled as a fence sort of thing and people tripped and one couple almost dumped their kid from its stroller because they couldn’t see the barricade.
As for the display itself, and without giving those businesses who sponsored displays credit for attempting to replace the former Fantasy of Lights at Los Abrigados, your efforts were a joke.
Santa Claus was in a fetal position as if he had too much to drink and Frosty the Snowman was tilted in the same direction. As for the light display itself, well, photos we took didn’t even show up because they were so ineffective.
Diamond Resorts International, shame on you! City of Sedona, double shame on you to continue to grease the palms of the Chamber of Commerce who are making a mockery of Sedona businesses by promoting those in competition outside City Limits.
When and if our guests return we will remain grateful for the tip to go to Cornville to see nice Christmas lights and bypass the amateur attempts of a dying destination tourist trap.
BTW, it’s an APS sign at the entry which greets visitors. Need more be said?
@ Jean. At the regular meeting Oct. 8, 2013, Sedona City Council voted 4-2 to support increasing the additional .5% bed tax kickback to the Chamber of Commerce from 50% to 55%, representing what appears to be considerably more than one million dollars. However, until actual revenue is collected that amount remains as an approximation.
B. Litrell and R. Adams voted against the additional 5%, sticking with the original Council decision of 50%. (Mike Ward was absent from the meeting.)
There was still no discussion about RFP’s (requests for proposals) and as Jean indicates, the C of C already has almost $600,000 to work with until the 2014 budget is set in July, allowing adequate time for competing proposals.
A letter had been circulated by the Chamber of Commerce rallying support by attendance at that meeting which from the round of applause at the vote outcome appeared to be a full house.
In the meantime, the proposed contract with the C of C will surface after the first of the year but it’s become common knowledge that Jennifer Wesselhoff, Chamber CEO, has been meeting regularly with Assistant City Manager Karen Daines, working through the process of crafting a suitable plan of action.
That being the case, why is the City of Sedona paying the Chamber of Commerce all that money when, in fact, they are taking city staff time to assist in creating the marketing plan?
At previous meetings nothing was confirmed requiring accountability and/or factual return on this rather sizable investment especially considering that all Chamber members will benefit, especially those outside Sedona City Limits who do not contribute to Sedona sales or bed tax revenue.
On the occasion of two different City Council meetings, I wrote the Council about the need for RFPs and competitive bidding vice showering million-dollar handouts on the Chamber annually. They refused to discuss the matter. Competing proposals are a fantasy even though the City’s pot of savings is being spent, revenues aren’t keeping pace and a budget crunch is only 1-1/2 years out.
Great that the greedhead CEO of the REGIONAL Chamber keeps returning to the Council asking for, and receiving, more allocations of CITY taxpayer $$$ (several times in recent months). If the economy goes south and future Bed Tax collections fail to justify the over $1 million Jennifer W. claims she’s entitled to, expect the Council spendthrifts to pony up the difference.
BTW, Frommer’s popular series of travel guides with information on destinations around the globe has provided some interesting statements about Sedona. From their web pages:
INTRODUCTION: “…..All this may sound perfectly idyllic, but if you lower your eyes from the red rocks, you’ll see the flip side of Sedona–a sprawl of housing developments, highways lined with unattractive strip malls and bumper-to-bumper traffic.”
“A TAXING SITUATION–You can save a little bit on your hotel bill by staying in the Village of Oak Creek rather than in Sedona proper. Not only are there several budget hotels here, but also the room tax is only 7.35% vs. 12.737% in Sedona.” And thanks to our tax and spend City Council, the savings will increase by .5% beginning Jan 1st.
What doesn’t make sense is why did the Lodging Council want this bed tax increase? As I recall they contracted (city mentality thinking) with a “consultant” that compared Sedona with places in California and even Scottsdale, but isn’t that like comparing apples and oranges? Why do these hotels etc. want to jeopardize occupancy by increasing taxes when folks can stay up the road? Who, really, is benefiting from city funding?? Logically why wouldn’t the Lodging Council be fighting such a notion? The idea of increased occupancy might work if the option to spend less wasn’t blatantly represented by cheaper competition outside city limits.
Good point @ Marty. Follow the $ trail. The majority that speak up towards the increase have a conflict of interest. Guess what they are not City residents. They live outside the city, only manage the businesses. Some of them have loved ones working in lodging outside the city. Others are afraid to speak up. Sad, shame on the city for letting it happen. Really stupid in my opinion. Lodging is a majority of NON city, of course they want the money. They do not contribute to it. You pay I play on City $.
James Poole is spot on, especially about outside involvement.
Last spring copies of a “Dear Mayor and City Council” page-long form letter supporting a .5% increase in both City Bed and Sales Taxes was presented by the so-called ‘Sedona’ Lodging Council to establishments both inside and outside City limits.
Both hotel and other business owners and/or managers signed these form letters. Also numerous employees of theirs–no doubt many concerned about job security. As I understand it, not one City resident attended any of the three promotional meetings held at the Best Western Arroyo Roble Hotel last June 17th. The .5% City Sales Tax increase advocated eventually got dumped.
The return address for form letters: 45 Sunset Drive, Sedona, AZ 86336 (i.e., the Chamber of Commerce). At one point Jennifer Wesselhoff, Chamber CEO, presented the Mayor and City Council with what was claimed to be 100 signed form letters.
BTW, the ‘Sedona’ Lodging Council is not an entity recognized by the State of Arizona.
Dragging this on seems to be an exercise in futility, but it’s impossible for me to resist adding a bit more.
This situation with City of Sedona dealings with the Sedona Oak Creek Canyon Chamber of Commerce sooo much brings to mind another questionable scenario back in August of 2000.
In a Conflict of Interest Opinion rendered by Terence C. Hance, Coconino County Attorney, relating to questionable transactions between John D. Miller and his various LLC entities and the Sedona Community Development Department and “the public employee of official involved in this matter (John O’Brien)”, City Attorney Michael Goimarac responded in a letter dated August 11, 2000:
“With this letter we offer the opinion that in several instances the Conflict of Interest laws were violated, but there is insufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the violations were of criminal nature.” The letter then turns to material facts generated during the investigation and concludes with an explanation of “our opinion.”
Among the “material facts” offered by Terence C. Hance the following is included:
“The LLCs (John D. Miller’s various corporations) operated out of the same office as did John D. Miller Real Estate (JDMREI.) The SCDD’s (Sedona Community Development Department) files show that John D. Miller authored or co-authored the correspondence between SCDD and the LLCs (often using JDMREI stationery), and took responsibility for meeting with SCDD staff and negotiating the development proposals of the LLCs with SCDD.”
We presently have Jennifer Wesselhoff, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, having admitted to regular meetings with Assistant City Manager, Karen Daines, for the purpose of crafting a proposed Destination Marketing plan in conjunction with the allocation of increased funding to the C of C derived from the recently approved “City” bed tax increase. A city staff member is assisting in crafting a “plan” for which the Chamber of Commerce will be contracted to do at the cost of city bed tax revenue of over one million dollars? Why?
Although Ms. Wesselhoff apparently represents only the C of C, questions have come up about the function of the “Chamber Chairman’s Circle” and the number of members in outlying areas, non-contributors to Sedona City sales and/or bed tax, but clearly in the position of benefiting from city funding to the C of C, of any source, since Ms. Wesselhoff in recent articles in the Sedona Red Rock News clearly, and rightfully so, upholds her primary responsibility as being to serve Chamber members. Tough luck for those businesses who prefer to decline membership to the C of C?
Although admittedly and unlike the situation back in year 2000, a Conflict of Interest, at least on the surface, remains remote but the circumstances surrounding the mystery of why this City Council is so opposed to acquiring RFP’s and determined to cover all tracks of Chamber of Commerce even without substantial commitment to providing a return on the investment or other audited measures to support the decision, they march onward but not necessarily upward.
As Barbara Litrell commented at the Council Meeting on Dec. 10 pertaining to the Council’s decision to approve a “moment of silence,”
the decision would impact future councils as well as those who attend the meetings.
Well guess what, everything this City Council (as well as former City Councils) does impose positive and/or negative impacts on EVERYONE in the future. Doesn’t it? How can any of them deny their undying commitment to the Sedona Oak Creek Canyon Chamber of Commerce in any way, shape, or form passes the smell test?
Looking at all the vacant stores it seems the only thing the chamber of commerce is good at is driving business OUT of Sedona!
That little strip mall where HideAway used to be (with the exception of the liquor store) is ALL VACANT! Then up the street sits Wheeler Trading Post, vacant for how many years now? Counting the vacancies in west Sedona is too dangerous due to traffic probably created mostly by shoppers heading to and from Cottonwood which is where I hear Kudos will soon be relocating.
Another not-so-funny joke about the C of C is that about all they do is offer “free” events (at city expense) and in addition the city is GIVING them over a million bucks to bring in destination tourists? Now if that’s the case, and all they come here for are “freebies” then what makes anyone think visitors will spend money shopping? Get real.
When is the next city council election and just who is it we’ll have a chance to send packing? IMO this council is the worst yet but guess their special interest buddies and the C of C CEO and her selected members don’t agree with that.
@Steve E – The next time we vote as residents is on the Sedona Community Plan on March 11, 2014 which is the subject after all of how this informative and educational conversation began.
Interested in disincorporation?
We have a website to promote truth and get us organized.
We need YOUR help.