Sedona AZ (November 2, 2010) – Home Depot, Cottonwood, Arizona, and Windmill Gardens in nearby Cornville, will continue supporting the retiring Road Warriors by providing products and assistance to fifteen ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Permittees and Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch. These groups have been aggressively cleaning Arizona Scenic Highway 89A between Cottonwood (MP-355) and Sedona (MP-370) for two years.
The ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Permittees between Cottonwood and Sedona are becoming the “Gold Standard” for Arizona’s taxpayer funded and struggling ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Program. Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch, Cornville, Arizona, will assume control of coordinating the entire litter recovery and recycling effort between Cottonwood and Sedona on November 20, 2010.
Home Depot has been a generous supporter of the Road Warriors for nearly two years. It has provided the litter tools and supplies required to restore the beauty to Scenic Highway 89A between Cottonwood and Sedona. As the photo indicates, Home Depot has provided litter grabbers, vests, plastic bags and storage containers to the Windmill Gardens for distribution.
Permittees between Cottonwood and Sedona qualify to receive Home Depot provided litter bags, litter grabbers and vests on a first-come, first-serve basis. Litter grabbers and vests may be borrowed and must be cleaned before returning after use. Litter bags will be dispersed to the same group of Permittees with the condition that all used bags are issued first.
All of the (15) Cottonwood to Sedona Permittees must provide, without exception, their names including the permit name and phone number to receive any of the items provided by Home Depot. The retiring Road Warriors have promised Home Depot they will be ultimately responsible for dispersing these generous gifts in the agreed upon manner.

Gary Chamberlain with ADOT permittee signage
Windmill Garden will disperse the items donated by Home Depot from its location at 9550 East Cornville Road, Cornville, Arizona. Contact Bob or Cindy Snyder, owners, at 928-649-9177 to confirm availability of litter recovery items.
The Road Warriors laid the groundwork for others to take control of AZ Scenic Highway 89 from Cottonwood to Jerome, and for Highway 260 from Cottonwood to Camp Verde. The contact information for the ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Permittees (about these two sections of highway) is available by contacting ADOT or
If you are serious about making a difference, having skin-in-the-game, having fun and getting to know your neighbors or to assume the same responsibility as Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch for autistic adults, contact for its “How To” list.
As evidenced by the amount of highway litter found on your highways, everyone’s help to restore the beauty to America the beautiful and Arizona is necessary.
This article written by Gary Chamberlain.
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