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Eddie Maddock: 2022, Are We Having Fun Yet?


SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock begins 2022 wondering what broken promises are in store for Sedona…again.

Sedona AZ – What is the meaning of night and day?  Day and Night symbolize, respectively, the birth of the Sun and its death. With the rising Sun, the Day is considered representative of new life, and fresh beginnings, possibilities, hopes, and opportunities.”

As we flip not only the page of a calendar to a new month, the time for updating that calendar to the new year of 2022 has already come and gone. And what does it really represent besides in some cases making a list of “resolutions” many if not most of which are quickly overlooked or completely forgotten until it’s time to once again sing “Auld Lang Syne” and revive the unmet resolutions of the past.

We can anticipate with wonder what is in store for Sedona. With the issues of traffic control, workforce housing, and rapidly dwindling construction sites, it appears these problems simply refuse to vanish the way we can trash old calendars.

Logical solutions have been ignored over the years, resulting in current dilemmas. Of course it is way after the fact, but if enforcing legitimate terms to provide a certain percentage of work-force accommodations in development agreements over the past surge in growth of Sedona since incorporation had been strictly enforced, the problem would not be nearly so severe. However, retrofitting corrections of former senseless decisions will not solve any problems.

Traffic control: A recent ADOT traffic study found the majority of Sedona traffic backs up miles to drive through the Sedona city limits and continues without stopping through Oak Creek canyon to reach Flagstaff and Grand Canyon.

This coming year, 2022, offers a choice to vote for a mayoral candidate and, in addition, three other city council seats will be up for grabs. Although the population of residents within Sedona City limits continues to dwindle, it becomes even more important that those who qualify to vote in local elections make a point to register and, then, by all means take a moment to cast those ballots.

Your voice does matter and thus the nonchalant attitude of “what difference will it make” is just plain dumb.

Each and every vote most assuredly DOES matter providing, of course, the method of tallying the ballots isn’t tampered with which, unfortunately, has on occasion been questioned.

Bracing for another year of challenges, what will be high priority on the upcoming city council agendas? 

There’s little doubt affordable housing will rank high – offering few options from which to choose. Are the current city council members akin to eager race horses champing at the bit to gallop forth with determined energy to solve this mysterious and ongoing problem no matter what?

Will they attempt to make the Sedona Cultural Park the sacrificial lamb to be rezoned for high density development?

A promise was made and its documentation is available on the specific terms and conditions of that particular land exchange with the U.S. Forest Service; too lengthy to address here, but it will be made available if and when such a thing as another betrayal to previous decisions is on the docket, to be revitalized in an attempt to crash and burn what little faith may still be salvageable among the few people who still respect and long to preserve the true beauty of Sedona.

And that does NOT include high density destruction of irreplaceable territory, much of which remains sacred land to our Native American Indian tribes.


  1. Left Liberals Love Russia says:


    Crimean Tatars are a Muslim ethnic minority indigenous to the Crimean Peninsula, on the northern coast of the Black Sea. In 1944, all 180,000 Crimean Tatars living in Crimea were forced onto cattle trains and exiled to Uzbekistan under the orders of bloodthirsty dictator Joseph Stalin known for killing millions of his own people. It is estimated that about half the Crimean Tatars died either during the journey to Uzbekistan or from subsequent disease and starvation during their first two years in exile. When Ukraine became a democracy, many of the remaining Crimean Tatars returned to their homeland with tears of joy and integrated into the business and social communities. Now they are terrified and fearful of Russian persecution and exile to Russia’s Muslim territories if the invasion of Ukraine happens. Where do you stand, liberals of America?

  2. Mary & Steve W. says:

    Are we having fun yet? You betcha! Today is a good day to rejoice because the Film Festival is over, done – kaput! Traffic is light. No wind. Mild temperature. And a bit of snow remains where “the sun don’t shine.”

    Glorious? Heavenly? Whatever . . . Enjoy the moment because it won’t last. Weeks ahead are being prepared to accommodate hordes of “spring breakers.”

    As the next traffic mess commences remember this day – February 27th.

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