Home » From The Readers » David VS the BIG MAN GOLIATH!


Editorial:  Gary Chamberlain -Mayor of Folksville, AZ  (USA) Population 406 Readers 1/1 CAV, B Troop  Cornville, AZ Resident

Before David slew (he really didn’t slew him, just beat some common sense into his head with a rock) the “tax collector” Goliath, David is believed to have said to Goliath, “Hey man, can we talk? We need to modify your inefficient, time consuming, bureaucratically-strangled Adopt-A-Highway program. This inefficiency exists in this and other states! In Folksville, we’ve been and are currently experimenting with some of these good ideas! If our/your litter and load cover laws were aggressively enforced, we all could spend our time, energy and money on more productive issues and wouldn’t even need the Adopt-A-Highway program.”  Imagine that! 

Goliath, being a stubborn representative for many other bureaucratic leaders, said, “Get lost little man. Who do you think you are?” …..David said, “I’m the first, of soon to be many, Mayors in Folksville, AZ (USA).  We pay taxes to you and your cronies. Are you sure you don’t know who we are? I come in peace, with a message from the people in our communities. We consist of towns and cities in Arizona which include Cottonwood,  Jerome, Clarkdale, Sedona, McGuireville and the place where I was born, Cornville. We are being written and talked about by people throughout the nation including an Army organization. Have you still not heard of us?”

Goliath said abruptly, “No, I haven’t heard of you!”…… David paused, being a very, very, patient man and said, “We have taken our cost savings ideas relating to your Adopt-A-Highway program to our city, state and federal leaders. Most of them have been mute to us.  It appears that they are too, too, busy spending the taxpayers’ money. They’re trying to find more ways to tax us to pay for existing and worse habits.  Shouldn’t they be tightening their belts like we must do, you know, live within your means?  It appears they have more important things to do right now than hearing our voice.  Will they fit us into their schedule sometime, maybe?”

Some of these leaders don’t even respond to our e-mails and phone calls. We pretty much believe we’ll do better without them on our quest to improve a broken (why does this sound familiar?) government-run program and hopefully reduce our taxes and accomplish our mission to restore the “beauty” to America the Beautiful.” So, what say you MR. BIG GUY (Goliath)?”

Goliath said, “Get lost little Dude!” ………..From here on out everyone knows the story. David picks up a rock and eliminated one of many big roadblocks which constantly stand in the way of “common sense” (a valuable commodity in short supply) approaches, by the people of Folksville to possibly reduce taxes and restore the “beauty” in America and Arizona.

The part about this story you don’t know is that David is hoping to bring the message he took to Goliath about the Adopt-A-Highway program to other bureaucrats. He hopes he doesn’t have to take a truck load of rocks with him (rocks and fuel are expensive. Bureaucrats, hmmmmm their value is difficult to quantify these or most days). …..We’ll keep you posted.

Note: Anyone who wants to share their ideas or opinions about improving the Arizona ADOT Adopt-A-Highway program, to reduce taxes and restore the “beauty” in “America the Beautiful” may contact the Mayor of Folksville at 89A.CSI@gmail.com or write to him.   Mailing address c/o Randall’s Restaurant, Folksville Town Hall, 891 South Main Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326.

Editor’s Note: These opinions represent those of the author and not the Sedona Times.

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