For many years, the Cottonwood AZ Immaculate Conception Parish and Knights of Columbus Council clean a two mile stretch of AZ 89A highway four times a year of litter and trash as members of the Arizona Adopt a Highway program.
Sedona AZ (May 17, 2015) – The Immaculate Conception Parish and Knights of Columbus Council #2493 have been a very active Adopt-A-Highway group for many years, and I have known of their efforts for over seven of those years.
The Immaculate Conception Parish and Knights of Columbus Council adopted a two-mile section of Arizona State Highway 89A and clean it four times every year. For many years, this Adopt a Highway group also cleaned the highway median as well as the highway shoulders and did an “immaculate” job!
Dan Nelson is the Parish/KC group leader, per my conversation today with its previous leader, Bob Schaefer, who now lives in Colorado. Bob is one of many military veterans who are/were members of the Immaculate Conception Parish and Knights of Columbus Council. Another very inspiring litter lifter with this group, a real spark plug, is Paul Green; however, extra special thanks for a job well done goes out to each and every, former and present, group member.

Cottonwood AZ highway trash collected by Immaculate Conception Parish and its Knights of Columbus
What an amazing team! In 2009, our original Road Warriors highway litter lifters group, which later became Folksville USA and America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs, named the Immaculate Conception and Knights of Columbus Council the area’s Adopt-A-Highway Group of the Year due to their cleaning frequency and thoroughness. Years later, that same pride in beautifying a two mile stretch of Arizona highway is as worthy of recognition.
Every three months, like clockwork, travelers will see the results of the Immaculate Conception Parish and Knights of Columbus Council efforts as they restore the true beauty to our America and Arizona the Beautiful. Let us take the time to show our appreciation and leave them a thank you comment below.
Better yet, let us follow their example and join an Adopt a Highway group. Best yet, let us teach our children by making it a family outing.
This SedonaEye.com article by Gary Chamberlain, empowering today’s youth with America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs. To contact Gary, email FolksvilleUSA@gmail.com. Photos courtesy of Immaculate Conception Parish, Cottonwood AZ.

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