Sedona AZ (January 3, 2015) – Breaking news….A fully loaded Red Rock Adventures hot air balloon found safe landing in a Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona, neighborhood after losing altitude this morning. A VOCA homeowner standing nearby said the same company had landed a balloon in his backyard once before, much to his and others surprise. The hot air balloon’s chase vehicle was on-scene to help secure the balloon’s soft landing and allow its passengers to disembark. There were no known injuries.
An observer stated that the cold outdoor temperature likely affected the ability of the balloon to maintain aloft, as the hot air within the balloon cooled more rapidly than normal.
Article and all photographs are the exclusive property of
Glad all are safe!
This happens several times a year! They have it down to a science. maybe they should not go out this time of year. I guess we will have to wait till they do damage to a home or person.
See this often around here. Fun when all ends well.
Sunday January 4. New York Time, full page article, page 12 Travel , this is a home run, an ad this size would be over $100,000.
This shows that a little P.R. and seed money can grow to Great P.R. We all need to thank the chamber and Jennifer
Sales tax and Bed tax looking good …..
steve Segner
Rumors again. Not the truth @ ss. I watched the history channel about Hitler and found it spot on. Sounds exactly like you, Jennifer and the corrupt chamber. Propaganda. Return on investment where are the exact results? You can’t take credit for everything, non chamber members as Ms Jennifer doesn’t promote them. The only home run is for NON city businesses they stole 1.3 million from the city to pay for their promotion. They didn’t pay to play.
Read for yourself
Did you or the chamber pay for this article to be printed? Did you or the chamber pay for a writer to come stay in Sedona and write this article? If so, how will it be listed under expenditures? Please explain how you are giving credit to the Chamber for this Mr. Senger.
Thanks @NYT Article for providing the real deal for all of us to read. Nice enough article but mostly the same ole, same ole that brings people here in the first place by via a much more powerful source: “Word Of Mouth” which doesn’t cost the city one red cent.
Further, the hum-drum NYT routine cannot possibly hold a candle to the sensational Sedona Eye photos. And how much did they cost the City of Sedona?
BTW @steve segner. Jennifer? Jennifer who?
Thanks @ NYT Article for posting the article. Yep exactly what I thought Segner taking credit for something that they didn’t do. Here we go again.
Blah Blah segner! The author clearly gives credit to Kim Carlsberg, a photographer, author and internationally acclaimed U.F.O. researcher and self-professed “contactee.” You nope, chamber nope, jennifer nope. blah blah blah segner…….. you take credit for anything. blah blah
So why is it that segner pushes the law? Have any of you noticed his company vehicle being park in high profile areas on 170 and 89a? Yep he has had his vehicle parked at the y forever. Gorilla marketing???? Against the law in the city of sedona…… are you afraid to call it in? Special laws for sedona mafia & bullies. Hey code enforcement what is the gig?
@anonymous Well it’s like this. When you have $1.3 million handed over to you based on the words “Just trust us,” what do you expect? That represented the key to the Golden Tower so little wonder Sir Segner does as he jolly pleases. Because he can!
Since S. Segner connects his “Jennifer” with the “chamber” do you suppose she’s also the same “Jennifer” who preached to the city council about how she would recreate Fantasy of Lights in increments by establishing Holiday Central? This being the second year was to have been embellished from last year’s production. Wha hoppen? Duh?
No light displays at the “Y”. Downsized display at Schnebley. Only new thing was crappy make-shift gift wrapping place with a flood light, against city code at that.
However, don’t despair. Seems Missy Jennifer had priorities. No doubt being overworked judging from her facebook she was in need of some R & R as evidenced by her own “Holiday Central” photos on a sandy beach someplace far, far away from dark Sedona.
Segner’s correct about one thing. Apparently a “little seed money” goes a long way!
To, anonymous,
Once again you are wrong MY jeep says “Sun Country” is always moving and never at the y- parked. Sun Country was sold last year and this is my personal Jeep.
Please now say you’r sorry.
And yes sales tax and bed tax are up…. but you will never admit the city advertising program is working. Oh I forgot we had a fire in the canyon this summer. And the Grand Canyon was closed fall 2013 and the town filled up and and we were still up in 2014.
But then the most of the Oak Creek Canyon is out side the city limits so we must no
Talk about it.
Another Guy’s Point of View Word Of Mouth”” which doesn’t cost the city one red cent.:
True statement, great advertising… just think about the word of mouth that got started with all the free articles the chambers gets placed in news papers around the country, The New Your Time article was a home run
Millions of readers.
I ask again why all the hate, is the glass always ½ empty?
Steve Segner
Mr. Segner, I don’t know why you keep trying to explain common sense to the people on this site. They won’t listen no matter what the truth is.
blah blah false again taking credit for things you have nothing to do about. Prove it. Yep I saw your elllllll also. blah blah. you can’t take credit for all the sales tax since your club is not 100% in the city. Why don’t you give the in town lodging FREE chamber membership since they are the only ones paying to play.blah blah blah you got your hand in a cookie jar pay for your own advertising beggar. If your cup was so fill you wouldn’t be a beggar. blah blah blah segner.
Mr. Segner is very predictable. For him to use the Slide Fire last spring as an economic downturn was a no-brainer. And what the Grand Canyon closing in 2013 has to do with any of this is ????? since the “Destination Marketing” contract didn’t go into effect until I believe July of 2014?
Mr. S. makes no mention of the lowest gasoline prices in several years as a factor on increase in sales tax. The only reliable accounting of the effectiveness (if any) on the actual Return on Investment of the $1.3 million for “Destination Marketing” must come from the City and must accurately reflect increase in bed tax during Sedona’s off seasons, one of which we have now entered (January.)
Blow smoke, Mr. Segner. The proof will come, I repeat, from accurate, detailed, and itemized accounting, subject to auditing by the IRS if necessary, from both Chamber of Commerce, Sedona Lodging Council, and the City of Sedona.
The past council that voted for this embarrassing situation should be ashamed.
If you explained the truth then maybe Long Time Resident’s comment would make sense. However, the more you yammer the deeper you dig your own trench.
The proof will surface whether or not increased bed taxes are reflected during slow tourist seasons. Period.
And what do you find “hateful” about people expressing different opinions or not buying into your utter propaganda? Not all of us are as stupid as last years city council members that put this insanity into motion. That is my opinion, stated as such, and is not a threat, intimidation, or “hate” as you would perhaps prefer to interpret it.
Long Time Resident , I know but if we let people keep make false statements the others will start to see it a truth, I just chime in when the b.s. get deep or out and out lies are being stated as fact. (my jeep at the Y)
The city of Sedona has the 2014/2015 marketing plane on file and anyone can get a copy, Just ask steve
We have photos of your vechicle parked for days. Someone posted it on facebook. I agree you don’t tell the truth. Post the marketing “PLANE” I can see by your spelling it is the real segner, gorilla marketing and bullying eveyone controlling taxpayers money. “Da Plane Da plane” fits you well. (from the love boat)
Create a CVB and get the businesses that benefit to pay. PAY to PLAY includes EVERYONE. The Hilton Enchantment like all the hotels outside the city should NOT benefit by sales tax and bed tax They DO NOT contribute.
City of Sedona stop being fooled, you are hurting the hand the feeds you. More businesses for sale and moving, stay tune. You’re getting smaller.
Segner says: “I just chime in when the b.s. get deep or out and out lies are being stated as fact.”
He started his initial dialog under “Balloon Finds Safe Landing on Sedona Street” apparently as a chance to flaunt the absurd NYT piece to give credit to Jennifer and the chamber, which had nothing to do with the above article. What he appears to be is an opportunist (nothing wrong with that) but his efforts seemed to backfire because he didn’t receive the accolades he perhaps had hoped for.
Who cares where S. Segner parks his jeep? What’s really at issue here is an ill-advised city council vote that allowed for a private, special interest regional organization to take control of Sedona.
Too many people actually believe the “regional” Chamber of Commerce is part of Sedona City Government. As an incorporated city, just that concept alone is against the Arizona State Statutes, as outlined in another post on this site, since the Chamber promotes their members outside the incorporated boundaries. Like it or not, folks, that’s the way it is. (Or at least the way it should be.)
To Segner
FACT: the New York Times does not take gratuities, on any level, from anyone – even the likes of the great Steve Segner and the (Regional) Chamber of Sedona Commerce when they write an article about any issue or item or destination tourist place.
When most writers contact business’s it’s to get freebies in order to promote their (the writer) free trip/vacation, etc. and take advantage of business’s who just want to be seen – the NY Times doesn’t take advantage of anyone that way.
Why you might ask? Easy answer is because they really do have scruples and integrity and simply write about their un-skewed experiences – good or bad.
Steve Segner really does show his lack of scruples when he decides to tag on to a sad story of a balloon ride in trouble to tag our Regional Chamber with any level of credit! How disgusting to say the least.
Steve S also said: “Once again you are wrong MY jeep says “Sun Country” is always moving and never at the y- parked. Sun Country was sold last year and this is my personal Jeep.”
So, Mr. Segner what’s your game with leaving the name of Sun Country on a jeep you say you own?
No one need apologize to you – in fact that should be your New Years Resolution = YOU need to apologize to all of us and the Council as you are quoted as saying “Just Trust ME”! Who in hell would trust YOU? And Why should we trust Bully YOU?
So many of the above comments have caught your real persona. Personally? I find you a non-player and a juxtapose to who you really dream you are – and suggest you just run your wedding business – up the Canyon – and your Portal and leave the rest of us alone.
Flatlander/Fact So, Mr. Segner what’s your game with leaving the name of Sun Country on a jeep you say you own?
What the deal with the jeep?
The question is why all the hate for the chamber, your elected city council approved the .5% bed tax.
I checked with the city yesterday and income from bed tax and sales tax is running at around 10% over budget you should be happy that your city is doing so well.
But you are not a happy person, so if you like I will park my jeep at the “Y “today to advertise a business no longer around so you have something to get worked up about.
Nope, he doesn’t need to apologize to me I think that owe Segner a round of applause for thinking out side of the box
Thank you Mr. Segner
To Segner and Long Time Resident: If you will recall – Please? – I never brought up the .5% increase in City Bed Taxes so I’m dumbfounded as to why you, yet again, don’t find the scruples within you to address the real issues I spoke about?
What I said was that the NY Times does not take ” gratuities, on any level, from anyone ” and that you were trying to spew some garbage related to the NY Times article about Sedona on the back of a sad story about a hot air balloon in trouble as you lamely attempted to have the Regional Chamber get credit for something they had no part in. Have You No Shame?
Next and again this is Factual: any one who puts together a Budget ALWAYS adds in a + or – dollar amount in order cover their backsides of money in and out…so Good for the City with their report back to you! Yet the real bottom line on how those figures should be looked at is as follows: How many properties actually reported and paid their taxes and how many did not – oh, and how many came current from past times of not paying their taxes?
That (bed tax) entire concept and discussion is a moving target – AND not the topic of my post!.
Segner – Gotta give you a tinkle of credit for dancing the dance of the 7 Veils!!
P.S. I don’t give a damn where you park your jeep. What I do give a damn about is how you continue to skate away from the fact you run a wedding site up the Canyon and, as we are supposed to just Trust You – you NEVER own it!
I call that a major SCAM and nope your words of Trust ME – leave me and many others just freezing cold. A scam is a scam and the artist of the scam is just less than worthy of Trust on any level.
If you want to once again try to ride off of the Trust Me marketing with the City and ask any of us to actually believe that the $1.3m gift from the City actually brought anyone into Sedona for the grand Holiday Central – then I ask you to Prove it with a very simple P&L from the Regional Chamber and the City. Can you call the City and get those numbers as easily as you did the tax numbers to sustain something I never asked you about?