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Eye on Sedona with Councilwoman Williamson
Sedona City Councilwoman Jessica Williamson
Sedona AZ (January 27, 2015) – The City of Sedona submitted the following SedonaEye.com article written by Councilwoman Jessica Williamson:
Take another look at the Verde River. The Verde River flowing through Clarkdale and Cottonwood is the last free-flowing river in Arizona. Seven other Arizona rivers have been dammed. The Verde River emerges from...
2011 Verde Valley Water Festival
Cottonwood AZ (October 6, 2010) – Over 110 volunteers, 19 teachers and 436 local elementary students participated in the 4th annual Verde Valley Water Festival at Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood today. The Water Festival is part of Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), a free teaching and learning resource for all 4th grade students and teachers in the Verde Valley. This...