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Surviving the war
Retired Air Force Technical Sgt. Gerald May (L) and retired Air Force Staff Sgt. Jack Hallman (R) met for the first time in February 2019, nearly 74 years after the end of World War II. The veterans talked about their experiences as prisoners of war. They were both in the same POW camp at the same time, but never encountered each other. ROBERT MILLER/Staff photo
Sedona AZ – Reliving memories...
Eddie Maddock: The Eye of the Hurricane
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock takes a look at the real world.
Sedona AZ (September 8, 2017) – In the midst of reviewing the recent flurry of comments on SedonaEye, the following email arrived from a dear friend. The message was a zinger.
Unfortunately it frequently takes shock treatment to put things in perspective. If my friend gives the go ahead, this will move on to the SE editor...