Home » Posts tagged with "David Blauert and Phyllis Erick Sedona AZ"
Sedona Perfect Endings
Sedona AZ (August 23, 2012) – Well, Ladies and Gentlemen…it’s finally over.
It began with a few citizens standing outside Sedona Fire Station #1 at the end of a particularly disturbing Sedona Fire District Governing Board meeting in June of 2011. After witnessing what they believed to be the final straw, of a Governing Board running roughshod over members of the public and its own professional...
Blauert and Erick End Effort to Regain SFD Board Seats
Sedona AZ (August 21, 2012) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com, a Village of Oak Creek resident discusses the effort by David Blauert and Phyllis Erick to overturn their recent recall from the Sedona Fire District Governing Board:
Dear SedonaEye.com Editor,
On June 29 and July 10, 2012, respectively, recalled then-subsequently-defeated Sedona Fire District Governing Board members, Dave Blauert...
Majority of Business Owners Intimidated by SFD Recall?
Sedona AZ (September 30, 2011) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The SFD Board Recall is presenting challenges past Recalls haven’t had to face due to the temperament of those being recalled, and their supporters. We are finding an alarming number of people who truly hope the recall will be successful, however are afraid to sign petitions due to threats and intimidation....