Home » Posts tagged with "California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)"
APS Enough is Enough
Sedona AZ (March 26, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Legal Division has issued some options for how the ACC commissioners might deal with my appeal of their decision to let APS charge an extortion fee to people who refuse a “smart” meter.
APS has responded to those options. APS’s response is here: http://images.edocket.azcc.gov/docketpdf/0000162592.pdf...
Utilities Emails Prove Smart Meter Program Collusion
Sedona AZ (February 27, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The corruption at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) continues to unfold.
More revealing emails have been uncovered.
In the press release below from Stop Smart Meters!, you’ll read how the CPUC colluded and conspired with the utilities that the CPUC was supposed to be regulating.
For example...
ACC Whistleblower Alleges Corruption
ACC Chairman Bob Stump sits on NAURC
Sedona AZ (February 20, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Major ACC Corruption Scandal!
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ February 20, 2015
I have been saying it for years, either the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is corrupt or incompetent, or both. Incompetence is a certainty, and now it...
FBI Asked to Investigate ACC
The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.
Sedona AZ (February 9, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona 86336
February 6, 2015
Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)
Docket Control Center
1200 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Re: Docket...