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Sedona Council and Chamber Election Lies
Sedona AZ (August 26, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
City of Sedona Council and its affiliation with the Chamber of Commerce is under scrutiny by the state of Arizona and its angry residents.
This is the story of lies by commission or omission with a love for wanton ignorance. It has created a sad atmosphere for our little city. Do you want the future of Sedona...
Noel Campbell – Candidate State Representative LD1 – Republican
Noel Campbell, candidate for state representative LD1
Sedona AZ – Noel Campbell, candidate for State Representative LD1 – Republican, just couldn’t sit on the sidelines for this election. For one thing, Campbell points out that there are two openings for LD1 and only three candidates, so if he didn’t run the voters would not have a true choice. He is also concerned about runaway...