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Eye on Sedona City News
This information submitted by the City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (January 13, 2014) – The City of Sedona Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Recreational Fitness Class for adults under the expertise of a local fitness trainer and nutrition coach, James Fisher.
Fisher has nearly twenty years experience in the field of training and exercise. His four-week course begins February 2, 2015,...
AZ Footy Soccer Builds Role Models
AZ Footy soccer members pictured from L to R are Jose Aviles, Jordan Rivera, Tanner Young, Jesus Delgado, Jesus Estudillo, Ivan Aguilar and Jesus Dominguez
Sedona AZ (July 16, 2014) – For the past eight years I have been the AZ Footy soccer team coach. Starting with AYSO (Arizona Youth Soccer Association), the team became a traveling soccer club seven years ago. The team has been able to compete...
Sedona Verde Valley Firefighter Charities Granted Non-Profit Status
The Sedona-Verde Valley Firefighter Charities (SVVFC) is proud to announce that we have been granted 501(c) (3) non-profit status as of January 2010. Over the past 16 years, SVVFC has raised awareness and funds for multiple charitable organizations on a local, state and national level. These activities have only reiterated the importance and need for the forming our own non-profit organization. Although...