Home » Posts tagged with "Arkansas"
J. Rick Normand: Sedona Mayor on Tourism Ad Dollars Unnecessary
J. Rick Normand, examines City of Sedona contract with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce in his two-part Op-Ed series
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act!- George Orwell
Have you seen the Chamber’s new signs? “Let’s Fix Traffic…Vote Yes on Visitors Rule!” (..over us, that is?)
OK, the signs actually say “Vote Yes on Home Rule,” but Home Rule enables...
Basket of Deplorables Hillary Clinton Calls Trump Supporters
Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has taken the lead in recent polls
Sedona AZ (September 14, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
There has been a lot of talk this week about Hillary’s Health Issues. I am getting confused because I have never known of any performing contortionist who had major health issues, and it looks like Hillary is either an accomplished...
Arkansas Couple Arrested for Transporting Meth
Sedona AZ (May 22, 2015) – On May 14, 2015, at approximately 7:45 in the morning, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office K9 deputies arrested an Arkansas couple, Wallace McMaster, 59, and his wife, Sherri McMaster, 56, for charges that include possession, transportation and the sale of dangerous drugs.
Background – Following a traffic violation by a red Chevrolet pick-up truck on Arizona Interstate...