Home » Posts tagged with "Arizona Public Services"
July 4 Weekend Significantly Increased Public Safety Agencies Calls
Sedona AZ – The 2023 Independence Day weekend of June 30 to July 4 culminated with a significant increase in service calls and outdoor activity incidents around northern Arizona, per the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office activity report.
CCSO Deputies worked closely with officers from the United States Forest Service, National Park Service, Arizona Game and Fish, and other Northern Arizona...
APS Petitioned To Eliminate Peak Hours During Pandemic
Sedona AZ – An online petition had 5803 signatures as of March 31, 2020, asking Arizona Public Services (APS) to eliminate its peak hour billing during the coronavirus pandemic.
In petitioner Brian Martin’s words, “I want APS to eliminate peak hours during this pandemic situation. Why is this important? During the holidays, APS is known to turn off peak hours so we can enjoy our holidays...
ACC Chairman Anti-Solar Bias Questioned in APS Rate Case
Sedona AZ (October 15, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
ACC Chairman Shows Bias in APS Rate Case
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ October 13, 2016
The corruption at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) just never ends. The latest example is ACC chairman Doug Little’s promotion of anti-rooftop solar...