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Sedona Vice Mayor Martinez discusses sex trafficking in America
Article submitted by the city of Sedona and written by Vice Mayor John Martinez.
Sedona AZ – See Something, Say something!
Before I begin my City Talk article about something that I am deeply passionate about, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and plans for a Happy New Year.
My subject is about sex and human trafficking.
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery involving the...
GO Sedona Bicycle and Pedestrian wikimap launched for your input
Notice submitted by City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ – The city of Sedona has launched the online tool Wikimapping to collect ideas for walking and biking improvements. Featuring a map of Sedona, you can draw routes that you would like to have built or improved; mark favorites and suggest “great” locations; and, mark locations you feel are problematic. Once you mark your routes, you can add comments...
Arizona Backcountry Snow Activity Requires Permit
Sedona AZ – On February 17, 2019, at approximately 2:00 in the afternoon, Coconino County Sheriff’s Office received a report of an adult skier and an adult snowboarder, both from the Phoenix area, who were lost outside of the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Area boundary. An approximate location was determined from their 911 call which indicated that they were east of Viet Springs at the top of a cliff.
The Good Old Daze
Sedona AZ (October 31, 2011) – © Mel Copen, October, 2011
I’ve often written about a concept from the world of physics that fascinates me: entropy. One simple definition is that “things left to themselves tend to disorder (or ‘chaos’ if you prefer).” It requires outside infusions of energy to restore order. The concept seems to apply to almost everything from an expanding universe...