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NAWBO Hosts Mod Mom Founder Kiersten Hathcock

Kiersten Hathcock NAWBO

Kiersten Hathcock, Founder of Mod Mom Furniture

Sedona AZ (October 20, 2015)Kiersten Hathcock of Mod Mom Furniture and Shark Tank television appearance fame, will be the featured speaker at the NAWBO Sedona-Verde Valley November luncheon in west Sedona.

While growing an internationally known furniture company, the award winning self taught furniture designer and carpenter will share how she learned to trust intuition and apply it to business. Hathcock learned that trusting and acting on intuition, an integral part of how she lives life, was her key to success during an appearance on the popular television show, Shark Tank. She will share concrete ways to differentiate intuition from mind based thoughts, as well as, stories of following intuitive guidance.

Hathcock of Flagstaff, Arizona is a former TV marketing executive. In 2007, she founded Mod Mom Furniture while teaching herself to build furniture. For three and a half years, she built everything in her four hundred square foot garage until 2011 when she outsourced manufacturing here in the US. Over the years, Mod Mom Furniture has not only been featured in magazines, TV shows and modern design books, but is being purchased by families, celebrities, and interior designers from around the globe. Celebrities like Christina Applegate, Matthew and Camilla McConaughey, and tastemakers like Rachel Zoe, flocked to Mod Mom for unique, stylish, eco friendly furniture.

NAWBOTo preregister for this November 12, 2015 luncheon and guest speaker event at Relics Restaurant, 3235 West Highway 89A, Sedona AZ 86336, visit here. The cost is $20 for members and $30 for guests with vegetarian and gluten free meal options; on site registration is $30 for members and $40 for guests. For more information, email info@nawbosvv.org.

The mission of the Sedona-Verde Valley Chapter of NAWBO is to promote the excellence of their members, thereby strengthening their businesses and the vitality of the Northern Arizona economy; connect independent, vibrant business owners locally, regionally, nationally and globally; stimulate their members’ business potential through education, training and mentoring.

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  1. Do you get a percentage of her furniture sales for this AD!!!!!!!!???????????? Ridiculous. The are many local artists making furniture & more that DONT rely on INTUITION????? WTF!!!!! shes a savvy self promoter looking pretty for teevee!!! LOOK AT HER NAILS!!! she hasn’t made a stick of furniture in years unless its for her nail salon!!! how about covering us hardworking smucks in the valley if you need WOMEN to cover. I’m mad & thught I’d let you Sedona weirdos know!!!!.

  2. Bill, uptown says:

    @Allie. . . agree but how about stop sniffing paint thinner cuz it’s eaten your civil tongue, having a blessed day here. . . .

  3. Robert Petril says:

    Kiersten the comment above reminds me of the saying…”walk a mile in the shoes…” That unhappy stranger obviously has no idea that you’re still building by hand alongside the small manufacturing you have fought long to keep going. Nor your current courageous struggle. I’m so proud of you!

  4. Cynthia S. says:

    A woman well worth spot-lighting, honoring, and encouraging. I have followed her journey for a couple years. Yes, she’s smart, pretty, well-mannered and at times probably well-manicured. It’s her breeding, and work ethic that marks her as a true American dreamer, believer; a real “Grace Kelly with a tool belt”.
    I’m sorry for the first woman who commented here; her sour, bitter jealous bite has left her devoid and scarce of creative generosity when it comes to recognizing that not only is there plenty of room for talented artisans to share the glow of recognition but, to the end the cream always rises to the top. Kiersten is the real deal in everything she does. Her hands will always carry a callus as a trophy. Well earned, ever deserving trophies. She owns this, don’t let hate it over-ride the gifts.

  5. To Allie in the Valley: How very petty of you to attack Kiersten and her business. I am fortunate enough to not only be Kiersten’s Dad, but also work with her at Mod Mom. I can assure you that she has no qualms about using a table saw or making an accomplished cut with her saber saws. The first year of Mod Mom she built over 300 toy boxes in her garage. May I suggest to you, Allie that you do two things to land a speaking gig: develop a business promotion plan and use your energies to work harder rather than attacking others!

  6. Robert, Cynthia, and Barry: I am so touched by your caring comments. Thank you SOOO much for all your support and love. I am truly looking forward to volunteering my time next week in Sedona to this wonderful organization that lifts up women entrepreneurs and business leaders. I’ll be sharing real life experiences (triumphs and mistakes) that helped me build an internationally known furniture company from my garage. I sincerely hope my journey and story help the women of NAWBO in some small way!

  7. Shannon says:

    Kiersten, I am so proud of you!! Having been your friend since middle school, I have firsthand knowledge of your drive to not only succeed but excel. From helping your dad make furniture when you were young to making toy box after toy box not only by hand but alone in your sweltering LA garage, you persevered and now have a booming business. Not only that, you have stayed sweet and humble through it all so I brag about you every chance I get. You are a beautiful role model and deserve the recognition! Rock on with those Lee Press-On Nails!!

  8. This lady not only runs the power tools to build her amazing kind of furniture, but is very dedicated to empowering others. Yes, she’s highly intuitive…meaning she trusts her isn’t guidance and helps others do the same. Working women can get their nails done too from time to time… smh
    Your will never succeed criticizing the success of others.

  9. I am appalled when a woman makes derogatory comments about another woman. Why on earth would you say such things when obviously you know nothing about Kiersten? Allie, God gave women intuition for a reason. Mine saved my life two years ago. It would be wise on your part in the future to think before you speak. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Maybe then a hardworking smuck like you mIght be featured in an article for all the Sedona weirdos to read.

  10. I applaud you, Kiersten, with fault to you, Allie, but not for Andy Robinson’s reasoning of “anti-woman bashing.” Women and men are not immune from mistakes or imperfections and should be judged equally – not due to junk loads. Women can and should be critical and supportive and discerning of each other; otherwise they act like the worst of men. Kiersten – it looks like you are a wonderful person from all the accolades from family and friends! Be a bigger success and all power to ya! I hope many go hear your talk.

  11. Subzero Kari says:

    Way cool, Kiersten!! You are a shining star of beauty, truth & love… A bohemian goddess of creative awesome just plain GOODNESS. (Sorry for those haters… they be missin’ out on the good stuff!) ;-)

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