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Fact Check Please

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock fact checks local print newspaper Smart Meter information

Sedona AZ (January 31, 2014) – SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock shares insightful emails with the editor of the local print newspaper that published incorrect Smart Meter Opt Out information in its recent publication, and an Arizona Corporation Commissioner Policy Advisor Thomas Galvin:

— Original Message ——–


From: “Eddie Maddock”

Date: Fri, January 31, 2014 4:11 pm

To: <editor@larsonnewspapers.com>

Cc: <ternster@ci.sedona.az.us>, <burns-web@azcc.gov> 

ATTN: Christopher Fox Graham 

Although I have not seen today’s edition (01/31/14) of the Sedona Red Rock News, a phone call from a neighbor advises me you feature an article stating it is the intention of Arizona Public Service to presently charge a fee to those who have opted out of the installation of smart meters.

Efforts to reach you by telephone were unsuccessful, therefore I’m forwarding recent communication (dated 01/29/14) from the Arizona Corporation Commission advising that no opt out fees will be charged at this time.

In addition, I just spoke with Cindy of Arizona Public Service in Phoenix, ( 602-250-2280 ) who has assured me that the information in the e-mail from Thomas Galvin is accurate . . . that “Currently rate payers may opt out at no charge.” I explained to Cindy that I have not read the article in the Red Rock News; however, according to the information received from my neighbor it suggests that a charge will become effective immediately after installation of smart meters commences in Sedona for those who have opted out.

It was my suggestion to Cindy that she contact you to set the record straight and avoid further confusion as to just exactly what is going on here. If the information I received does not accurately reflect what it is your reporter is conveying, I apologize. However, if others have been misled then I would suspect you would be interested in having knowledge of that.

Thank you,

(Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock 

——-Original Message——-

From: Burns-Web

Date: 1/29/2014 11:07:37 AM


The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.

The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.


Dear Mr. Maddock,

I am the policy advisor to Commissioner Brenda Burns. Thank you for your input regarding smart meters. While APS did submit a proposal for an “opt-out policy”, the Corporation Commission (ACC) has not yet acted on that application. Currently, ratepayers can opt-out of smart meters with no charge.

You do not need a blue tag to be on the “opt-out” list. APS is placing blue tags while performing its regularly scheduled meter reading visits. However, they have an updated list of all ratepayers who have requested to keep their analog meter.

Commissioner Burns has heard quite a number of concerns from utility customers. She and the other commissioner have engaged with the state’s Department of Health Services for an independent study that is due sometime later this year. In addition, the commissioners recently agreed to move forward with a process to implement rules regarding privacy concerns and related issues.

The ACC requires APS to fully inform how many ratepayers have opted out, and the ACC continues to monitor that data.


Thomas Galvin

The Policy Advisor to Commissioner Brenda Burns

Arizona Corporation Commission

Kelly Aceto

Executive Aide to Commissioner Brenda Burns

Arizona Corporation Commission


From: Eddie Maddock

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:34 PM

To: Utilities Div – Mailbox

Cc: Burns-Web; Pierce-Web



——-Original Message——-

From: Eddie Maddock

Date: 1/23/2014 12:21:59 PM

To: MAILMASTER@azcc.gov

Cc: burns-web@azcc.gov; pierce-web@azcc.gov



It’s come to my attention via an e-mail from Nick Gioello with the City of Sedona that APS intends to begin installation of smart meters in Sedona in the very near future.

This is to emphasize that I officially opted out by means of Certified Mail (return receipt requested) to APS in Phoenix on 09/05/11. By both the signed return receipt and a letter from APS dated 09/13/11, signed by Valerie D., APS Customer Service, acknowledgment of my request to opt out from installing a smart meter on my property was acknowledged.

This is to affirm that my request is still actively on record.

Kindly reply,

Eddie S. Maddock
cc: by US mail to APS, P. O. Box 53933, Phoenix, AZ 85072-3933

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For the best in Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!


  1. Sue Hord says:

    Liked this article on Facebook.

  2. Wendy Tanzer says:

    Great information! Thank you, Eddie Maddock!!!

  3. ——-Original Message——-

    From: Eddie Maddock
    Date: 1/29/2014 11:40:55 AM
    To: Burns-Web@azcc.gov
    Subject: RE: SMART METERS

    Thank you, Thomas Galvin, for replying to the communication I sent to Commissioner Brenda Burns.

    As you acknowledged by referring to the request for the state’s Department of Health Services to conduct an independent study, there remains a question regarding the safety of smart meters. Therefore why in the world does the Arizona Corporation Commission continue to allow these devices to be installed prior to having the results of that study, which you claim will be forthcoming later in the year. If the findings of the Department of Health Services prove conclusively to the satisfaction of ACC that smart meters are lethal, what then?

    The amount of information that has been circulated within Sedona and adjacent areas should certainly be enough evidence to convince the ACC to restrain APS from continuing their rampant efforts to contaminate properties. Are they not concerned with future liability? Apparently not.

    And then what about neighbors who allow the installation of smart meters which suggestively also have the ability to contaminate adjacent properties. Who will be liable for that scenario?

    The mere idea that those of us who opt out due to potential health concerns will be penalized by the suggestion of future fees is outrageous.

    Many unanswered questions here and yet reckless decisions continue to be made by the Arizona Corporation. Speaking only for myself, the activity is shameful although I most assuredly am aware that I am not alone in my assessment.

    (Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock

  4. N. Baer says:

    Everyone needs to be aware that the “proposed” APS $75 fee is to replace your digital meter. If you signed up for “time of use” billing, your analog mechanical meter was replaced with a digital meter. To ensure that you will not be assessed any charge (if indeed there is a proposed charge) for replacing your meter, be sure to change to “flat rate billing” and call to get your digital meter replaced with an analog meter.

  5. I’m so happy to see Eddie Maddock join forces with Nancy and so many others who have stood their ground against APS. This group of community members with their factual data just keeps growing.

  6. @Mrs. Roger Thomas

    Thank you and please note that I’m not a newcomer to this effort. The Certified Letter to which I refer in my first e-mail to Mr. Galvin was dated September 5, 2011.

    Eddie M.

  7. City Manager Tim Ernster was copied with my correspondence to Christopher Fox Graham, Editor, Red Rock News. Here’s Mr. Ernster’s response to me and my subsequent reply to him:

    ——Original Message——-

    From: Tim Ernster
    Date: 2/3/2014 10:13:00 AM
    To: Eddie Maddock; editor@larsonnewspapers.com
    Cc: burns-web@azcc.gov
    Subject: Fw: RE: SMART METERS


    The story in the Red Rock news makes it pretty clear that APS will not be charging an opt out fee for customers requesting to opt out of the AMI meter installation. The story further states that once the Arizona Corporation Commission approves an opt out policy, there most likely will be some kind of opt-out charge that could include a monthly fee added to your monthly electric bill plus an additional set-up fee.

    I hope this information is helpful.


    Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 10:29:55 -0700
    From: Eddie Maddock
    To: editor@larsonnewspapers.com; TErnster@sedonaaz.gov
    CC: burns-web@azcc.gov
    Subject: Re: Fw: RE: SMART METERS

    Thanks, Tim, for responding.

    Since I sent my e-mail to the Editor at the RRNews I have read the article. However, I do understand why my neighbor and others were concerned based on a reference at the beginning about the $75 plus $30 monthly charges. That immediately sent the wrong message even though towards the end it was stated differently.


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