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Eye on Sedona Budget Review and Planning

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (May 8, 2015) – It’s that time of year for budget review and planning. Work sessions are presently taking place.

In two years, the Capital Improvement Fund will be depleted. Just last week a “professional service contract” was signed by the City to pay out over $2,000 a month ($25,000 annually) to Red Earth Theater for it to provide performing arts. Of course Sedona has been promoted as an art center, but since when haven’t artists been able to promote themselves? Where is the pride and confidence in their ability if they are unable to do so?  Since when was that a financial responsibility of public tax funds? Why wasn’t that facility, the Teen Center, leased out for profit to the City instead of the other way around?

How much more will be “given” to non-profits? All worthy causes, but again not the responsibility of a municipality when creature comforts become neglected and there’s no funding in sight to make things right.

The primary responsibility of our elected officials is to provide for the Health, Safety, & Welfare of those living within the confines of the designated area – City Limits. They were not elected to continually over-use the words “I think” and base their decisions on their own wants, needs, personal agendas, and opinions that don’t reflect the will of the general population, those that elected them for the purpose of representing them and not themselves.

And, of course, in Sedona the same considerations must be extended to our visiting tourists since, yes, they are huge contributors to the tax base and also deserve, among other creature conveniences, decent roads and adequate parking while spending time in Sedona.

Spending millions to encourage more traffic when Sedona cannot accommodate what is already here is nonsense.

Giving away money to the line-up of many who should be self sufficient is out of control. What about the Sedona Film Festival? Has anyone bothered to request an audit in order to determine just how badly that very popular offering to Sedona is in need of enhanced funding?

sedona chamber of commerceEnough has already been reported on the absurdity of the outrageous and unaccountable amount of money allocated to the “regional” Chamber of Commerce to advertise themselves, increase their own membership, enhance their own web site, and operate a City financed Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center to promote only their members as they continue to shun in-city businesses that do not acquiesce to their demands:  Be a Chamber member or else you do not get referrals from the Visitors Center. And at the same time they promote members that do not contribute to the City tax base!

As a Chamber of Commerce that is its responsibility – to serve its members. It is not the responsibility of the City of Sedona to use tax revenue to advertise the Chamber and their members – period.

Priorities appear to be skewed, and unless they are intensely reviewed and scrutinized current sources of revenue will dry up and, of course, then comes the question: What will be the “new” source(s) of money?

We all know what proposals have been on the drawing board and it’s highly unlikely they will be favorably received by the voting citizens of Sedona as long as the frivolous spending continues.

Heads-up! The process is under way – so now more than ever is the time to pay attention.

How many residents are in the position of grasping “new” sources of funds when we feel it’s a good idea? That notion, of course, is very unlikely as we must realistically alter our wish list to accommodate living within our budgets.

Why does the City of Sedona feel that rule doesn’t apply to them? Isn’t it time we insist they do?

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Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. IMO says:

    IMO this has been in the works for a long time.

    The City of Sedona plays for kick backs, pays for regional love, tells the residents and businesses in the city limits they don’t contribute. Making the in city folks feel bad. They just want to live their lives. They don’t engage as those OUTSIDE the city limits are more liked and wanted by the city. This is why anyone OUTSIDE the city can play at CC meeting,, citizens engagment and why YOU the taxpayer PAYS for regional marketing.

    Now they WANT to RULE the region. IMO You pay they PLAY!

  2. Relieved says:

    Phew! Caught part of that Special City Council Meeting yesterday (9/23) and both City Manager and Asst. City Manager assured City Council that Sedona was financially solid for the next few years and no need to seek new sources of funding at this time.

    Green light was given for Western Gateway, Brewer and Schnebly Roads Focus Areas, so guess that means none of the flatlanders need to worry about condition of our roads or potential flooding. Apparently the master plan for drainage and flood control must also be copacetic as well. What a relief that is considering El Nino conditions are predicted which means increased precipitation this coming winter.

    Thought you would all welcome this excellent news.

  3. J. J. says:

    Of course green light was give for Western Gateway, which BTW was created by one of those land swaps they hate so much they want to create a National Monument so that they never happen. What’s to say they won’t break the rules even under a National Monument? City Council speaks with forked tongue.

  4. If the National Monument declaration sails through there will be absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION (as if there is now) to award that crooked chamber of commerce money for “destination marketing” and/or the phony “visitors center,” catering only to their own members, shunning many city tax-base contributors who foot the bill. That point has even been made by at least one city council member who will presumably grace us with her presence at the upcoming council meeting when we’ll find out if this council has the guts to actually take a vote on the issue.

  5. Jan says:

    Have you ever seen a bunch of more phony-baloney people than the past two city councils? Claiming they want to preserve the beauty of Sedona while at the same time approving major hotel resorts within eye-shot of each other? Then the huge amount of unaccountable funding to the regional Chamber of Commerce to advertise for even more tourists? And now consideration a National Monument designation to preserve this area? These people are nuts. Do they ever think seriously about their actions? Oh, and let’s not forget the constant wailing about Sedona City Residents not paying “city property taxes” which was part of the deal when voters approved incorporation: NO CITY PROPERTY TAXES!

    Listening to certain council members rave on, and on, and on at council meetings (wonder if he’s even aware of it) makes us wonder how in God’s name Sedona survived prior to this know-it-all preacher that cannot seem to shut up.

    To Hell with the budget since living within its constraints isn’t a concept familiar to them. Oh, but I forgot, Sedona’s financially in good shape for the next several years. Well, we’ll see about that if this predicted El Nino turns out as anticipated. Even in Flagstaff (Coconino County) public information meetings are being conducted to help plan for potential flooding conditions. Sedona? Of course not. The only plans here are for a creek-side park and walkway. Well, maybe the test of that stupid idea lies within the near future but these people are so oblivious they wouldn’t realize it if their own cars were stuck in a low water crossing and carried down stream. Hey, another “event” to lure more tourists? FUN! WHOOPEE!

  6. @Jan, forgive me, but just can’t resist visualizing the new C of C promotional ads:

    Visit Sedona, Arizona, the exclusive National Monument comparable to Disneyland.

    Enjoy in your own automobile riding the rapids of Oak Creek. Seasonal recreation only during rare flooding events.

    Marvel at Sedona’s “hotel strip” in West Sedona, unique from Las Vegas – no neon.

    Sedona, Arizona – Where man’s creations continue to challenge Mother Nature.

  7. Frustrated says:

    For at least two days the city web site is down. Does anyone else have a problem accessing it?

    Hear that chamber of commerce will be giving one of their regular sales pitches about what a wonderful job they are doing and wanted to check agenda for meeting on Tuesday (11/10) but no-can-do. Surely did want to check figures to confirm something like $300,000 price tag on running a visitors center that practices taxation without representation and something like $800,000 for marketing destination tourism which hasn’t been proven to have produced anything but more day trippers (which we didn’t need.)

    There presumably is another item on the consent agenda dealing with liquor licenses (two for chamber events?) which it would be nice to be able to confirm. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if the chamber managed to hack the city web site just so people couldn’t confirm their latest capers. So can only ask: is it true one of the liquor license approvals is for an event at the gifted-from-city Teen Center to the Red Earth Theater group for a special chamber event? And why is the city now not only funding an illegal visitors center (taxation without representation since tax-collecting businesses not members of the chamber receive no referrals) and now city is footing the bill for C of C frills & chills = partying facility with benefits?

    City, get your act together and drop the chamber/lodging dog and pony show.

  8. Oh Really? says:

    Nope, the city web site is up and running. You must have missed the memo but the city updated it’s site taking them into the 21st century:


    Nice job mayor Sandy, keep up the great work!!!!

  9. Alarmed says:

    @ Frustrated

    It appears the City has a completely new website. Instead of going with the KISS approach (keep it simple, stupid), it’s now cumbersome and timely to use. I connected with it by googling on City of Sedona and then clicking on google’s City of Sedona link. Pathetically, tons of old City Hall links that used to work no longer do.

    I’d like to mention something about the Red Earth Theatre group giveaway, Karen Daines’ baby as I was informed by a reliable source.

    The City budgeted $40,000 under Teen Center Operations, yet failed to take into account that City Hall is responsible for paying the utility costs–including electric, propane, water and sewer–at an estimated FY 2015-16 cost of $44,000. Is the City’s statement that it had no idea how much the utility costs were at all credible? Or is this spin that was dished out after the nutty deal got a long way down the road and couldn’t be stopped?

    While I cannot remember the cost of reworking the floors, the City estimated its cost for replacing the five HVAC units at $35,000. Then there’s the $25,000 the City paid Red Earth Theatre to operate the Teen Center. All this adds up to over $104,000 this fiscal year for an item budgeted at $40,000.

    And, hey, in addition to no overhead, the contract calls for Red Earth Theatre to keep the income from the sale of tickets to their events, expected to be a little over $14,000. Such a deal….

  10. Wes says:

    @Frustrated: I was able to access the city website just now.

    Can confirm that City has two agenda items for liquor licenses where one is at the “the Hub – Red Earth Theater located at 525-B Posse Ground Road scheduled for 12/3/15. Second one is another Chamber event at the Library scheduled for February 23, 2016.

    My gosh! the Chamber is really busy! (Items # 3 f & 3g)

    Then there is a Proclamation for “Geotourism Values Endorsement” (item 7 a.). Is that like another Pilgrimage Site the City wasted over 2 hours on two weeks ago?

    And the Headline item is #8 b where the “Chamber and Tourism Bureau will talk about destination marketing, visitor serves and product development efforts during the first full year of the contractual agreement between the City and the SCoC&TB for tourism promotion services”.

    and the biggest issue is item 8 c which states (per the published agenda): ” Discussion/possible action on a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona
    City Code Chapter 5.05 (Business Licensing) to eliminate the license requirement for residential rental properties and to add language to further clarify when a license is required”. (just wondering how many council members own residential rentals?).

    And it gets better: on 11/12/15 at a “Special Meeting” the Council is taking up something called the “Hoover Power Allocation through the Arizona Power Authority.”

    When and where does our Council start getting back to scratch and the main events of health, safety and our welfare? When does the dog and pony show stop and finally puts Sedona as their number 1 priority?

  11. Oh Really? says:

    At Alarmed

    I’m sorry, I was watching that meeting on TV and didn’t see any city person promote the Red Earth Theater, imo it was the mayor who seemed to push it. Do you mean to say that my eyes are a lying???

  12. Frustrated says:

    Thank you Alarmed for the city web site information. I did locate the changed version (notice I didn’t says new and improved) because same as you I find it cluttered and definitely cumbersome. But definitely prominent is the section devoted to the Chamber of Commerce. But could we expect less from these clowns that remain clueless that the Chamber isn’t where they should be directing their attention. And now they approve liquor licenses for facilitating new-found pleasures in their free playhouse at the city owned Teen Center.

    The schedule for the council meeting is one for me to avoid. All it would do is raise my blood pressure and this incompetent bunch of jokers are not worth ruining my health. In fact, we will all need all the strength we can muster up in preparation to rally against what will be forthcoming: sources of new money!

    Based on the frivolous way they continue to fritter it away it’s sure to happen. Sickening and disgusting.

  13. You see, it’s this way. Because Jennifer Wesselhoff has done such a stellar job convincing city hall that she and her Regional Chamber of Commerce are the sole reason Sedona is on the map, her allies (including city council and at least one certain remaining staff member) feel it’s only appropriate for her to be honored with a special Christmas Party (excuse me, meant to say “Holiday Party” since Jen is also so politically correct) on December 3 in order to free up her time to “Holiday” on some exotic beach so she can gloat with more pictures of her and hubby in their swim suits on Face Book. After all, one stint of her being forced to personally remove a few decorations from uptown after her first local “holiday event” didn’t really suit her style as she wined about it at a council meeting.

    Nothing but the best for Our Gal Jen. What WOULD we do without her? Any suggestions?

  14. It isn’t just Sedona non-chamber member businesses within city limits getting the shaft. It’s common practice at the bogus visitors center (paid for by the city) for people inquiring about certain businesses to be directed to others! Councilman John Martinez tried at the end of a recent council meeting to have this topic placed on a future agenda – that being the matter of questionable practices at the VC giving out selective referrals. Mayor Moriarty shut him down – said twice she “wouldn’t go there” and even suggested the topic would NEVER come up. How do you like them apples?

    The only reverence those birds (and favored affiliates) have at the Chamber is their lust for money. Their worship extends no further than the almighty dollar. And that, in a nutshell, tells the grim story and ongoing future of Sedona.

    Merry whatever.

  15. God Damn

    What a bunch of crybabies and complainers..

    Carry on like you do..

  16. Isn’t this the tune Steve Segner, Jen and her best bud at City Hall like to croon about Sedona’s residents and non-tourism businesses?

  17. JeanJ says:

    According to the July 28, 2015 Executive Session minutes, “Councilor Williamson moved to direct the City Manager to make an offer to purchase the real property at 55 Sinagua Drive [2 parcels]…” Motion seconded by Councilor Thompson, Councilor Martinez opposed.This property, located adjacent to City Hall, has a structure on it. More recent information, anyone?

  18. What’s your problem, West Sedona Resident? Is the truth too much for you to face with grace? Look at it this way, the scam has been exposed but unfortunately not by authorities that can do anything about it – yet.

    No matter what, stink cannot be concealed with perfume. Pull your panties back up and enjoy today’s performance. One day there will not be a demand for a curtain call.

  19. SUGGESTION says:

    @Jean J. (and this isn’t intended to be a flippant response, honest)

    A suggestion would be to check with the Regional Chamber of Commerce because for quite some time they completely and totally run the City of Sedona. Rarely is a decision made that one or more elected council members will not make a commitment unless “the Chamber of Commerce” is contacted for input. Without the “chamber’s” OK it’s doubtful the city would confirm the purchase of that useless property – whether they could afford it or not.
    And that is the truth! If you don’t believe it, watch city council meetings.

  20. sharlett says:

    @JeanJ – how and where did you get a copy of any Executive Session minutes? While I would like to agree with you – I know that executive meetings do not allow for any votes by council….And I’ve gone back through a few meetings and can’t find Williamson making the motion. Help us here?

    Will you please provide where you got the info?

  21. JeanJ says:

    Please pardon me, Sharlett, for picking up the wrong date for my Nov. 10th comment. I was surprised to see the info. It’s in the Council’s “7-14-15 Action Item List–Executive Session.”

    @SUGGESTION. As is evident, Jen and the Regional Chamber of Commerce are removing the public presence here. I have written the City Council more than a few times urging them to issue a 30-day termination notice.

  22. Such a Deal says:

    Once again Ms. J. Wesselhoff kept city council members mesmerized and enchanted for another two-hour spiel, (council meeting 11/11) offering not one shred of viable accountability of return on the $1.5 million of Sedona city sales and bed taxes invested with the Chamber of Commerce just this year.

    When questioned about in-city businesses she said something stupid like “didn’t know you would ask that (or wanted that information).” Duh! And city council, city manager, and city attorney all find this acceptable? As she continued to tout her “regional” claim to fame, city administration continued to ignore State Law relating to City Limit jurisdiction of incorporated areas!

    Same old, same old – and those in-city businesses, even Chamber members that continue to get blown off at the city-financed visitors center, cling to survival with high rents (subject to city sales tax on those rents), competition with out of city locations being promoted with city tax dollars, and increasing competition with chain names opening up shop in Sedona and driving more small business out. Small town atmosphere? And where would that be?

  23. JeanJ says:

    Sharlett, I was surprised to find the info on the “7-14-15 Executive Session Action Item List.” Although a 6-1 vote is reported at the bottom of this document, I have been informed by John Martinez there was no vote taken.

    @SUGGESTION. As is evident, the Chamber is destroying the public presence here. I have sent more than a few emails to the City Council urging them to issue a 30-day termination notice.

  24. Beverly J. says:

    It just doesn’t stop. The proposed plans for the Brewer Rd. park suggest that after renovation the barn and ranger’s home will be public facilities available for rent to generate revenue for the city. That’s what they said about the former Teen Center, now conveniently renamed The Hub since it’s an official city facility being operated by Red Earth Theater at city expense. Therefore proving the city lies – big time.

    Not only does Red Earth Theater get paid by the city for their own performances, they are constantly sub-letting it, for examples recently to the Chamber Music as well as the regional Chamber of Commerce for their monthly mixer. Is Red Earth charging for the use of “their” facility – (owned by the city but who would even be aware of that)? Now just who claims the “rental” money if Red Earth is, indeed, collecting it from Chamber Music, C of C, and other beneficiaries of Red Earth’s windfall? The City? Very doubtful.

    And so, why should we believe the city has any interest at all in using their acquired land holdings to “generate revenue for the city” when all they do is spend it “for free” on non-profits that are constantly in question of what, if anything, they return on the investment(s) made by the city?

    To hell with legitimate city residents that were stupid enough to vote approval of incorporation. How many of those fools are still around?

  25. Joshua says:

    Don’t you get it @Beverly J.? In incorporated Sedona Santa Claus is a perpetual pleasure offered at no cost to the likes of the Red Rock Theater group as well as the regional Chamber of Commerce, constantly on the “take” without even a glint of return on the vested financial interest of the city let alone profits reflected in their own coffers at city tax payers expense.

    Just wait until the well runs dry. Who do you suppose the “city” will hit up for “new” sources of money? RR Theater and Chamber? Oh sure – the day hell freezes over stands a better chance.

    (actually in rechecking this article the leeches are Red EARTH Theater (not Red Rock). Both of us might get a sound verbal thrashing for having been so careless in picking up the wrong name. That will provide a convenient diversion from the unending rip-off scams.

  26. Wasn’t there recently a meeting to discuss for the art center to take over and manage the Brewer park or something? Wouldn’t that have meant another “service contract” such as the phony deal they have with the Chamber for a visitors center which really mostly just promotes THEIR MEMBERS?

    It seems Cynthia Lovely, Senior Sedona Planner, advised that those funds can only be used for parks and recreation purposes necessary for public facilities, and the statute excludes arts and cultural facilities. So at least in this case they may not be able to dump more money into something that doesn’t stand a chance of making some sort of financial return to the city.

    Way to go, Cynthia Lovely. It’s good to know at least one person at City Hall appears to have their head on straight.

  27. Special Interest Groups have their own interest at hand. They don’t care about the Health Welfare or Safety. The City of Sedona is SOLD to them- Chamber, Film Festival, Main Street and LODGING all have their hands in YOUR taxpayers public funding.
    If you belong you agree and are hurting the City of Sedona. Every penny your special group gets should be used on Health Welfare and Safety for the incorporated City.
    Citizens Engagement enables NON citizens & Special Interest Groups to CONTROL your City. Have you had enough? Stop ALL Lobbying in our city!

    Lobbying in the United States describes paid activity in which special interests hire well-connected, professional advocates, often lawyers.
    Lobbying happens at every level of government, including federal, state, county, municipal, and local governments.
    A lobbyist, according to the legal sense of the word, is a professional, often a lawyer.
    Pro bono clients offer activities like fundraisers and awards ceremonies on neutral territory to meet and socialize with local legislators.
    Corporations which lobby actively tend to be few in number, large, and often sell to the government.

  28. Alarmed says:

    Talk about manipulation and bad karma. Right before Christmas the City scheduled a Special City Council Meeting to ram through an agreement to purchase the properties at 50 Sinagua Dr and 55 Sinagua Dr from the Sedona Verde Valley Association of Realtors for $850,000. #50 is a vacant lot adjacent to City Hall, while #55 is the location of the SVVAR offices.

    Get this.The meeting will be tomorrow, Monday Dec. 28th at 5:00 p.m., when so very many people are out of town, or have guests or other holiday season commitments, effectively removing much of the potential public presence. The Agenda Bill states that these properties “would provide space for future growth of City facilities.” Our smooth-talking City Manager’s recommendation is for approval, but has he ever opposed anything presented? According to the rumor mill, Mark DiNunzio is the council member who has been pushing for this travesty.

  29. Steve segner says:

    Health, welfare, OR safety.”. That is all a City government should be doing?
    I understand safety, Police.
    Welfare…. City. ?
    Health? Please explain…..
    health and welfare seem to fall under the state , or national government or local fire dept.
    Please help me out here.

  30. Jim L says:

    Sedona City government continuously forgets what they are here for “citizens who live there” They work the system for buddies and special interest groups. They put themselves, city employees and the special interest group above “the citizens who live there” Priorities are done backwards in this city. They hate the real citizens that live here, fight and harass the in city businesses, and give the keys and ALL the money to the LL lobbyists, special interest groups. Thank you @Special Interest Groups for outlining what is happening here.

    Google it


    Representation of Citizens and Businesses
    Local governments are comprised, for the most part, of elected officials. The first duty of any city government is to represent the citizens who live there. Representatives of local government have an obligation to listen to and act on the concerns of citizens and local business owners.

    Read more : http://www.ehow.com/list_6753370_responsibilities-city-government.html

  31. FROM BAD TO WORSE says:

    Type in Discretionary Bed Tax on Sedona Eye and you will receive a wealth of information. Check archives by month and year, takes you back to 2012 when discussions became public about deals being made with the city, chamber, and lodging council for this trade-off for bed tax increase and a huge chunk of money (Presently $2.01 million for 2017). And now the recent griping from Chair of Lodging Council about State approval of short term/vacation rentals at the most recent city council meeting on July 26. So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when Jon Thompson (city council member) brought up the well-known names of Jennifer Wesselhoff and Steve Segner to head a watch-dog committee (or some such thing) to monitor the unwanted vacation rentals soon to become reality.

    So live with it, big shots. Karma wears many hats. As you gripe about something you cannot control, maybe you know how some of us feel. Constantly kicked to the curb, mocked, ignored, and disrespected because so many of us object to the ongoing pushing and abusive treatment all in the sake of dictating how we live our lives, and now to include who picks up our garbage. Which also Segner constantly registers a get-over-it attitude as he eggs on his elected city council members to listen only to him, who doesn’t even reside within city limits.

    Sure, city council members and staff can be romanced at gala events at the Segner Estate in Oak Creek Canyon, in violation of the Open Meeting Law. Is that where Asst. City Manager Karen Daines was recently married? If so, how many council members and staff attended that event? And social gatherings do not qualify as justification for breaking the Open Meeting Law along with other frequent and numerous get-togethers of a quorum of 4, being it riding to special events or even being without public notice in attendance at various meetings.

    Now then, the purpose of this comment is to bring up yet another brazen claim, without benefit of any proof of such a stupid allegation as “Without chamber, city would stagnate” as is headlined in the most recent Chamber of Commerce propaganda article in the 7/1/16 edition of the Red Rock News.

    This doesn’t quite top the outrageous lie repeated over and over ad nauseum by Chamber affiliates, that without the Chamber no one would know about Sedona. They, unfortunately, are the only ones that believe it plus the city council and even some staff members because it’s repeated to them so often.

    Time for moment of truth, folks. Let’s get the show on the road and shut the suckers up. Ripping off public money to promote only Chamber members is one thing. But all these decisions being made prior to council meetings is apparent when little to no discussion is on the table prior to approval at a public meeting. Policing of vacation rentals before they even take place? Really?

    Time for the State of Arizona to step in and shut down these suckers and put an end to their obvious and devious activities. Camp Verde and Williams survive very nicely in the absence of respective Chamber(s) of Commerce, as do municipalities such as Flagstaff that do not give one penny to the Chamber in that city.

    In addition to cutting State funding to Sedona for non-compliance with State Codes and Statutes to comply with recently approved SR1487 (and most us us know what they are) it’s time to enforce the Open Law Meeting – NOW.

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