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Drones and the Executive Branch

Sedona AZ (February 11, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, a Sedona resident writes an opinion in support of overseas drone deployment by the Executive Branch as outlined in a recently revealed Department of Justice memo:

I can stay silent no more. So much have we heard about the recent “leak” of a memo from the Justice Department which outlines, in the Justice Department opinion, the legalities of using drones to kill American citizens in a nation with which we are not at war, when other solutions such as arrest are not possible. It has been stated that a person would not be targeted unless the President felt that there was a need to do so, i.e., to avoid a future terrorist attack.

I am not surprised to find members of the politico in opposition of such a practice, as varying views of the roles of the Executive branch have been with us since the inception of our great nation. I will also say that no President during a time of war, either a Democrat or Republican, has supported that such decisions be deferred to the Legislative or Judicial branches of government, as some suggest. This is for the very simple reason, we elected each President to look out for the welfare of our nation and for us, its law abiding citizens. I will also say that none who have spoken out so vehemently against such power by the Executive Branch has ever led a nation. The future of our nation would be in jeopardy if they ever did.

Brent Maupin
Sedona AZ
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  1. Sedona Keith says:

    @Houston met this guy while he ran for state office at contractors fundraiser& he wasn’t informed then & he’s less now. . . . this is the drivel you get when Sedona writer’s married to newspaper owner. . . more Sedona nepotism

  2. We should value American armed forces as human beings to be saved at all costs when fighting for us. Weapons are used in combat. Drones are weapons. Arguements against drones to fight treasonists are arguing against cannons or guns or bombs. Same things.

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