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Sedona Community Farmers Market Extends Season
Sedona AZ (April 11, 2010) – IT’S GOAT SEASON AT THE MARKET! Three baby goats, three weeks old, will visit again this week from the Cherokee Goat Herd when the spring market season is extended through Sunday, May 16, 2010.
When: Weekly on Sundays from Noon to 4pm through May 16, 2010
Where: The market is located at the Sedona Airport by the Overlook...
We’re trying again! Intro to Astronomy re-scheduled April 8th!
Introduction to Astronomy: Whether or not you participated in this great event in early March, we are inviting
you and your family back! We won’t let the rain keep us down. Sedona Parks and Recreation offered an Introduction to Astronomy event and those present enjoyed an educational Power Point presentation, which was to be followed by telescope viewing outside. Unfortunately the clouds...
The Real Seven Deadly Sins
Tommy Acosta, Sedona Times Publishing guest writer
Sedona AZ (January 13, 2010) – An exclusive guest editorial to the SedonaEye.com, formerly SedonaTimes.com, by Tommy Acosta, Sedona Arizona:
These are the real seven deadly sins that stop us, thwart us from ever being able to achieve our dreams:
1. Regret…
“Wishing I had done something else. Regret for what I did not do. Why did I do...