Home » Posts tagged with "letters to editors"
Judge Kavanaugh Deserves Presumption of Innocence
Sedona AZ (September 25, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Proving innocence and legally maneuvered political ‘Gotcha’ questions are close cousins and can be used to entrap anybody. This is not rocket science, it is actually why our Legal System had the ‘Presumption of Innocence’ interwoven into our Constitution and amplified in the Fifth Amendment...
Sedona Voter Says Stop
Sedona AZ (August 17, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
1. VOTE NO on $49.5 million Home Rule budget, including $149,000 budget for a ” sustainability ” czar.
2. VOTE YES on $36 million Permanent Base Adjustment (PBA), with NO CUTS for city services nor support to non-profits.
3. STOP “giving” $2.5 million to the Sedona Chamber of Commerce,...
APS Rate Case Exceptions to Order Filed
Sedona AZ (August 5, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
APS Rate Case — Exceptions to the ROO Filed Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward Sedona, Arizona ~ August 5, 2017
While the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Opinion & Order (ROO) in the APS rate case at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)...
APS Rate Case Judge Issues Order
Sedona AZ (August 2, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
APS Rate Case Update — Judge Issues ROO — “Smart” Meter Issues Postponed Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward Sedona, Arizona ~ July 30, 2017
Last Wednesday the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to the APS rate case issued her Recommended Opinion...