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Coconino National Forest Revised Management Plan
Sedona AZ (May 22, 2018) – After years of work and collaboration, the Coconino National Forest (NF) is pleased to release its revised Final Land and Resource Management Plan (revised management plan) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), along with the Record of Decision signed by Regional Forester Cal Joyner. The revised management plan is the culmination of over a decade of collaboration...
Eye on Sedona Page to Page
Eddie S. Maddock, Sedona Eye columnist
Sedona AZ (October 9, 2012) – SedonaEye.com columnist, Eddie S. Maddock, takes a Page or two to write about the City of Sedona Arizona in her Eye on Sedona column:
Is Sedona on track to literally take a “page” out of the book of Page, Arizona? Headlined on page A2, Friday, September 28, 2012, in the Arizona Daily Sun: “Page to Consider City Property...