Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (February 22, 2017) – Entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to start, relocate or expand an existing business in Sedona are invited to take advantage of the Revolving Loan Program offered by the Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization (VVREO).
The city of Sedona and VVREO work together to foster economic growth in the Verde Valley through programs such as the revolving loan, business capacity building, and education.
The VVREO revolving loan offers small business owners competitive-rate loans of $25,000 or more to finance working capital; inventory and equipment; business acquisitions; renovations or the lease or purchase of real estate to site a business. A typical loan term is three years and this funding may be available even when conventional funding has been denied.
“We are here to help businesses create and keep jobs in our area,” says Sedona Economic Development Director and VVREO Board Member Molly Spangler. “The beauty of the revolving loan program is that it gives each business owner the flexibility to invest in the resources that best address their individual needs.”

Molly Spangler
To date, five businesses have received loans, leveraging additional private investment and creating new jobs. Prior recipients include an outdoor recreation business, a bed and breakfast, and a wine tasting room. Funding for the Revolving Loan Program comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The city of Sedona deepened its commitment to economic development in 2015, adding and expanding business support services under Spangler’s direction.
“I would love to be a ‘first stop’ for anyone who wants to start or grow a Sedona business,” she says. “Working with our city partners, we can help in so many areas that (are) important to success, including business planning, financial structuring, small business loans, marketing, and training.”
For information or to start your application, contact Sedona Economic Development Director Molly Spangler at 928-203-5117.

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There’s good economic and bad economic development. Sedona has seen plenty of the latter in recent times. In 2008-09 Sedona had a population of 11,436 (City Finance Dept. data). The City Clerk is using the figure of 10,031 for today’s population. People are abandoning ship.
The number of hotel guest rooms in Sedona is beyond the pale, with nowhere near enough workers to fill the tons of low-wage jobs. It’s a matter of supply and demand. Only so many workers will accept slave-wage pay.
I don’t know how many accommodations it has, but I certainly hope the Bed and Breakfast recipient that got a revolving loan doesn’t have his B&B in the declining City of Sedona.
You neglected to mention voter approval of $10 minimum wage. Of course the consumer will pay for it by increased room rates, menu prices, etc. Vicious circle. And, of course, there’s the matter of retirees on Social Security who haven’t even had adequate cost of living increases in at least the last two years. The world today ain’t for sissies.
$10 hr won’t break a good business & might insure better quality help if coupled with eVerify and health insurance, do it voters
With Sedona commercial rents so ridiculously high, that $10/hr. just could have more impact than one would think. Why do you suppose it is that with so many vacant store fronts the property owners wouldn’t bend a little a settle for less? Seems like Sedona should be a candidate for a rental price war like once happened with gas stations.
most rents go to a handful of elderly out of staters with trusts for kids
Sedona rents don’t impact their life styles
True most landlords and owners of hotels live out of town. Only those stupid enough to rent get TAXED by the city for their commercial rental as a sales tax which is imposed on rent, cams, and other fees place on their rent.
Why would anyone rent or invest in the city district when they can go outside the incorporated district and operate for less? The city of Sedona has proved over and over again that they don’t respect those that invest in businesses by excluding them from having a independent voice or vote on items that affect their business. Geeze
Gone are the days where sedona was the true hub. It all about city $$$ and gifting it the the chamber. The unique mom and pops can’t function here. Go ahead city gift more money to the chamber so that THEY are controlling the city and destroying independent businesses. Marketing companies that work for a profit and letting them buy a building under the disguise of marketing to create a bigger mafia monopoly for PARKING is backaxx.
Humm the only business to get in on is tourism as that is how the city council has made our city. They don’t care about local needs. They figured everything you get mailed, delivered or ship to your house gets a city sales tax even if you are OUTSIDE the city limits.
Yes sir all those deliveries outside the city limits are PAYING city sales tax. Look are your receipts. Why would anyone take out a loan to do business here. Fools!
Wow! So much negativity in such a beautiful place. Yes, I live here and want my own business and have worked hard. I want to an employer that pays great wages and offers their employees health insurance and perks. I have worked very hard since coming here three years ago and am tired of making everyone else money. I had four jobs at one time to afford to live in Sedona. Problem is people complain but do they go to the City Council meetings? Watch live meeting and video? You do have a voice. I see a lot of complaining going on but that’s it. I believe in the win-win and change. We don’t have young people because there is nothing for them to do here. Sedona spits people out as fast as she can. It takes a lot of hard work to live in such a beautiful. Just my opinion.
People used to turn out for city council meetings when they were held in the evenings when the working people were off. It is by design that this city decided to change the meeting times. The only people that can go are the people with enough money that they aren’t tied down by their job. That’s the way this city likes it. When you do go to a council meeting you are systematically made to feel that you are not welcome. You are only welcomed if you are an elitist . If you do not go along with this city’s agenda you are cut short and ignored. People need to band together and vote. That is the only way to effect change. Voter turnout in this city is dismal. Most people that do vote are controlled by the chamber of commerce. City cronies. Any suggestions?
We don’t have young people here because Sedona refuses to move forward. What young person wants to grow up to be a waiter, hotel worker and work for less? None, you can’t raise a family on those income.
Owning a business here doesn’t mean you get paid. The higher cost of operating hits your bottom line. Employees get paid first, you’re last. Employees rarely make money for businesses as the think the same as you @Opimist. Just because you collected ta dollar on their behalf doesn’t mean you made them a profit. Dream on that you actually made them money.
Watching or speaking for 3 minutes doesn’t give the people a voice. The egoed CC do whatever they please and they actually play favorites by FUNDING the REGIONAL chamber. Their are other marketing companies and other project management companies that do not have a private MEMBERS that could do that job better.
The only ones having a voice is the regional chamber. Unfair and the city should disincorporate.