Sedona AZ–On Monday, October 11 at 6 p.m. in the Big Park Community School Multipurpose Room, 25 West Saddlehorn in the Village of Oak Creek, advocates for “No on Proposition 302” welcome the greater Sedona community to an educational forum.
Who should attend? School board members, teachers, parents, administrators, community advocates and anyone interested in the well-being of young children.
In November 2006, Arizona’s voters created First Things First to prepare our youngest children to succeed in life. Sadly, the Arizona Legislature has put politics before children by trying to eliminate First Things First and steal the money Arizona voters dedicated for this successful early childhood program.
Voter support for helping children has never wavered, from creating First Things First to passing Prop 100.
It’s time to stand up again. Join us in putting Children First, Not Politics! and
Attend this important community forum on Monday, October 11, 2010. For more information, contact Karen McClelland at and or 928-284-0001/928-301-2914.
Former Governor Rose Mofford Urges Voters to Vote No on Prop 302.
We must vote “No” on 302. We must continue to give our youngest children and their families tools to ensure that our kids are healthy strong and well cared for during their earliest years of life.”
Read former Governor Mofford’s ballot Argument against Proposition 302 on the web at She makes a compelling argument.
Kelly Paisley, Phoenix AZ
We all should review this Prop and make an educated choice. My concern is this part of the statement “First Things First’s tobacco tax money” which I pulled from the Vote NO website. I thought tobacco tax money and all the lawsuits that have been filed against tobacco that have poured millions into state coffers was to be used to educate kids why smoking is not good and to help shore up the increased state medical expenses especially in Medicaid (or ACCCHS here in AZ) that are directly linked to smoking. Maybe the legislature should examine that. We also just voted to add a “temporary” 1% sales tax to all of us specifically targeting Arizona education. Then I see a huge waste of money at the Sedona High School for solar power which is the most inefficient form of electrical generation of power on the planet. What does that have to do with education? I think there may be some priorities askew here. Back to education basics may be in order.
I want to hear from the superintendent and others. Let them weigh in here and have a public discussion of the budget and the cuts. Transparency is First Things First.
So, everyone is happy to vote this money to FTF, well where do you want it to come from? There are zero dollars in the current budget to fund this program, where do you want it to come from? Rob Peter to pay Paul.
Election Central 2010: Prop 302 – Early Childhood Development and Health Programs – rejected by around 69 percent of voters.