The referendum for Proposition 410 was proposed by the group called Let the People Vote on 89A and so, on November 8th, we really do need to LET THE PEOPLE VOTE and have it be meaningful!
Your voice is important because the result of this referendum can determine the future character of West Sedona. Some may try to discourage you from voting, saying that your vote has no meaning because the agreement between ADOT and the City are void and the money is gone. Not true!
The filing of the petition for referendum had the effect of freezing the City’s ability to move forward with the route transfer. We are exercising our constitutional rights in this election. The process has stopped until we the people approve or disapprove our Council’s decision.
A YES vote ensures that we will have the potential of creating a roadway that is beautiful, safe, user friendly, and compatible with our natural beauty. A YES vote means that what is done with OUR road, and the 32 foot right of way on either side of the roadway, may be designed for the best interests of Sedona. Our road, our choice!
ADOT has already told us that we will own the road one way or another and that, after the community vote, they are open to negotiating a “new route transfer agreement.” Translation: if you vote YES, ADOT will come back to the bargaining table and discuss a new agreement and financial package. They want to get rid of the road. They are seeking to turn back state highways going through cities all over Arizona. Support our council’s decision to take over our main street on our terms, not ADOT’s.
Scott Jablow Sedona ResidentThe opinions expressed above are my own and do not reflect any organization or commissions of which I am part.

Mark your calendars to vote in the City of Sedona Special election November 8, 2011. Return your mail-in ballots!
Yes. Let the People Decide the Fate of SR 89A, not ADOT. Do people really want to put their City’s future in the hands of the State of AZ? The State of AZ is not economically sound. It’s monetary policy is not even mediocre. It raided the AZ Department of Parks funds and transferred them to the General Fund and Sedona citizens actually want to allow the State to manage our road? Remember, who shut down a majority of rest stops due to lack of funds? I do. It was ADOT.
Cindy Wilmer LIKES this story on Facebook. Let The People Vote Yes.
Holy Smokes! Usually I refrain from going “out and about” on Fridays so therefore hit West Sedona this afternoon . . . Thursday.
Well, anyone who believes the amount of traffic out there on west SR89A is locally generated is a candidate for the men in the little white coats.
Having stopped at New Frontier’s for dog food I picked up a prescription at Walgreen’s and then took my prize possession (dog) to the park on Sunset Drive.
Having made it through the suicide lane all the way to Walgreen’s on a Thursday was more than a thrill a minute, so thinking it would be a nice pause, we enjoyed probably 20 minutes at Sunset Park . . . and it was a momentary relief from the congestion.
However, upon approaching the intersection of Sunset Drive and SR89A . . . yes, folks, SR89A, a State Highway . . . the corner was totally congested with honking horns, protesters on every corner carrying signs like “Tax the Rich” or something, near collisions, and it was an utter nightmare.
You people who are being so dishonest as to not merely infer but openly state that ownership of a State Highway, which is what SR89A is and will remain, will be a lovely meandering small town “Main Street” such as exists in Cottonwood are, in my opinion, certifiable.
Shame on you for being so dishonest. To further minimize the liability of the State Route in any way, shape, or form is insane. Your imaginary visions are, simply put, unattainable unless they are honestly labeled with a realistic price tag. Have you no conscience?
OMG, Sedona has never been in worse hands since I moved here over 34 years ago. Don’t get your hopes up . . . at that time I was among those who had to make a living here. However it’s quite possible a death wish will become reality if people are so stupid as to buy into your complete and totally unrealistic portrayal of what Sedona will be like if the voters support the decision made by a slim majority of four on the current Sedona City Council.
The only thing that could change my mind about voting to approve such nonsense would be the inclusion of a City Square which included a hanging platform and/or guillotine for doing away with criminals.
Please people, be aware of what your vote will mean. You know what you have, an Arizona State agency, ADOT, designing and paying for West 89A, a State Route. Look at the small portion of uptown . . . less than one mile . . . which was totally mucked up after City took that over.
The only salvation of the day was a leisurely trip to the Village of Oak Creek upon our beautiful SR179 designed by the people in cooperation with ADOT, and subsequently PAID FOR by ADOT, which led us to yet another lovely nearby park next to former Mulligan’s whereby we could meditate and reflect on what beautiful Sedona has been and should remain.
Vote NO on Proposition 410. Don’t be among those who will later be told “We told you so.”
My own words, my real name, my own opinions.
Eddie S. Maddock
In response to Mrs. Maddock – First of all, where are the “facts” to support your claim that the amount of traffic out there on west SR89A is NOT locally generated? Furthermore, you insult anyone who believes it is a candidate “for the men in little white coats.” Really? Better lock up the Transportation Board!
Where are your facts to support your claim, except a diatribe on your driving experience on one beautiful Fall day in Sedona during one of our “busier ” tourist seasons? You call those of us who support Council’s decision liars, and you are quick to threaten legal action, but in the end your accusations are just that, accusations.
These statistics below are from the “Introduction to Complete Streets,” slide 20/81 They are gathered and interpreted by The Transportation Board (a division of the National Research Council) and the Federal Highway Works Administration (FHWA) bases all highway regulations on the data collected by that Board. Be aware that West Sedona is home to almost 70% of Sedona’s population, do we not drive somewhere every day at least once?
Of all trips:
50% are under 3 miles
28% are 1 mile or less
72% of trips 1 mile or less are driven
As for the AZ State Law governing “Route Transfer/Abandonment” perhaps she might read AZ Revised Statutes Title 28 § 304, 7202, 7207, 7209, 7211 and 7215.
Vote Yes on Proposition 410
Eddie Maddock
“NO 410” “YES 411”
Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. You just never fail to let me down. I throw out the bait and I do believe you bite even before it hits the water, or land as the case may be.
Specifically, my contributions within my “diatribe” as coined by you were clearly identified as statements of my opinions. The only facts related by me were of the conditions of the excessive traffic, horns blasting, and people picketing which appeared to be totally unorganized and, really, out of control. I take exception to your comment “threat legal action” because nowhere am I able to locate such a thing in my written words.
This is perhaps one of the happiest days in my life because less than one half hour ago I brought in my mail and, Voila! There it is . . . my official ballot. No more pain and suffering for tomorrow I will take my properly marked and signed ballot and drive to an undisclosed location whereby I will enter a U.S. Post Office building and I will drop my ballot in the appropriate slot with a sigh of relief and the utterance of “YESSS?”
Your 6,999 followers won’t have the opportunity of lurking about City Hall, should that be the case which, IN MY OPINION is a possibility, in order to confiscate MY ballot which obviously disagrees with your collective position. Now, now . . . lighten up. With numbers of that substance covering your back why all the constant whining and defensive blah, blah, blah?
With the confidence you place on your “side” winning which have been posted and clearly defined as West Sedona, how can you possibly lose? Even those submissions with name(s) followed by “Resident, West Sedona” have served to polarize and segregate what once was a unified Sedona without boundaries. Yep, you’ve done a splendid job in your little yellow “T’s” and expensive mailings.
You want facts? Not a shortage of funds in West Sedona as indicated by the 17 individual letters, 2 of which were from members of the Sedona City Council, submitted to the Publicity Pamphlet supporting your position, at the cost of $250/each. I believe that adds up to $4250. Whereby your opposition collectively came up with only 6 letters, $250/each = $1500 which because of “bundling” represented a total of 14 people, not factoring in the unknown number perhaps represented by the letter from the Chair and Treasurer of LTPV89A. No question here which side has money to put where their mouths are.
Actually I feel quite sad for the 7,000 of you who now claim control over Sedona simply because you opted to purchase residences in subdivisions off of a State Highway which for as long as anyone can remember has been designated commercial zoning and business corridor from day one. Oh well, you shall soon have your way because you say you are right and your interpretation of laws serve as your factual Bible, always to conveniently suit your particular needs.
All I can conclude with is that what would have truly made yesterday’s tripping through West Sedona complete would have been the advent of a surprise micro-burst coupled with the failure of the traffic light at Coffee Pot Road, and City of Sedona claiming title to that road.
With a sigh of relief I just marked my ballot: “NO 410” “YES 411”
Thanks, Nancy and your 6,999 supporters for not removing the “VOTE NO on Prop. 410” from the front of my property. No, that isn’t an invitation!
Eddie S. Maddock (Ms. . . . Thank you very much)
Once again as usual it’s the Eddie Show. It’s a rare day that you can read an article on a local internet site without seeing the ramblings of our dear Ms Maddock who’s comments double that of the original article. And if that’s not enough she will continue to debate anyone else with a comment in an equally lengthy tale. I suspect we will hear more from her after my comment here.
Ms Maddock I have a suggestion, open your own web site. That way for those of us that have heard it before, and frankly could care less, can simple choose not to open it up.
To Sick of Eddie,
At least you read it! Mission accomplished.
Thank you. :-)
Ms. Maddock
Who did you say you are?
Whether you agree or disagree with the editorials and responses submitted to our media, you have to respect those of us who are brave enough to put our actual name to our editorials and responses.
Where would we be today if our Founding Fathers had chosen to not back their words with their actual names.
Several months ago, someone took exception to my statement that our military defends “Free Speech” and that person said that hadn’t happened for 200 years. Hmmmm, I would like that person to make that statement to any of our past or present military soldiers.
Correct me if I’m wrong but our military does defend the Consitution of the United States and I would like to encourage that person to at least read the First Amendment. There are 27 total amendments and the first 10 are our “Bill of Rights”.
I salute our brave men and women who serve our country and defend our Constitution plus those citizens who defend their convictions and words by signing their actual names whether I agree with them or not.
After all, we’re all in the same boat and eventually, I pray we will reach a agreeable destination.
Gary Chamberlain
VSF Cornville
Gary Chamberlain, to whom are you addressing your question about true identity?
If directed at me I can assure you I am who I claim to be and have had the pleasure of meeting you in person.
Time and time again I’ve attempted to convey the message you have so clearly stated, that we should respect the rights of others to exercise the opportunity to speak freely whether or not we agree with their position.
Sure, those disagreeing with varied opinions have the option to strike back and attack. However, my take on that reaction is a demonstration of the weakness of the case being presented of their own point of view.
As an avid supporter of your efforts to keep State Route 89A litter free from Sedona to Cottonwood I thank you for your positive contributions. You are an asset to the entire Verde Valley which, again I must qualify, is my opinion.
Wonder how many slams I’ll receive for posting this comment?
Keep up the good work.
Eddie S. Maddock