Sedona AZ (December 4, 2010) – The following is a letter to Harley McGuire, star pet columnist, from a new pal at the Sedona Humane Society:
Hi Harley,
Guess what? My name is Harly and I am a Staffordshire Terrier Mix. My fellow canines here at the Sedona Humane Society have asked me to write to you and let your readers know that we are all here waiting for someone to give us a chance to prove to them that we can make a difference in their lives.
All we are looking for is a permanent home. We are tired of living in the streets and going around hungry. We are tired of being mistreated. We want someone to love us and to give us a chance to love them back, unconditionally. We promise to give them companionship, loyalty, devotion and…lots of kisses.
Tell your readers to give us a chance…PLEASE!
We are praying and waiting for them to come and take a look at us. We can be found at:
2115 Shelby Drive
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(928) 282-4679
Love your devoted fan,
My dear, dear Harly Too:
You bet I’ll tell my readers to support the Sedona Humane Society! In fact, when Mom was shopping for me that was the first place she went. However, the doggies there were too big for her to handle. It made her sad that she couldn’t provide a proper home for a larger pet. It’s a very unfortunate thing when people don’t realize that when they take on pets they should consider it a “forever” commitment. Continuation of mass production at puppy mills is equally unacceptable.
You are beautiful. If Mommy could I know she would give you a home. In fact, she’d take on the entire population at the Sedona Humane Society.
How about it, folks. If you don’t know first hand the love, companionship, and bonding that pets can offer, I feel even sorrier for you.
Lovingly but with tears in my eyes,
Harley McGuire
Our hearts are sending out blessings for you, Harly. We want you to find a home as good as your friend Harley McGuire and other happy pets like our goldfish, Molly, and hamster, DoDo. We are going to send this article to all our friends and family and hope that other readers will do it too. Help Harly find a home! Go to your local animal shelter and help cats like Polo and dogs like Harley. Okay Harly at the shelter, you are going up on our Facebook account. Good luck pretty puppy dog!
Oh . . . Davis and Rachel . . . you ARE the best and my heart will sing even louder when we learn that Harly-Too has found a forever home. What a joyous Christmas gift that would be for everyone.
Lovingly and with hope,
Harley McGuire
Golden Bone Rescue & Rehab invites you to a doggie adoption event Sunday, December 19th 2010, from noon-4pm at the Seasonal Holiday Marketplace located in Sedona at 2575 Hwy 89A.
Meet Cleveland, Mo, and Jasmine and brighten your holidays with a companion to love. Golden Bone Rescue & Rehab is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) NO KILL animal rescue, which places unwanted, abused and abandoned dogs into safe foster homes and ultimately permanent loving adoptive families. or call 928-567-8994
Dear Harley,
A friend sent these cute UK Classified Ads that maybe the readers will enjoy:
8 years old.
Hateful little bastard.
1/2 Cocker Spaniel,
1/2 sneaky neighbour’s dog.
Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd.
Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound.
Good Samaritans Save Disabled Veteran’s Dog From Death
After reading this I signed the petition due to the fact that Mimi is a service dog and they rarely if ever bite anyone.
My dog is a rescue who everyone said don’t bother put him to sleep and be done with that dog once and for all.
That was eight years ago I nursed him through heartworm and kept him quiet for the days following treatment.
I didn’t rescue a sick dog he saved me instead with his kind and giving nature.
His joy of life and when I came home from the hospital he was waiting right at the backdoor with his Hi where you been missed you and jumping all over me.
So I figured if Mimi means as much to Mr Woods as Rex does to me I had to sign the petition.
Because dogs sometimes are the only ones to understand us and provide us with the warmth and comfort our fellow humans don’t.
Thank You for allowing me to share this with all of you.
Dear Doggie Adoption Opportunity & Marcia:
Mommy (my agent) has been too busy preparing for some guy named Sanny Claws to pay a visit in a week or so and that’s why she didn’t have time to check my messages. If Sanny Claws would bring me a brother or sister from one of those ads then maybe I’d forgive Mommy for not tending to my affairs. Especially I would love to have the “hateful little bastard who bites.” Do you think if I looked real sad at Mommy she would pay attention?
Thank you for writing and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Harley McGuire
Spay and neuter clinics are offered at no charge through the Humane Society! Just thought that a few out there might be interested in this information. Call the Humane Society in Sedona at 928-282-4679.