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Government Actions Speak Louder Than Words

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (February 12, 2014)SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock examines City of Sedona government inconsistencies when implementing its voter mandated Community Plan:

SEDONA, ARIZONA website, Home Page, states the following:

“The mission of the City of Sedona government is to provide exemplary municipal services that are consistent with our values, history, culture and unique beauty.”


“The vision that the citizens have for the future of their City is . . .

  • To be a city that is constantly vigilant over the preservation of its natural beauty, scenic vistas, pristine environment and cultural heritage.
  • To be a city that retains its small-town character and creates its man made improvements in strict harmony with nature.
  • To be a city that is animated by the arts, and lives with a spirit of volunteerism to help achieve our common goals.
  • To be a city that offers equal opportunities for all and fosters a sense of community.Tower 2
  • To be a city that welcomes and accommodates all of its visitors and future residents with a spirit of fellowship.
  • To be a city that retains and enhances a strong and vital economy, which preserves existing lifestyles without exploiting the natural beauty.

And finally,

  • To be a city that lives up to the challenge of proper stewardship of one of the earth’s great treasures.”

The following is the PROPOSED VISION STATEMENT in the revised Sedona Community Plan, subject to approval by Sedona City Registered Voters on March 11, 2014:

“Sedona is a community that nurtures connections between people, encourages healthy and active lifestyles, and supports a diverse and prosperous economy, with priority given to the protection of the environment.”

i1035 FW1.1The photographs accompanying this article were taken on February 10, 2014. The mighty antenna was installed several months ago, without prior notice to neighboring propertiesThis antenna is located on the residential property at 1005 Soldier Pass Road.

Concerned neighbors are being told by City Staff that a permit was approved and issued for the installation of the intrusive antenna which, among other overlooked consequences of ill-conceived policies, stands to negatively affect surrounding land values.

How consistent is this with either of the Vision Statements, both originally crafted for the purpose of protecting our properties and environment from flaunting disgraceful displays as portrayed here?

What areas will be targeted next – for implementation of questionable proprieties obviously inconsistent with the vision and purposes of a Sedona Community Plan?

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For the best in Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!


  1. Donna Joy Varney says:

    OUCH! Boy is that ugly. I am not sure what is happening to this town. I moved to Sedona because of the quality of life, small town, and the natural beauty. When did our policies change? Private cell towers, public events in subdivisions………. Staff approving these items. Not pretty.

  2. Jerry says:

    Where’s the proof of application? Find Who signed off on it. FOIA time.

  3. Sandra says:

    Isn’t it bad enough that we haven’t figured out a way to get rid of all the overhead utility lines? And now this? We know HOW it happened. City staff approved it. What we don’t know is WHY? For that matter WHY do we have a Community Plan? What was the REAL reason Sedona incorporated?

  4. Brenda says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if a new version of Sedona’s “Vision Statement” would incorporate being “A Smart Meter and Ugly Tower/Antenna Free Zone?” For sure I will be voting NO on the latest proposed version of the Community Plan for which I have now received my ballot. Do I want conditions here to get even worse? OMG . . . NO, NO, NO

  5. To be clear, the thought of short weave towers such as this is disgusting in our neighborhood however, keeping everything in perspective, short weave communications are found to be great resources during almost every major storm that knocks out modern communications. I don’t believe that any city employee or council would allow such an eyesore unless there were laws that tied their hands. Seek out the truth before ASSUMING anything. When if doubt, call those people AND ASK, you may be surprised by the answer.

  6. Dear Sir or Madam:

    Although you didn’t direct your comment to me specifically, as the writer of the above column this is intended to address your remarks from my own perspective providing we are talking about the same thing. Your term “short-weave” is unfamiliar. Therefore, based on what knowledge I have collected regarding the installation of the ham radio, my references will be redirected to what I believe is the correct term as determined from my research: SHORTWAVE radio.

    It was early in January of this year when a stranger, a nearby resident of the property at 1005 Soldier Pass Road, called on the telephone to discuss the unexpected presence of the ham radio tower. In a later phone conversation I was made aware of FCC’s questionable jurisdiction relating to the installation of the tower as well as city staff’s approval of the permit. Is this the mysterious information you suggest readers of your comment might be surprised about?

    What does surprise me is the aspect of this perceived nonsense that an antiquated excuse such as you imply should take precedence over the values set forth in two versions of the Sedona Vision Statement as well as the Sedona Community Plan itself.

    In case you aren’t aware, we are living in times of modern, sophisticated technology. What, pray tell, purposes do the towers at our fire stations and police departments serve if not to include an emergency communication system during potential crisis?

    Are we, the residents of Sedona, supposed to give Richard Factor accolades for his alleged thoughtful but ugly contribution to our health, safety, and welfare, even if the results are negative?

    Should the presumed importance of this latest addition for our benefit be such that the City of Sedona will add yet another agenda item to their long list of to-do items:

    #4,325: Check locations and potential rezoning in order to accommodate these ham radio antennas aka safety devices at strategic locations to ensure ample coverage of emergency broadcast in case of an extended power outage?

    Back in the day when Iva Toguri D/Aquino aka “Tokyo Rose” broadcast her propaganda program “The Zero Hour” via shortwave radio from Tokyo (in the 40’s) to our U.S. Troops during World War II, and even in the TV series Gilligan’s Island (currently airing re-runs on TV Land), shortwave radio broadcast was a useful tool. But here and now? Get real.

    As this community continues to battle with APS over the action they intend to take in just a couple of weeks, that is to begin installing Smart Meters in Sedona, yet another battle of an endless war surfaces without a lick of sense or reasonable justification.

    “No amount of rationalization will purify stagnant water.”

    Eddie S. Maddock

  7. I find the radio tower a much bigger deal then an invasion of privacy – quality of life like in an event being permitted in a subdivision. Both are in the same category. Both impact us as citizens along with our property values. While the “Tower” has a much bigger impact. Those in direct view of it (radio tower) have just lost home value. I do see eye to eye in regards to the statement “No amount of rationalization will purify stagnant water.”
    None of us moved to Sedona to have our rights removed. After being upset with the incident of a public event being moved into a subdivision. I did speak up. I had two city councilors direct my letter and questions to the City Manager. In both cases our City Manager refused every time to answer my questions.
    I have posted them below for you to see for yourselves Clearly the response was not what any citizen would like. In my opinion it told me I could, I did, so what, you don’t matter. It also shows me who is running city hall.

    Here are the responses (2).

    All I can say in response to your email Donna is that planning for the event started months ago, and all of the necessary permits, approvals, and precautions were taken to assure that the event would be safe, fun, and result in the least impact on our streets and neighborhoods. If you have any questions about the details of the event, I suggest you contact Jennifer Wesselhoff at the Chamber.


    Tim Ernster, City Manager
    City of Sedona
    102 Roadrunner Drive
    Sedona, AZ 86336
    Office (928) 204-7127
    Fax (928) 282-5671

    Hi Barbara and Donna,

    As far as the City is concerned, all of the necessary permits and approvals were obtained and the event was a great success. Next year, the City will make a point to send out a letter form the City notifying residents of road closures well in advance of the event. Any of the other questions will need to be addressed by the Chamber since they were the event organizer. Donna, I suggest you contact Jennifer Weiss to get answers to your other questions. Have a great day!


  8. Jean says:

    Conditions will be getting worse under the New Community Plan, if approved by the electorate, as TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS is involved.

    There are 12 “Community Focus Areas (CFAs)” and about the same number of “Planned Areas” on Sedona’s FUTURE LAND USE MAP. Properties within these areas are subject to “Rezoning consistent with Community Plan”–City Hall priority #1. The rezoning for consistency partners specified in the New Community Plan: “City Attorney, Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council.”

    As a matter of fact, property owners within the proposed PLANNED land use designations received a vague ‘Land Use Change Notification’ letter from Mike Raber, City of Sedona Community Development.

    “CFA” and “Planned” designations are scary. Property values within these areas–and adjacent areas as well–will no doubt be hurt. Worse traffic congestion, increased development density, air pollution, and more taxes or debt are not in the public’s or Sedona’s best interest, either. VOTE ‘NO” and keep the current Community Plan.

  9. sharlett says:

    Hey everyone – just reading between the lines etc., – towers in neighborhoods are a NO NO and this is just dumb and has the city inspected it? Seriously doubt it – which is scary in itself.

    What is this guy doing- who has put up the tower —who is contacting he with his big tower? Better said: what is his rational for that tower? Is he Contacting people we can’t? That is typically the rational for such a structure as we are well known as the loony toon capital.

    Mike Goimarac (City Attorney) says this is not the City’s responsibility” – Well Hell, Mike Goimarac – its time to GET A GRIP!

    Time for City Manager Tim Earnster to stand up and regain some level of control here. over his Staff and Council…..as wasn’t it our City Manager who brought this up in the first place?

  10. Eddie, you can tell a good story, but in this case I wonder if you checked your facts? Did you research Federal laws that have jurisdiction and protect the ham radio operators? Unfortunately, they have a lot of control that is hard to beat. And it is true, in time of need they can be one of the primary means of communication… Again unfortunately! As a result of Katrina’s wrath, communications went down including emergency radios… And it was those ham radio operators who got word in and out for many days. Would I want that tower in my backyard? Absolutely not! Do I think that employees are disregarding the words of the community plan? No. Why would they do that? It doesn’t make sense to me. I think we should do our homework. Find out the facts and if necessary look at solutions to fix the problem… Just like we are doing with those really dumb smart meters! Just sayin!

  11. @All American Citizen

    From what I’ve been able to ascertain there are many unanswered questions regarding the installation of this tower. However, if what YOU are saying is correct, then by all means our City Fathers and City Staff should make it top priority to see to it that the City of Sedona purchases property in strategic locations in order to adequately provide and maintain these necessary structures to ensure our safety during pending disasters of all varieties. And for that matter, based on what you have written, what is really wrong with Smart Meters? In the meantime, perhaps a statue of Richard Factor would be the best choice for the Schnebly Hill Road roundabout.

  12. Tom Bergen says:


    You are so right, that answer from Mr. Ernster was really lacking content. He really should have come to your house and presented a detailed reply face to face with perhaps a dozen roses. Maybe he should have raked your leaves and washed your car. Are you kidding me??????

    There seems to be a growing issue in this town; more and more people think that they are the only ones with issues. You asked a question and received a “to the point” response. But, that’s not good enough answer for Donna Joy Verney.

    Of course the city employees should respond quickly and appropriately to any home owner with anything that is an issue, which Mr. Ernster did. Donna, GET A LIFE!

  13. Tom Bergen says:


    GREAT QUESTIONS: Your grammar checker is a bit off but, I understand your point.

    The simple answer your question, IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS who he’s contacting! Of course he can contact people you can’t because YOU don’t have a set up like his.

    Just to answer one question that you didn’t ask, I HATE THE DARN THING ALSO for a bunch of reasons. But, let’s not forget the big picture, he has rights also. Yes, they infringe upon his neighbor and community and Yes, that doesn’t seem to bother him. Perhaps, if enough people are bothered by him, YOU all should sit down with him and discuss it like normal civilized people.

    As for your comment; “has the city inspected it? Seriously doubt it” did you inquire to anyone if it was inspected? I seriously doubt that! Because if you read any of the preceding comments, you know that inspections had to have been done.

  14. The Red Rock News stated that this gentleman has had a radio since his teens. It also goes on to state that he has invented things. He sounds very smart.

    In my opinion, a person that uses his intelligence to bypass laws and goes within an inches of being monitored has to also know that if it were 6 inches higher he would, in all likelihood, never be allowed to have this structure in Sedona. Is that antenna safe in wind and seismic conditions? It looks fragile to me.

    In addition, he does not have the intelligence to know he would offend his neighbors in this kind of environment? Spare me.

    A person in the village put up a noisy wind turbine, then the county fixed it so everyone would not install a noisy wind turbine in their yards. In my opinion,these people are cut from the same cloth and might be happier in a more remote area where their hobbies would not offend masses of residents and tourists.

  15. charles says:

    Cool idea for city to buy up property. Aren’t they already drooling for the ADOT “Y’ land? Just think how a tower there would please Missy Jennifer and the gang. Not to mention it would serve as the ideal thingy to adorn with lights for Holiday Central. Imagine half dozen or so dazzling decorated monster towers on hilltops where they won’t be offensive to neighbors. Yesss!!! (Sure would beat that crappy display at Tinsel Town with poor Santa deflated and on his arse and Frosty Snowman close to following Santa’s act.)

    Does anyone actually know whether or not Hero Richard Factor’s Master Piece has been tested for nasty emissions with a certificate indicating the results? Or are we to take the word of Tom Bergen and others? Hmm . . . me thinks probably not but an opinion is an opinion, same as All American Citizen. Sort of resembles a copy-cat situation as in APS saying Smart Meters are safe so it MUST be true. Does anyone else find it fascinating that the few who write to defend this latest fiasco all agree they do NOT want one in their own back yard? Ringy, ding ding.

    BTW, the statue for Schnebly Hill Road might also include a replica of the tower along with Hero RFactor. Do you suppose he’s current on his membership dues to the Chamber of Commerce, his real ticket to local acceptance? (current . . . get it? yuk, yuk)

    PS to power in wrong hands:
    Quoting your words: “In addition, he does not have the intelligence to know he would offend his neighbors in this kind of environment?” Apparently not unless he just doesn’t give a hoot. Nah, not one would be that inconsiderate would they?

  16. @Tom ha ha ha…… I had a few simple questions none were answered BTW. Two direct answers would have made me one HAPPY person.

    Oh I love your comment “He really should have come to your house and presented a detailed reply face to face with perhaps a dozen roses. Maybe he should have raked your leaves and washed your car.”

    While my leaves need raking and my car a washing……… No roses needed, but thanks for the thought.

    Cute! Thanks for giggle.

  17. Anne C. Wong says:

    Folks, I read the various online media for ‘fun’ and ‘entertainment’ and never as a news source worthy of taking serious… and I usually never join in on the festivities and frovilities by way of contributing to the reading pleasure of others. However, this morning I am feeling rather playful and want to thank you all for providing me hours and hours of endless entertainment and laughter – I know, I need to get a life, as Mr. Tom Berger pointed out to others – But I must comment, I really must! . Keep up the good work! Several of you should spread your writing wings and take your sensationalism nationwide, or even perhaps worldwide. Oh heck why stop there, partner with Hero R. Factor and take your writing to the Moon and Beyond. I can only imagine what those outer space beings think of our quite lively, passionate and oh so judgmental society. God Bless America and our right to freedom of speach no matter how petty, trivial or ill-informed!

    I see in most posts, there is some online unwritten requirement that all commenting participants with pen in hand must have some parting ‘zinging’ attack, and so I say this: God Bless America and God Bless us, for we surely need it!

  18. Anne C. Wong says:

    I know! I know! It’s me again…. but you guys might be on to something! this is rather fun and perhaps, dare I say, addicting?! But here’s the deal after hitting ‘submit’ I thought to myself I shared my opnions without any concrete factual examples of situations that helped me form my opinions! shame on me!

    I categorized some postings as Trivial Opinions regarding some ‘hot topic’ problems within our beautiful, spiritual, intelligent and caring community! I read with great interest many of your posts about the nerve of Missy Jennifer to organize a Marathon and even worse, devise the unimaginable route through a reidential neighborhood. Oh the horror…. but rather than take the word of others, I decided to see for myself. So I left the comfort, sanctity and safety of my Sedona home. As I sat on 89A and watch the participants, walking, running, and strolling, I got caught up in the event and the next thing I knew I had tears, emotional tears in my eyes as I watched with pride, joy and love. At that point I wonder to myself what the online folks knew that I didn’t because I could not no matter how hard I tried, see the harm and destruction as descibed in the loudly written posts.

    What I observed has forever changed me. I felt ashamed of my lazy self as I watched people in all sorts of shapes, sizes and health conditions. However, the most impactful memory that will stay with me always, and even at this moment brings tears to my eyes, was a little old couple. This man and most likely wife of many many years were tailing up the end of the race. They proudly wore their race numbers on their hunched over bodies, displayed great big smiles and shuffled slowly, ever so slowly down the Marathon route – Hand-in-Hand. The love between the two of them was obviously immense and very much contagious.

    Each participant was worthy of admiring and I enthusuastically cheered all of them on… but that most incredibly inspiring old couple made that event a life time memory for me…

    I share this story as an example to why I made my opnions about the nature of the postings on this site – sharing opnions from the safety of their homes, without much information, facts or actions backing up their posts.

    In closing, as is customary and expected, my zing: Mother’s words are ringing in my ears….”Dear, if you don’t have anything nice to say, look for something positive to say no matter how small.”

  19. Karen says:

    Yep I know who you are Mr Bergen, hand in the cookie jar.


    @Anna C. Wong.

    Thank you for two inspirational comments.

    Wouldn’t it be “loverly” if our Hero R. Factor had been considerate enough to “test the waters” as a gesture of attaining approval in his own neighborhood prior to installing his variation of a “hobby horse” as you took time to experience the marathon. And had the City taken similar steps? A concept to maintain some semblance of peace and harmony? In Sedona? Nah.

    Maybe, just maybe, in both instances (the installation of the ham tower and the marathon) if ALL surrounding residents had been appropriately notified well in advance of the pending activities, much of this dialog would not be occurring.

    My Zing for the day, also from my own mother: “Always wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident.”

    Eddie Maddock

  21. R. Walter says:

    The agenda set by City Council regarding the chamber of commerce is clearly the objective set by City Staff as was evident in the presentation given by Karen Daines at the City Council meeting. City Council in my opinion are only pawns of the City Management.
    The City of Sedona has never represented it’s citizens, only a small segmant benefit from the chamber of commerce and the City of Sedona and therefore control the tax monies.

    The City staff would not run their own busuness the way they run the City. In fact they do not run Sedona like a city at all.
    I urge everyone to join the movement to unincorporate the City of Sedona. City management does not deserve their huge pay checks they receive from the tax paying citizens of Sedona.

  22. Anne C. Wong says:

    @ Ms. Lady Maddock

    Excellent response, thank you…I can’t agree with you more about early, active and open communication. Perhaps we can suggest to our Mayor and Council members about this important and critical tool. I know other cities where I haved lived have a dedicated staff member to facilitate a strong 2-way open, honest communication avenue… both to get the word out to the community and as a means to communicate with the City. What you say? Shall we suggest this as a means to minimize misunderstands, inform others and generaly make a statment about the power of the pen through communication?!

    zing: The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. george bernard shaw

  23. William S. says:

    Another novel concept to have been considered for attempting to at least create an illusion of peace and harmony in Sedona would have been for city council and staff to have obtained RFP’s (request for proposals) pertaining to the contract for destination marketing. By not doing so they have continued to fuel an ongoing fire instead of attempting to smother it.

  24. I agree with Ms. Maddock and William. Great points, very true. Extremely wise.

    @ Anne C. Wong many have tried, so far nobody listens or cares.
    Communication is a great tool. Everyone must listen, think fairly and enable everyone to speak up without backlash, bullying,The Kachina Subdivision and the neighbors in Mr. Factor’s area should be treated with more respect. Communication agreed.It wasn’t about them having a public function in Kachina (marathon) It was about the residents not even being told. The Chamber is an independent money making operation that is NOT the City of Sedona. They shouldn’t get any City money in my opinion.

    No one likes this kind of treatment. Love, honor, respect are words to reflect and the yang yang effect of how one is treated.

    Like William S. stated “they have continued to fuel an ongoing fire instead of attempting to smother it.”

    I use my real name as I have seen it all. It has gotten worst over the years not better. In my opinion. Look around not at the pretty rocks but at what is happening.

    Meanwhile I going for a bike ride to enjoy my day. I will be back on SedonaEye has they have integrity, post the truth and enable open honest communication. I find it extremely news worthy. Hope your enjoying your day! Thank you Sedona Eye!

  25. R Walter says:

    You are correct William. When this novel idea came up in City Council Barbara Littrel’s response I believe was “There is not enough time” They had a year and a half. Another statement that has been made is “Give the Chamber more time” In regards to the hiddious Christmas light display, Mark Dinunzio stated “Jennifer had the whole thing dumped on her only with only four months to finish” Considering that I think she did a great job. They always empower Miss Jennifer.

  26. Jim uptown says:

    @william S & R walter as to council decision to bypass RFP’s: ARROGANCE OF POWER aka “because they can” (IMO)

  27. Tony Tonsich says:

    I think the city of Sedona does not work for the citizens, only for tourists and developers. If you believe you can trust a bureaucrat or a politician, I have a bridge to sell you. As R. Walter says above, “City management does not deserve their huge pay checks they receive from the tax paying citizens of Sedona.”

    The only solution in my view is disincorporation.

  28. Ben says:

    To R Walter
    Maybe it’s because miss jennifer wags the dog. think about it.

  29. Wow Tony, you finally came out from under the cloak of Richard Saunders, how nice! You keep pushing the option of dis-incorporation, how’s that working for you so far? Oh yah, only 6 people in 2 months with one being you and the rest living out of the city. I guess more and more are realizing what a “Dvious” person you really are.

  30. No matter what anyone says, what is going on in Sedona is definitely NOT in compliance with the the Vision Statements of the Community Plan. The present “Plan” has been compromised beyond belief and anyone who thinks even a more restrictive and demanding revised Community Plan, now up for voter approval, will be any different . . . well, where’s that bridge someone else mentioned in a comment?

    Land use is a hot topic in the “plan” and if you think things are bad now, just wait. More ham radio towers might pale in comparison with what is in store for us if the “new plan” is approved. With the mayor and three council seats up for grabs, it’s already been displayed that the majority of this council will put as much in motion as they can in the next ten months. Decisions will be made which will affect Sedona for decades!

    We, the voting residents of Sedona, have been betrayed and unless drastic changes are made won’t we just continue to remain our own worst enemies?

  31. Tom Bergen says:

    I’m seeing a whole lot of talk on this site about how everyone is unhappy with the installation of that darn antenna. IF you people are really upset, you’d do something about it. I’ve always said, TALK IS CHEAP!

    It’s my understanding that while overwhelmingly ugly in any neighborhood, IT MEETS THE CODE! So, as far as the city is concerned, not much can really be done by the city. IT’S TIME FOR MORE ACTION THEN WORDS! If the surrounding neighbors (and others) are really upset (and I don’t blame them) they should do something themselves.

    What can they do, you ask??

    If this antenna owner is that unfazed about his tower annoying his neighbors perhaps the neighbors should show him what annoying really is. I believe that it’s legal in AZ to picket in front of someone’s residence. As the kids now say, “just sayin”

  32. Tony Tonsich says:

    Mrs Roger Thomas is most probably Karen Daines. How is that oscillating going for you Karen? Have you got you bearings yet? Karen, I’m surprised you can show your face in Sedona. What is that 11, have you no shame?

    You know what I mean.

    The local government and their proxies and alias will do anything to distract from their incompetence and wasting of funds. Keep writing as Mrs Roger Thomas, I’ll keep mentioning Karen Daines specifically.

  33. Arlee says:

    As a Sedona property owner and long time licensed radio amateur (ham radio operator) and engineer, I feel compelled to correct some of the comments made about the antenna pictured in this article and what entity has jurisdiction over a radio amateur’s activities.

    The federal government determined many years ago that it was beneficial to the nation to have a pool of people that were knowledgeable in the radio arts that could be drawn on in times of crisis and also to act to develop new technologies and skills. Not only do hams have a long history of serving as the only means of communication in emergency situations, ham radio has been the gateway into engineering and the sciences for generations. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the governing body for all amateur related activities, and unless something has changed that I’m not aware of, cannot be overridden by a local government. Hams are required to take examinations covering radio theory, electronics, operating practices, emergency communications and to be available in times of need.

    While not everyone can agree on whether the antenna pictured is “beautiful”, there is a reason behind why the lengths of tubes, called elements, are just a certain length – no more and no less, why these elements are spaced as they are, and what the role of the small cylinders or “traps” on the elements are. Perhaps if the negative commenter’s had some knowledge of physics and electromagnetics, they might see the underlying natural design of the antenna and the tower supporting it.

  34. Peter Sedona says:

    Unsure what Tonsich is saying and don’t want to know but he’s a disservice to those for “disincorporation” or unincorporation (my preferred term). Stop with the personal he said? she said? who says? and give facts. No one cares about who you like or don’t like. Only idiots major in minors. Nobody resorting to personal attacks gets my attention so shout it out in a parking lot but not here. Where’re the facts about money, growth, governance? Build that case.

  35. Bill, uptown says:


    Really? You’re going for the architecture aesthetic argument? LMAO You had great information but the end was self serving?


    picketing great idea! shunning a great idea! you realize tom if antenna-man offers the shunners and picketers free booze and food (the wealthier the greedier) they’ll sit under his antenna.

    welcome to sedona antenna-man. just sayin we’re not spiritual we’re all about spirits. LMAO

  36. Tony Tonsich says:

    @Peter Sedona

    My apologies. Regrettably being human I do occasionally respond to personal attacks from city staff and their proxies.

    You have to understand their position, they are getting large sums of money which will cease if the “City” of Sedona no longer exists. Even my obscure references to Karen Daines are unfortunately factual, documented and show her immaturity and lack of discretion. If you look on the Sedona disincorporation website you will find full documentation as I did.

    As to the number of signatures to date on disincorporation, there are many that have informed us they will not sign as they fear retaliation , but will sign the official petition. The movement is growing.

    Thank you.

  37. Peter Sedona says:

    Tonsich, Show some class and be silent with your personal disagreements and vendettas for they’re inconsequential to city incorporation. You cannot make a factual argument for dismantling incorporation. That is your end note. You’re no longer relevant to the discussion.

  38. Brian D. says:

    here! here! sedona pete! this property owner applauds you. can’t somebody talk about the savings city taxpayers see if we vote to ban city government? what’ll we do for roads and taxes? salaries? could we be split between two counties? do we get sewers then from the counties? how does nsf work out for us then? tourism?

    eddie maddock thanks for covering this. thanks to responders for most comments — like hearing ideas.

  39. Michele says:

    we have the only mcdonalds with blue arches because the golden arches were offensive but not this equally visible metal carcass?? seems community planners had purpose & guts IN THE PAST & rubber stamps NOW

  40. Jason says:

    Can we talk storms? Seems emergency storms are his justifier for this aluminum skyscraper. Ham radio operators today are social networkers with a mike instead of a webcam or facebook. Most operators I know yack it up with people overseas. Sure they are reliable in emergencies but this is Sedona – even the snow doesn’t require a shovel. Sedona doesn’t get hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes of any great magnitude or locust swarms. We do get monsoons. We do get steady breezes occasionally. But we don’t need ham operators to help call in the national guard when it rains or blows. A cell phone will do fine. Admit it, Porky, you like talking around the world on your ham radio. I get it. It’s a neat hobby. I know a lot of ham operators in AZ and few have antennas like that and never in a residential community. The problem here isn’t Porky. It’s a city government that can’t manage zoning & development but that’s nothing new. Take up a collection and gift each councilors neighborhood with a ham radio and require replicas of Aluminati be erected in their blocks. It’s for emergency and safety protection right?

  41. I express my appreciate for America people words now. America humor and angry agree difficult translate. My American friend from Japan did said reading not words and American context is understanding.

    You are great country speaking minds.

  42. Bill Stankey says:

    ridiculous…town needs a shake up

  43. Jim Woodruff says:

    Your state needs a shake up…wake up

  44. Bill Stankey says:

    Oh that’s right! The government is going to turn on everyone that’s why we need guns to buy a latte…..and when the Russkies “launch” ham boy can lets us all know! Brilliant. Big paranoid survivalist ! via Facebook

  45. “I’ve seen that tower. But I have to say, unless you’re at exactly the right angle to it, it’s merely a nuisance for the very local neighbors. Yes, it’s ugly, and it detracts from the million dollar home it’s attached to, but all the hype always shows photos that imply it blocks all of Sedona’s beauty for everyone, and that’s just not so.”

  46. Bill Stankey says:

    Dexter the point is if it can happen there it can happen anywhere and we have to try to get it stopped. It’s not in keeping with the town and Ham radio can be done on the internet now it’s 2014 not 1954

  47. We don’t disagree that the city made a poor decision in allowing it. The same folks who force fast food chains through hoops to fit in with the local landscape (a good thing!) allowed the metal monstrosity, and that’s a consistency problem with the City of Sedona, who need to do a better job on things like this. via Facebook

  48. Mark says:

    @Dexter T Penman My interpretation of the subject article is that installation of antennas of this magnitude is not in compliance with the Vision Statement of the Community Plan. Sure, this might be a case of “not in my back yard” but isn’t the real issue whether or not we want these appearing all over Sedona? How about the property next door to you?

  49. Tom G says:

    Dexter, that’s the way a group of people on this site like to roll, misstate facts and find fault in everything, be it city government, radio antenna, water park, taxes, tourists,, small pothole in the road, etc, etc!!! They take pride on their hated of everything!!

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