Sedona AZ (November 5, 2010) -Back by popular demand, Eric Williams with JJ Corcoran will be headlining the Village of Oak Creek’s Marketplace Cafe’s Blues Brews & BBQ event on Sunday, November 7, 2010. Eric and JJ will also headline Marketplace Cafe’s next Blues Brews & BBQ event on November 21.
The last time this duo played at Marketplace Cafe, it was standing room at opening song! Be at the Village of Oak Creek’s Marketplace Cafe, 6505 Route 179, from 6 PM to 9 PM and enjoy two very skilled performers. Support our local performers by getting Out and About Sedona!
As local celeb and writer Jim Franckowiak, our very own, says, “If it’s off the chain, you’ll read about it in the Sedona Times Publishing and The Sedona Eye!” Give Hollywood Jim a Shout Out – let him know what you know – about where to be seen, who to be seen with, and who was where and doing what. Remember Hollywood Jim’s fave words are “Gossip is showing love, divas!”

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Well, YOU MISSED IT if you weren’t there, DIVAS! B.B. King rolled up in his Cady to give one of Sedona’s best musicians, Eric Williams, a Shout Out and that fine Miss J.J. packs a whole lotta of deep southern-fried blues baby! If you stayed at home with the remote, you missed the dueling harmonicas and you should be ASHAMED! See you on the 21st of November. Be there. This Eye will know!