Home » City Council, Community » Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (November 23, 2016)This is an e-mail sent to the City Council which is self-explanatory.

TO: Members of the Sedona City Council

The following two comments were posted by Steve Segner, Chairman of the Sedona Lodging Council, under my most recent article on Sedona Eye. The subject related to the Council meeting held on Nov. 22, 2016:

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM
Well Eddie see you at the meeting this afternoon want to hear what you have to say in public and the other 3 people that post using made up name,

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Ha, no one showed or sent in letter to the city council meeting Toni the?
So what’s up all you chamber haters you had your chance,
Great meeting, chamber offering to spend $1.200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot up town…..That’s right money take from advertising and spend it to help traffic and parking.
I can hardly wait to see how you all put a negative spin on this
have fun

* * * * * * * *

Without intention to minimize Sedona’s need for additional parking, my question is, if the information Mr. Segner provided is accurate, that the Chamber is offering to spend $1,200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot uptown, why wouldn’t the City purchase the property directly instead of going through the Chamber of Commerce? Does it mean the City authorizes support for the Chamber to enter into the business of real estate/property management on the City’s behalf? Will the City of Sedona be responsible for property taxes and other liability on such property(s)? Who will benefit from a potential commission on the sale/purchase transaction of said property(s)?

question mark 4The same question remains unanswered as to why the City refuses to contract with a professional advertising agency, through the process of Requests for Proposals, as they do other city contracts?

Mr. Segner also refers in a comment dated 11/18 – 1:19 PM, to a contribution allegedly made by the Sedona Lodging Council of $5,000 towards the traffic study. In addition to funding for the USFS to assist in trail maintenance, that money was attributed as having come from the Chamber of Commerce as reported in the Red Rock News. Is the source of that funding from Chamber membership dues or does it represent a portion of the money allocated under the terms of the City’s contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of destination marketing? If it is, in fact, city revenue, then once again why wouldn’t the city follow their budget process and allocate the money directly?

Have you abandoned the commitment made during initial contract negotiations for the services of a professional outside audit to ascertain with certainty how this money has and continues to be spent?

What is the purpose of retaining a special interest, member driven organization as an acting agent for the City of Sedona? Do you have a written contract for that purpose? Does the Chamber of Commerce have a similar contract with the State of Arizona to act as an agent for them in order to justify authorized permission to function under the flag of the “Bureau of Tourism?” Do you ever intend to insist the legitimate businesses in Sedona City Limits, licensed and collecting city sales and bed taxes, be equitably represented at the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, allegedly 70% financed with city tax revenue, without being coerced into mandatory membership in the Chamber of Commerce?

sedona jobs accounting tax dollar bill book calculatorDo you have an accounting of the number of employees the Chamber of Commerce has hired since the inception of the contract agreement? Do you know the source of revenue being used for their compensation?

Unless you have already determined the contract will be renewed, prior to a formal meeting to address that subject, why would you sanction for the Chamber to purchase real estate on the City’s behalf? Again, have you no intention to consider redirecting use of the unconfirmed return on the bed tax increase?

Do you ever intend to ascertain with accuracy what percentage of the increase in city revenue during the past two years is attributed to the upswing in economy? Have you ever considered that by having followed protocol according to other transactions entered into by the City of Sedona the community might have averted many, many suspicions and ill will?

The City of Sedona has essentially set forth a policy of meticulously scrutinizing other contracted partnerships, apparently with the desire for unquestionable transparency. What’s the reason for reckless abandonment of that protocol when participating in transactions with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce? Doesn’t logical analysis portray this scenario as one whereby it is the City of Sedona that continues to promote the Chamber of Commerce instead of the other way around?

Respectfully submitted,

(Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock

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Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. West Sedona Dave says:

    You do know a few of your questions were asked and answered at the meeting dont you?……

    But Im sure soon you will have another unfounded issue with the Chamber…..

    Maybe a call to your states attorney, they could and will clarify your concerns?

    But like the rest of the complaining crew, you will just spew whatever is your latest made up problem…..

    Old and tired excuses…..

  2. steve Segner says:

    First off the idea id to get more parking up town, how we do it or if we do the parking lot will be up to the city council, the chamber is offering an idea and the funds and help to run it.

    The chamber may be able to make it happen, faster then the city can and I am sure they can do it for less money, the idea is to give it to the city in five years if the city wants it or there may be a plan (b) up to the city.

    Lets just let a good idea move forward, we have a great city manager he will guide the process and the council will have final say. All good it is a start.

  3. Suggestion to City Hall says:

    Listen to the people and not those with their hands in city coffers pockets.
    The same old tired farts make comments under different names @West Sedona Dave= Steve Segner, JW, WSR and any other name spewing the same hate. It is clear that you are benefiting from the funding of special interest group otherwise you would be ranting, attacking everyone that disagrees with funding millions of dollars to a membership based regional association.

    If you are paying someone always do your checks and balances. Don’t trust anyone getting funding from the taxpayers. Oh BTW it is up to Hotels and other businesses to do their own advertising.

    No need to comment WSD – SS as we all know your ding. If you weren’t stealing taxpayers money you wouldn’t be the guerilla bully big ssss that your are.

  4. Eddie Maddock says:

    Of course, West Sedona Dave, you, the same as all of us, have the right to offer your opinion, and it’s impressive you were so quick to spot my latest submission to Sedona Eye.

    In particular, however, it’s a pleasure to extend appreciation to the three members of the Sedona City Council who so quickly took time to acknowledge, with respect, kindness and consideration, my concerns.

    For that I especially offer my gratitude and extend best wishes for them to enjoy a fine day, celebrating a Happy Thanksgiving. The three of them gave me another reason to be grateful – that they cared enough to respond.


    Eddie Maddock

  5. Jay D. says:

    And where, pray tell, @Steve Segner, does the Chamber get the money to be buying property? If the dues paid by their members are that hefty, then the Chamber should be giving $2.01 million to the city!

    You know as well as the rest of us it’s city tax money that will be buying that property. Which is why it should go through the city and NOT the Chamber or any other special interest organization.

    We didn’t vote for Sedona to incorporate to be governed by the Chamber of Commerce! We did not elect Jennifer Wesselhoff or Steve Segner to represent us. Isn’t the new city manager experienced enough to understand that and the concept of City Limits? And yes, it was Steve Segner that brought the city manager into this conversation.

  6. @Steve segner says:

    Come on now. Get a grip. Stop the scamming. We DID NOT VOTE you or lodging club or the chamber in to RUN the city,

    The City Manager is a whimp. It is HIS job to do the work NOT yours. Complete BS again. Funneling taxpayers money to your special interest.
    BS again

  7. Harold W. says:

    If the city had used the money from the increased bed tax to provide more parking instead of questionable advertising that hasn’t at all been proven effective for anything more than day trippers, it would have been a better investment. That goes for the Lodging Council as well – which would justify the use of discretionary tax. No ifs, ands, or buts about that one. The bad reputation Sedona is getting grows day by day and you can thank the C of C for having contributed to that, too.

  8. Matt Shobert says:

    People… if you can’t even stand by your name, your comment doesn’t mean scrap!!!!! It is cowardice to accuse, gossip and even threaten, if you cannot even say who you are. Wimps! …and please no commentary without accountability!!!

  9. Liz says:

    And just who is Matt Shobert?

  10. Jim Poole says:

    You are so right Steve. The City staff can’t do anything close to you and Jennifer. We should make the region of Sedona their own country. Jennifer can be president and you can be her VP. Then you can really teach the city staff the proper way to run the city. The are so inefficient. Move slow, can;t processor think through anything. They clearly can’t count or track let alone save the taxpayer any money.
    Spot on Steve. pumpkins for sure

  11. @Matt Shobert says:

    So are YOU the editor/publisher of Sedona Eye calling the shots and establishing the rules here? And do YOU find anonymous comments reflecting your own position(s) acceptable? Yes or No will suffice.

  12. Marv says:

    @Matt Shobert . . . “accuse, gossip and even threaten” ?? How can any of those terms apply to what’s going on in Sedona”?

    The writing is on the wall. When legitimate, voting residents of an incorporated area have been sold out lock, stock and barrel to a rogue regional chamber of commerce, as is now very quickly becoming solidified by allowing them to purchase property with public revenue, how can it be perceived as anything other than factual?

    Seems some of you have a difficult time facing reality. Could that be because you are on the receiving end of this farce? Get a grip, Mr. Shobert. Chill out with with your like-minded buddies. Nothing lasts forever. And that, too, is not a threat. It”s another fact.

  13. Research says:

    I would guess that the name Matt Shobert was hijacked as the real Matt moved away from Sedona to Murrieta California. According to the article http://www.pe.com/articles/shobert-755608-chief-fire.html
    Murrieta: fire chief, March 2011 – December 2014

    Hemet: fire chief, April 2008 – March 2011

    Sedona, Ariz.: fire chief, February 2005 – April 2008; deputy fire chief, June 2000 – February 2005”

    Matt was forced to step down due to accident. “Shobert suffered a severe injury to the left side of his face and a string of reconstructive surgeries await. He also has experienced some memory loss, he said.”

    Most likely his named was hijacked. With his issues I doubt it is the real Matt

  14. steve Segner says:

    Mav, and Jay D, did you go to the city meeting? Did you stand up and say how you feel?
    Did you see the report the chamber made?

    Liz asks And just who is Matt Shobert? And she will not use her full name, you guys are unbelievable….. All talk no show

  15. Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    West Sedona Dave is right. At least one question was answered. When the new employee with the USFS stood up there at the meeting and gave testimony about how wonderful the chamber of commerce was because they are giving all that money for the trail system – well, one of many examples how the city is, in fact, promoting and branding the chamber of commerce instead of the other way around. Poor fellow seemed clueless and brainwashed , completely unaware that the money they were receiving was from incorporated Sedona tax revenue.

    It’s disgraceful – beginning but certainly not ending with the signage of the city funded “Sedona Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center” and now with the new practice of them (city) allowing the chamber to spend city revenue wherever they jolly well please. All to promote and brand the Chamber of Commerce and not City of Sedona at all.

    And now they will purchase land for a parking lot? And deed it to the city in five years? And wasn’t the former Teen Center established by other do-gooders in Sedona also deeded to the city some years back and has been nothing but a White Elephant ever since? And now it’s even worse since they (city) pay thousands of $$$ annually to another special interest group, Red Earth Theatre, to use it and compete with city businesses. How did that slip by the C of C so they could take credit for it as well?

    So the chamber owns the city, represents the state with their tourism bureau, and now have taken license to fund the federal government (via public money and not the chamber’s) the USFS trail system. Very generous of that Chamber of Commerce. Will the city next give financial backing and license for them to decide which of all the non-profits lined up are worthy of entitlements?

    This is not only lame, it’s asinine if not illegal. Which, no doubt, these people have been clever enough to cover their behinds to defy challenge. Sick, sick, sick over and above putrid. Great work. Have the pros outdone themselves with this one or what? Keep putting that Sedona Chamber of Commerce out there as a reason to visit Arizona and forget the City of Sedona. Name of this game.

  16. Matt G. says:

    Thank the powers that be for keeping me and my family outside city limits but within school and fire districts. And the extended benefits courtesy of city tax revenue and the regional Chamber of Commerce most assuredly add to the perks of having been excluded from that elite society by my voting ‘NO’ on the ballot issue to incorporate so many years ago. So, with a sigh of relief, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas which is still permissible out here in the boonies where, thanks again to the powers that be, we haven’t been restricted to political correctness.

  17. @Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    Hi Jerry or should I say DJV AKA Cake Lady

    While there are others who may feel the same as you YOU are among the few who blabber about the same points over and over again.

    You hate the Chamber.
    You hate the teen center
    You hate that Destination Marketing has actually worked. While it’s not the be all and end all, it has been big in helping me get my B&B back on financial track.

    We all know that you hate everything Sedona. How do I know because every time I went into your cake place in W Sedona you would make sure that everyone that stepped foot into your place of goodies knew you and your husbands opinion.

    You probably blame everyone else for being kicked out of your lease but you know it was this hateful attitude.

    No matter who Jerry is, If Jerry really feels this hate why not go to a city hall meeting and share your views with the people who may make a difference.

  18. Thanks Steve says:

    Thanks Steve Segner for disclosing that it is YOU who posts as multiple fake handles.
    Anyone that attacks or speak hate while defending that funding a regional chamber with exclusive use of City taxpayers is Steve. Your post has identified you. You are all greedy taking money that is not yours.
    Hahaha knew you were a low lifer. “it has been big in helping me get my B&B back on financial track.”

  19. Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    To the person who seems to think I’m some Cake Lady(?) you are mistaken. And how do you know I wasn’t at that meeting? Because only two people from the public spoke and I wasn’t one of them? Your ignorance is exceeded by your anger and stupidity. And why don’t you make similar charges about West Sedona Dave and others. Do any of them bake cakes? Oh, but of course they agree with your own position on this issue. Could the reason possibly be because they are benefiting financial from this present setup as are those being paid to use the former Teen Center?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Cause all Jerry does is complain about Sedona…..By his own admission……he doesn’t even live in Sedona…. Just a crackpot looking for avenue to expel is dissatisfaction with himself…

  21. Paul D says:

    I am not alone in not liking when someone takes money from me by force, through sales taxes, sewer taxes or other fees and gifts it to someone else.

    Gifting millions to the Sedona Chamber, Sedona Film Fest and Sedona Teen center is not the job of the city. Let these groups survive or fail on their own merit.

    Sure I could move, but the foolish moves by the city have made my property values relatively lower. Why should I have to move? The city should stick to serving residents and not promoting more tourism.

  22. Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    “Anonymous” you are wrong. Regretfully I do reside within Sedona City Limits as indicated. However if I’d known the negative impact incorporation would impose on Sedona, believe me I would have relocated outside local government jurisdiction prior to the drop in real estate values.

    However, there may be light at the end of the tunnel after the first of the year when vacation rentals go into effect. Out of state investors may just be waiting to take advantage of that opportunity. It might turn out to be a gold mine, especially with inept enforcement as was the case when they were illegal. But, of course, Jen & Steve as suggested by Councilor Thompson will be designated the “Short Term Rental Enforcers” since they are already in charge of everything else. Or more likely they will be scrambling to explain why bed taxes took a dive. Timeshares get away without paying it, so why shouldn’t private properties?

    On the bright side, it will give the Chamber cry babies something else to yammer about. “Blah, Blah, Blah – how can you survive without us?” Very nicely, if the truth were told.

  23. An Observation says:

    Of those who post objections such as Steve Segner, Matt Shobert, Sedona Dave, Anonymous and various form of @”references to comments questioning the contract the City has with the Chamber, none of them deny it is the Chamber of Commerce being branded and promoted with the destination marketing funding. The best they can do is deflect the issue in an attempt to discredit those that see through the set-up which most assuredly appears to be rigged. Does the term “shell game” ring a bell? Or how about a remote version of a ponzo scheme? Just an observation, mind you . . .

  24. @Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    Jerry you’re in luck! No happy = time to sell and get out! Because of the legal short term rentals housing prices are skyrocketing and inventory is low.

  25. Pat says:

    obviously you don’t have a house for sale in Sedona, that’s BS, we can’t sell squat here w/o giving it away – buyers market, not sellers market, go figure

  26. Another Question says:

    Why do you suppose the city didn’t buy property for a parking lot instead of the land next to city hall owned by the association of realtors? Good investment or not, for the health, safety, welfare and, yes, to benefit the lodging businesses and the tourists, labeled the economic engine driving the economics of this city, shouldn’t it have taken priority?

  27. Point to Ponder says:

    Has anyone else noticed the extent to which the death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro is being celebrated? Just wondering. Dictators don’t have to be elected. Self appointed in Sedona seems to work.

  28. Joe says:

    Great points brought up here. I am a partner in business here. I have spoken out.
    Restaurants Hotels and event centers make a big percentage of revenue on hosting special events, entertainment, group meetings, parties, meetings, festivals ect. We charge for area, food, alcohol and sometime entrance fees. All get taxed so the City of Sedona gets their fair share. When we rent out space to a non profit they pay us and in most cases they are subject to pay sales tax.
    The city is working against it’s own. They have allowed a few chosen to take over the city and they are beneficiaries of millions.
    Our companies are members of the chamber but we do not receive any referrals. My partners are to afraid to break away so they continue to renew memberships in fear of retribution. It not rosie doing business in Sedona. There is much corruption. I am not alone and know dozen of business owners that have approached the city. Kickbacks and referral fees are the highest here. Fees and charges are higher here. Sedona is losing it golden egg. Dictatorship and corruption has take us over.

  29. @Joe says:

    What you write is correct. Did you know that at a council meeting a while back John Martinez, at the end of the meeting when council makes suggestions about future agendas, well, he brought up discussing referrals and was quickly shut down by Sandy Moriarty – something about too many more important things. Then Martinez asked about sometime in the future and Moriarty promptly and soundly told him no, never! If I could remember the exact date I would offer it but cannot. Still it DID happen so don’t look for things to change.

  30. Alarmed says:

    During last Tuesdays City Council Mtg, Jen was touting the tremendous success of the Chamber of Commerce last year. The Chamber’s Annual Report 2015/2016 claims, among other things, “Over $1.4 million more dollars collected in sales tax” as compared to the previous year.

    WHOA! Isn’t this the wrong comparison? Shouldn’t City sales tax collections before the Great Recession be compared to 2015/2016’s? When adjusted for inflation, the City is failing to take in as many millions as it did in FY 2007 and FY 2008.

    By using the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (the most closely watched indicator for inflation in the U.S.), users can calculate the current value of dollar amounts from years ago.

    Total inflation from FY 2007 through FY 2016, inclusive, is 18.25%. $14,609,992 in FY 2007 dollars, when adjusted for inflation, is $17,276,907.84.

    Total inflation from FY 2008 through FY 2016, inclusive, is 15.53%. $14,100,884 in FY 2008 dollars, when adjusted for inflation, is $16,290,694.78.

    The City’s FY 2016 Sales Tax Revenue according to the City Finance Department: a lessor amount–$14,999,612.

    I agree with Joe that dictatorship and corruption have taken over. Perhaps fraud?

  31. Name Withheld says:

    Threats and intimidation could result to many of us who divulge our names. And here’s another reason. Tourists have told me, as a fact, when going to the chamber visitors center, asking directions to my business, they have been referred to competition as being a better choice. Not only that, businesses that supply chamber volunteers with tasty treats also climb to the top of the referral list. This is how they honor their MEMBERS! Another dreadful practice this city financially supports. (over and above actually competing with local businesses by offering alcohol at city events and the city financed entertainment center at the former Teen Center) Doesn’t the city have a policy whereby staff isn’t supposed to accept favors from their “customers?”

  32. @Alarmed says:

    WOW A SMOKING GUN!!!! If you REALLY believe that there’s “fraud” then do something with that information. Call the city manager or call the State if you feel that there’s merit to your claim. Otherwise, you’re just kicking dust and stirring the pot for nothing because you don’t have nothing!

  33. @@Joe says:

    Wow, shocking just shocking!

    “Martinez brought up discussing referrals and was quickly shut down by Sandy Moriarty”. What does that mean, referrals???

    “If I could remember the exact date I would offer it but cannot”. There are only a few meetings a month but, “IT DID HAPPEN” so you say. Gee, how about doing what the rest of us do, GO TO THE VIDEO TAPE!

    I heard someone say that Martinez took a cut in salary or doesn’t take a salary at all, is that a fact? Who knows but I read about it on the internet so it must be, right???

  34. Susan P says:

    I heard the same thing as @Joe. Sandy said those exact words. Who made you the police @@Joe? BS you’re a city employee trying to cover it up. Is that because you get some of those kickbacks?
    @Joe Thanks for speaking up. I know what you said is true.

  35. @@Joe says:

    to Susan P

    I call BS if you really heard the same things as @Joe then you would have elaborated on what was or wasn’t said. If you think that I’m BS then why don’t you go to the video tape and give us all the date and time so we can all be educated on this issue. Then you can explain what “referrals” means.

    I certainly wish I was a city employee I could use the money. Kickbacks you ask, send them my way, I’m not proud and Christmas is coming and I can’t afford to buy my Grand-kids anything nice this year.

    How immature can one be, I don’t agree with something that’s said and right away I’m an enemy.

  36. Susan P says:

    @@joe come on you are the one calling people out. You are the one that needs to grow up. How about your real name? Give us the first real name, you won’t as you are not truthful. I’ll ask again WHO put you in charge for the ENTIRE VV to answer to? I don’t see any law that requires us to answer to YOU>>>>>>BS

  37. HA HA HA says:

    HA HA HA don’t you know that’s the way Sedona runs the city @@Joe? Yep it is true agree or you’re out! Go along with the scam of the Chamber or they will kick you out. HA HA HA your a funny one!

  38. Outsider's Observation says:

    There’s “them” that keep yammering about improprieties with Sedona City and some regional Chamber of Commerce. Then there’s “those” that nag from the other side about the “them” taking their gripes to some higher realm. Are they, in fact, doing so because they are absolutely positive there aren’t any breaches of legal or ethical proprieties occurring here? And “them” that keep harping on the injustice of it all, have they by chance made any effort to take their concerns to a more authoritative level? And in the event legalities are squeaky clean, there comes the matter of ethics. Unfortunately, sometimes legal matters do not pass muster with being ethical, whereby subsequent judgments reflect the character of those in charge of making decisions.

    Reading comments on this site beats most of TV these days, especially national and local news. Thanks for the entertainment.

  39. Fred says:

    effort noted

  40. Wsr says:

    Attention SE readers

    Susan P

    Are all the same person…..most likely someone that got fired from city government

  41. Psycho Alert says:

    Psycho Alert- Wsr is up to their old tricks. Delusional. Danger Danger Danger Stay away from psychoville Wsr

  42. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for proving my pt

    Add another fake name SE readers… There’s one crazy posting under different names……they got called out thus their crazy posts


  43. Jim Poole says:

    Here is a great idea. Let’s add some great grownup conversations here. Ignore fake names and only respond to those using their real names.
    It is healthier and more positive. We can all move forward in a positive direction. Ignore the name calling.

  44. Norma says:

    I’m in. Best solution ever!!!!!!

  45. steve Segner says:

    great idea

  46. Eddie Maddock says:

    With reference to comments relating to a council meeting when John Martinez suggested the subject of “referrals” be placed on a future agenda, and it was denied by Mayor Moriarty, I distinctly recall having watched that meeting. As comments appeared challenging occurrence of the event, and due to lack of recollection of the date of the meeting, an attempt to review meeting videos of 2015 produced the message “Couldn’t load plugin.”

    A further pursuit of reviewing the Minutes of ALL regular city council meetings during the year 2015 failed to reveal a record of the Martinez episode as did a review of 2016 city council meetings to date.

    Because of that, I sent an e-mail to Councilman Martinez, requesting verification of the event. Did he make a request for the “referrals” issue to be placed on a future agenda and did Mayor Moriarty deny the request.

    Here is the reply from Councilman Martinez:

    “Yes. After the meeting she explained her answer that basically meant that it wasn’t enough of a high priority compared to all the other issues the city is facing. At our budget meeting tomorrow I’ll try to bring it up again.”

    So, indeed the incident occurred. Due to inaccessibility of meeting videos and unless I inadvertently overlooked the reference in the recorded Minutes of council meetings, the absence of a record of the event remains a mystery.

    Eddie Maddock

  47. E. S. Maddock says:

    This is to formally apologize to John Martinez for not having acknowledged his recent elevated position to Vice Mayor. In my previous comment, having addressed him as “Councilman” was an unintended oversight for which I sincerely regret.

    Eddie Maddock

  48. Research says:

    Explains a lot. Food for thought.


    “Competition is, in general, a contest or rivalry between two or more organisms, animals, individuals, economic groups or social groups, etc., for territory, a niche, for resources, goods, for mates, for prestige, recognition, for awards, for group or social status, or for leadership and profit. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared, where one’s gain is the other’s loss (a zero-sum game).”

  49. Geena says:

    Yes, manipulate and cover up is what this Chamber and City does best. The co-mingling of city funds with the chamber, tourism bureau, lodging council, and now apparently product development borders on lunacy. Does anyone except the City Council and Staff buy into this utter nonsense? And since when was the Chamber of Commerce qualified to be experts in product development any more than their expertise in the field of advertising?

    With the exposure of city cover-ups by making information conveniently unavailable, it’s little wonder so many are frustrated and the only way to convey their messages is by using pseudo names. With the admitted practice of referrals as pay-offs to compete in local businesses, and the not so veiled threats of being reminded how Sedona operates, take it or leave it – become a member of the regional Chamber of Commerce or else (in spite of their policy to advertise out-of city competing businesses) hit the road, Chump – via the back door.

    There isn’t a shadow of a doubt just who is being show-cased with this obscene, tasteless funding to this rogue C of C in this falsely identified “City of Sedona.” It is the tax paying residents and businesses within City Limits of this incorporated piece of land that are paying to brand, label, and promote the ill conceived “Sedona” Chamber of Commerce to the world. Now, is that a legacy for which to be proud, City Councils and Staff – past, present, and future? Apparently the clannish group of the self-appointed elitists thinks it is.

  50. Really Eddie says:

    Eddie I learned a long time ago that you are one of the few on this site that know how to get FACTS and I respect that. But can you please explain what does “referrals” mean?

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