Home » City Council, Community » Cut to the Chase Update with Eddie Maddock

Cut to the Chase Update with Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (February 18, 2016) – As a result of the untimely resignation of Angela LeFevre from the Sedona City Council at a special meeting on February 10, 2016, Council had a discussion relating to selection of a replacement to serve during the months prior to national, state, and city elections in November 2016.

Of the six applicants, Michael Ward, Steve Segner, Charles Lamkin, Gerhard Mayer, Robert O’Donnell and Harry Danilevics, the council decided to limit their interviews to four. Each council member rated the individual applicants. After tallying, in order of importance the finalists to be interviewed, tentatively set for March 3, 2016, are Ward, Segner, Lamkin and Mayer.

Harry Danilevics was disqualified because records indicated he was not a registered voter. Robert O’Donnell was eliminated from the interviews due to Council’s limitation to four, although initially five had been considered.

Even being short one member, January as usual was a busy month for Council reviewing and analyzing priorities. The long awaited fulfillment of completion of the Barbara Antonsen Memorial Park was rated number one, cautioned by City Manager Justin Clifton that keeping within budget created previous delays.

Community Plan implementation remains high on the list which encompasses many specifics such as Community Focus Areas, park land acquisition, culture and arts citywide, and beautification of State Route 89A.

Friends of Posse Grounds artistic rendering of the pavilion shell which collapsed during construction

Friends of Posse Grounds artistic rendering of the pavilion shell which collapsed during construction in August 2012 and which remains incomplete to date.

Brewer Road Master Plan, comprehensive traffic study, uptown crosswalk and safety improvements, city sign code, and economic development plan remain among the list.

Also code enforcement, such as short-term rental bans and illegal multi-family units remain a concern while Chamber of Commerce tourism efforts, economic development plan, housing in-lieu policy, and a wireless master plan are included. Long-term revenue options and alternate expenditure limits conclude the line-up.

It was interesting to note that although the investigation began at an unknown date, probably mid-December 2015 when a telephone poll was already under way, “Franchise for refuse/recycling” remains on the list.

The “franchise” as identified at the meeting was later discredited by Assistant City Manager Karen Daines as being an inappropriate term and has been discussed in a previous article, 2015 in Review.

As a followup to the proposal with two public meetings held Monday, February 1, and Tuesday, February 2, both sustained overwhelming attendance and the opportunity for public comment and questions was well utilized. Undeniably, audience input strongly opposed the proposition, and even the duplication of the phone survey offered at the meetings, results instantly projected on a screen, indicated utter rejection of City’s consideration to deny freedom to select preferred garbage haulers in addition to slamming free enterprise.

Clearly the percentage of people already recycling was between 80% and 90% while the number of participants requiring bulk hauling was negligible.

Among the many reasons expressed in opposition to city interference with garbage hauling, included were loss of opportunity to share containers, inability to discontinue service and related charges during lengthy absences from Sedona, and, perhaps the loudest protest heard was “We do not trust the government.”

Sedona City Council woman Angela LeFevre, second left, unexpectedly resigned from office leaving Council to appoint a new member until the November 2016 election.

Sedona City Councilwoman Angela LeFevre’s (second left) unexpected resignation from office requires Council to appoint a new member to serve until the November 2016 council election.

The attendees were not persuaded that garbage disposal rates would necessarily be lower either: At the beginning, maybe, but once under the clutches of City billing, a fear of future unleashed increases hung heavy on the atmosphere. In order for city control to be functional and succeed it was made very clear it needs to be based on 5,000 subscribers, further indicating “opting out will not be an option.”

So, as the process continues to move forward, largely focused on an attempt to change peoples’ minds, it remains problematic to Sedona residents that City Council members will vote their own agendas or what THEY think is best for the community.

As in the contract with the Sedona Lodging Council and Chamber of Commerce for the Destination Marketing based on the half percent bed tax increase, is a similar deal already in place to gouge residents for a contract to boost the operation of our well respected and public supported Sedona Recycles?

Is all the fluff and brouhaha a smoke screen for a deal that simply lacks appropriate documentation to make it legitimately enforceable? And will that surface at a meeting in March when City Staff presents their conclusions to Council?

Sedona City Council members have stated they will not be influenced by local polls, including their own telephone survey, when deciding to eliminate citizens right to contract with private garbage haulers and assume control of contracting with the same haulers and requiring all residents to pay for service whether needed or not.

Several Sedona City Council members have stated they will not be influenced by local polls, including their own telephone survey, when deciding to eliminate citizens right to contract with private garbage haulers by assuming city control of all trash disposal contracts and mandating that every city household pay for trash and recycling services. Recycling is now free to the public at Sedona Recycles and its IGA branch in the VOC. Three garbage haulers now serve city residents, two are independent local companies.

Even the City’s telephone poll clearly indicates “butting out” would be the logical course of action at this point. And that is substantiated by almost 500 MoveOn.com petition signatures and a survey taken by the Red Rock News reflecting 71% of those responding disagreed with the question: “Should the city hire just one trash hauling company?”

City Council, of course, deems those two feedback sources as being invalid.

It would be interesting to know if those results were reversed, if that high percentage supported the city takeover – would City Council still cry “unofficial results?”

In conclusion and reflecting on the first 2016 quarterly budget review and discussion held on January 7, a lengthy 5-1/2 hour special session, City Manager Justin Clifford, based on projected economic recovery, delivered a comprehensive explanation of the need to incorporate true costs into the budget for infrastructure, such as roads.

Cheri Wright, Director of Financial Services, reminded those in attendance that Sedona’s population remains relatively flat compared to many communities that are growing. State Sales Tax (state shared revenues based on State Income Tax) is based on population.

Ms. Wright further attributed the increase in last year’s sales tax to coming out of the recession. However, the front page of “City of Sedona 2015 Annual Community Report” largely credits the economical upswing to the Chamber of Commerce and the city financed marketing program for having contributed to the 12% increase.

The degree of that contribution remains unknown since, to date, neither a verified Return on Investment of the $1.5 million contract or an outside legitimate audit of expenditures has been provided. Over and above the verbal “just trust us,” which was the premise by which the destination marketing contract was established in the first place, authentic justification for this extreme expense remains a mystery except, possibly, by intensified traffic congestion which primarily, unless proven otherwise, represents an increase in day-trippers and not necessarily city revenue.

As a belated tribute to honor our most recent Federal holiday, that being President’s Day on Monday, February 15, it seems timely to revive two famous quotes:

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” President George Washington

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” President Abraham Lincoln

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. J. Rick Normand says:


    Eddie, you mentioned that Cheri Wright, Director of Financial Services, reminded those in attendance that Sedona’s population remains relatively flat compared to many communities that are growing. State Sales Tax (state shared revenues based on State Income Tax) is based on population. What’s wrong with this picture?

    All of us who live here believe that we live in one of the most stunningly beautiful places on earth, yet nobody wants to move here. In fact, our population isn’t flat…it’s shrinking. Hmmm! Might I suggest that for Sedona and its School District to grow we first have to attract young entrepreneurs, who typically have school-aged kids, who will bring to Sedona clean innovative technology-oriented businesses that have GROWTH POTENTIAL. There is a workable and historically proven strategy for doing this, and your Council vacancy candidate Harry Danilevics intended to reveal it to Council complete with a plan but was DQ’d even though Steve Segner, who is NOT a resident of Sedona, was not only allowed to remain but is rated by our Council as its top candidate. Of course, Harry is too young to have been able to make sizable political cash contributions to certain sitting Council members as some of his competition has. All he had to contribute was a considerable brain and a lot of zeal, God forbid! A lot of young people were watching the Council reject Harry (a successful Air Force Academy candidate who instead decided to attend Columbia Univ. in NYC) which only confirmed their worst fears about coming to Sedona. Sedona has an earned nasty reputation for being anti-small business (except for tourism related service businesses that have little future), anti-young self employed, anti-young intellectuals, and anti-fair & square competitive bidding for city services. Gee, despite all this, Council sits around scratching its collective head, or possible its rear, along with Staff, while trying to figure out why our town somehow turns off the very people that could lead it to the future it has always desired but has never been able to accomplish.

  2. Realtor Speaking says:

    Our market sucks. Has. Will. Council actions nail the coffin lid tighter & tighter. Thanks for letting me blow off another morning frustration of little income over coffee. Council needs to stop construction, demand infill, fast track remodel permitting, encourage sitting inventory to move. We’ve got million dollar properties begging for owners that should be priced at several million, we’ve got developers overdeveloping to line their pockets. We have too much affordable housing in every spectrum of the market!

  3. Eddie Maddock says:

    J. Rick, of course you bring up excellent points and your evaluation of this situation makes sense. However, based on the list of City Council’s “priorities” they don’t appear to offer anything even close to what you have suggested.

    For example, two council meetings are scheduled for next week. During the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 23, there will be a “discussion/possible direction on the activities and accomplishments of Red Earth Theatre in professional service contract for two additional years” while the Special Meeting the following day, Feb. 24, Council will “discuss a presentation and possible direction on the Western Gateway Community Focus Area (CFA) Plan.”

    Clearly and in reality there is little concern by City Council that AZ State shared revenue will continue to shrink as long as Sedona’s population continues to dwindle. Five neighbors in my immediate subdivision have relocated within the past three years (one to VOC, two to Cottonwood, one to Prescott, and another to New River). Two of the homes remain unoccupied and another lives in Sedona part-time.

    As evidenced by opposition to the proposed garbage-hauling takeover by City, they obviously do not care what residents think and it doesn’t matter to them that more and more people do not want to move to Sedona and then after moving here realize it was a mistake. Surely City Council would be very happy if I were among them (maybe you, too) but I’ve been here so long that such a notion is unlikely unless it’s feet first. In retrospect it would have been smart to relocate when my husband died 16 years ago, and had I known what would happen to Sedona during that time span I would have done so. It’s true – hindsight is 20/20.

    When this City Council prioritizes ventures like funding Red Earth Theatres to occupy city owned property at a financial loss to the city, and then looks to residents and under the guise of doing us a favor attempts to take control of who picks up our garbage, is there something wrong with the scenario and is there little doubt why so many residents are disenchanted with Sedona as a place to live, regardless of our age?

    Rick, you ask “What’s wrong with the picture?” Obviously those in control don’t find anything wrong with the picture. And why is that? Tunnel vision? Only “The Shadow Knows.”

  4. J. Rick Normand says:

    @Realtor Speaking,


  5. west sedona resident says:


    it must be nice to be you…

    sitting around with that big brain of yours telling us why Sedona is so screwed up and pontificating on all subjects you think your an expert on…

    Oh Ricky you could be really good on that city council seat..

    Oh yes……. you could not get out from behind your computer where you tell us how smart you are..

    Same goes for ESM….. you both are laughable and predictable

  6. Alarmed says:

    Surprise, surprise. Thanks to the City Manager’s Office, a discussion about two more years of freebies for the Red Earth Theatre will come up during next Tuesday’s City Council Meeting (Agenda Item 8a).

    Expenditure Required: $39,200 for next fiscal year and $38,000 for the year after (approved by the new City Finance Director). WTF? Red Earth Threatre is supposed to use the City facility as a performing arts venue, but demand is insufficient and non-performing arts events are going on.

    The details are mindboggling. Not only would City Hall give Red Earth Theatre the usual $2000/month, but “the City would continue to pay utility costs (including electricity, water, sewer, window washing, and basic repairs), currently estimated at $14,000 per year.” In addition, next year the City would spend an estimated $1,200 to replace the “Sedona Teen Center” sign with a new “Sedona Hub” sign. Any Red Earth Threatre income above $15,745 in the first fiscal year and above $17,120 in the second–an 11% increase–would get remitted back to the City.

    Crazy is as crazy does. Wonder what happened to fixing our terrible streets and making a huge dent in Sedona’s costly backlog of drainage problems?

  7. By Jove says:

    “By Jove, I think I’ve got it!” Definition of Sedona City Council: A body of seven vampires (presently six) that suck the blood from residents but cater to vultures. (C of C, Lodging Council, Red Earth Theatre, and every other pathetic group that figures flattery and ego stroking will get them a hand-out from the patsies. And guess what? It works.)

  8. West sedona resident says:

    I am a jerk. West sedona resident

    I am benefiting from public funding.

  9. Jim L says:

    @By Jove you nailed it. Worst city ever. Users and losers.

  10. Sarah, west Sedona says:

    Are you (deleted by editor) kidding me??????? Red Earth getting what???? Why not our group????? Why do they get exclusive when it’s almost always sitting there unused & they do squat????? Somebody’s related to (deleted by editor) a big pocket political spender & (deleted by editor)!!!!!!!!! We heard (deleted by editor) & (deleted by editor) & (deleted by editor) did it!!!!!!

  11. Maria @Bookmans says:

    !!!!!!!!muuuuuuwahhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! sara called to say read comments & leave one

  12. West sedona resident says:

    Congratulations ESM

    You brought out the hate in the in the usual 8-10 yea party haters…

    Their crying amounts to nothing…

    You energy would of been best served on the council….
    Oh well….guess we will have to be satisfied with your do nothing rants and finger pointig

  13. @Sarah, west Sedona says:

    Alarmed is correct. Not only that, most if not all events sub-contracted by Red Earth Theater charge admittance fees. And who gets that money? This is beyond the belief.

    About the garbage-pick-up scam – I’m done with recycling as of NOW! 80% by their own will are faithfully doing our part, including me, but I’ll be damned if I’ll comply with this dictatorship evolving before my very eyes.

    @By Jove you got it right – vampires and vultures. One thing I’d be willing to consider is contributing a trip for all of them to San Diego provided it includes a long walk down a short pier. Be gone – ALL of you!

  14. Larry B. says:

    West Sedona Resident, why so nasty? You never seem to have anything valid to offer in the way of disputing information other than revealing how much the truth upsets you. Your constant attempt to turn this site into a political party snake pit is ridiculous, as most information is strictly of a local nature and has nothing to do with national politics. Or does it? Aha, as the light dawns can it be that you, yourself, are so embedded in socialistic trends that you cannot see the forest for the trees.

    Back to topic – isn’t it fortunate that we now have a city manager that apparently is attempting to focus on what’s important:

    “City Manager Justin Clifford, based on projected economic recovery, delivered a comprehensive explanation of the need to incorporate true costs into the budget for infrastructure, such as roads.”

    And yet the trend continues toward frivolous and wasteful spending, paying Red Rock Theatre to use a city-owned facility to their own benefit.

    Years ago when Marie Brown, first City Clerk and later Director of Parks & Recreation, expressed concern after the Teen Center failed and became a financial burden on the city. It was soon after endeavors were pursued to rectify that by finding groups or organizations to rent it out, thereby offering the city a profitable use for the building.

    Not so anymore! Another white elephant costing what already has amounted to thousands of dollars of city revenue for more special interests. How can this possibly fuel the suggestion made by Justin Clifford “to incorporate true costs into the budget for infrastructure, such as roads.” Sound advice ignored by the mighty vampires who once again prove their lust for the blood of residents.

    And that, WSR, is the way it is and should make your day. So stop griping.

  15. Colleen Flynn, MN & AZ says:

    thumbs up

  16. Steve segner says:

    Great job, Red Earth gets 3 more years and no city override.
    Funny no ones from this site spoke at the city meeting?
    You could have used your funny names and ranted just like you do here.

    surprise,only people that supported Red Earth showed up.
    You are all “Type”, no talk.
    government works for people that show up.


  17. @ Steve segne says:

    I must say Steve that I was enjoying the fact that You were being considered for the seat at city council, because for the first time you were actually holding all your ridiculous comments to yourself while under scrutiny. I even had fantasies of you being seated (6 to 1 wouldn’t matter anyway) so that we could have months without you interrupting conversations here. But alas the city convinced you they only want your money, not your mouth.

    You say that “government works for people that show up”, but that didn’t go very well for the Parking Meters in uptown did it? Probably won’t go very well for Trash Haulers. Face it, Red Earth, Parking Meters, etc. are already done deals before they come to the council meetings.

  18. @steve Segner says:

    “government works for people that show up.”

    We will find out how true that is during the city council meeting relating to city controlled garbage hauling!

  19. Get Real says:

    Virtually all those who showed up at the Council meeting were cronies of Red Earth Theatre. More people from far and near asking for entitlements is what Sedona is about these days.

  20. Marv says:

    For sure we’ll find out if Steve Segner’s telling the truth about how “Sedona” works for people that show up (as if we don’t already know). When they vote to approve city control of our garbage hauler (which Segner has made comments on this site is a good idea) – and to date the public is overwhelmingly against it – even according to the city’s own phone poll – well – integrity, where do you reside? Sedona? Doubt that.

  21. Maxine says:

    Regarding the truth @Marv it doesn’t matter whether or not Steve Segner is an official member of the city council because he runs everything in Sedona anyway.

    Did anyone else notice how Scott Jablow kissed up to him at the last council meeting after Segner threw in his two cents worth about the city’s obligation to finance one of Sedona’s newest businesses – Red Earth Theatre? That came after the lady giving the “official pitch” reminded the city it takes about five years to establish a new “business.” Speaking of theatrics, the pros were all out last Tuesday!

  22. Tom says:

    Eddie Maddock wrote “Ms. Wright further attributed the increase in last year’s sales tax to coming out of the recession. However, the front page of “City of Sedona 2015 Annual Community Report” largely credits the economical upswing to the Chamber of Commerce and the city financed marketing program for having contributed to the 12% increase.”

    Question for Ms. Wright “What does 12% break down into dollars and cents?” Note to Ms. Wright from me “Kudos for providing truthful information instead of the usual staff infection.”

    Let’s talk apples to apples. Chamber gets 1.5 million. Increase is ? In dollars. Time for somebody to figure this out. City accounts are transparent.

  23. But of Course says:

    But of course Scotty Jablow bowed to his beloved Stevie. Buddy-pal Segner’s the one that got Jablow elected in the run-offs. DUH!

  24. Barf says:

    @Maxine Yes I did notice that. Made me barf. Scott J looked like a paid fool. oops I forgot Stevie Segner paid to get him elected,

    Can I get the city to pay for my business if I kiss Jabby’s butt and throw some money around?

  25. Mike says:

    People here’s a moment of clarification. Red earth’s been around a long time, done gigs in Mary fisher, clarkdale art show, Java love … Never mind because the point is we were a bunch of not good amateurs loving to put on plays and skits and would do anything to have a floorboard or floodlight … Nobody but friends and relatives ever showed up and we were best served in public places. Bottomline. It would have been estatic to have free use of building but throwing money our way proves we are better actors than even we or our audience knew.

  26. Dan says:

    @mike. How many hours are these people even in the building daily? Most have jobs!

  27. @Mike says:

    “… throwing money our way proves we are better actors than even we or our audience knew.”

    Don’t flatter yourself, Mike. Throwing money your way only proves this is the dumbest council ever, not that you and your friends are “better actors.” You said it yourself, “Nobody but friends and relatives ever showed up ….’

  28. Maxine says:

    Mike, nobody is saying you aren’t a worthy, dedicated group that loves what you do and have been doing it for many years without public money. Good for you. That, however, doesn’t justify for this city to overcharge other well meaning entertainers like those who started Studio Live, and in addition Sedona businesses and residents, with monthly sewer rates we cannot afford and must either relocate or close down our businesses.

    The outcome is obvious. Check the empty store fronts. Look at that latest tabloid produced by Coldwell-Banker. It looks like all of Sedona is up for sale. And now they want to hire a high-priced economic development expert for advice? What good will that do? They pretty much already ignored the advice from that Larry Harmer gentleman that told them point blank they should promote in-city businesses and not competition elsewhere. For you guys to be getting a free ride is sweet but not profitable. You do not contribute to economic development by putting financial contributors out of business.

    As for Mr. Scott Jablow, his low point wasn’t necessarily giving accolades to Steve Segner. It IMO was at the other meeting when they were discussing candidates to fill the vacancy when he suggested to not even consider the two applicants that had run for city council and didn’t get elected – Lamkin and O’Donnell. Even Jessica Williamson took exception to that by saying they in fact received votes but those that hadn’t run for council had not. And even after Segner withdrew they don’t give consideration to even interview O’Donnell. What incentive do these self-anointed holier-than-thou individuals offer for anyone to even associate with them? Except, of course, those that are getting free rent and who really knows what additional benefits for years to come.

  29. BEWARE says:

    Watch out for these slickers!

    Just wait until the subject of city garbage really shifts into high gear. City staff will soon be making their pitch to the council. Any bets the council will “instruct” staff to do more research in order to drag out this issue – throw away even more money – all in order to wait until guess when? VACATION TIME!

    How convenient will it be for them to ramrod this deal through according to their predetermined conclusion when so many Sedona residents, the victims, might be enjoying a vacation and especially for those that leave for 3 or 4 months during the heat of the summer. Well guess what, folks. Enjoy your time away, cancel your garbage collection for a month or so and enjoy the savings because it’s very likely it will be your last opportunity to do so. Once it becomes a city franchise you will be receiving a monthly bill year round.

    And don’t forget those who now voluntarily recycle, dropping it off at your convenience. It won’t be long until you, too, will be saddled with not one but TWO huge bins to drag out not to mention the additional charge for something you do not want! No more cost-sharing with neighbors, either. They (city) must have 5000 subscribers in order to make it work!

    Make it work for whom? As if we don’t know and the answer ain’t “US.”

    Of course chances are it will work well for future “non-profits” such as Red Earth Theatre to get more free “stuff” because like the sewer rates garbage collection fees will be another source of money grabbing for the city to drive even more of us out because we can no longer afford to live here.

    BEWARE – they never seem to sleep.

  30. Jim & Carol says:

    We think the Council rules ought to be amended as follows; In the event of a Council member resignation within the first 1/3 of term, the man/woman receiving the next highest vote getter in the immediate past election will be appointed to fill the remaining term or the Council if willing to accept the seat. If the next highest vote getter refuses, the seat remains vacant until the next council election.

    If the city councilor resigns or dies while in office, there is no need for a replacement. The U.S. Senate has 100 Senators, an even count. There can be votes without a plurality and there can be ties.

    And don’t come back at me with what the Senate does to replace its dead or resigned. If we want to include the spouse as an honorary appointee, then fine. We have grand ideas of our importance.

    This serves the city twofold. It extends courtesy to those that are participating in the process of elections and may broaden the field of those choosing to run. It serves the city financially. We have too many councilors as it is and to pretend we need to hold another election is ridiculous.

  31. Roger says:

    @Mike – You write “. Red earth’s been around a long time, done gigs in Mary fisher, clarkdale art show, Java love … ”

    If you’ve been that successful without “free” rent and utilities, then why gouge taxpayers now? None of what you are receiving is “free” – maybe to you but not those of us who are the true source of funding the benefits you are receiving.

    But none of that matters anyhow. The deal is in motion. The most those of us footing the bill for your “pleasure” can hope for is we are able to financially survive and it will be the City of Sedona that goes bankrupt – not us!

  32. EXCUSE ME? says:

    Isn’t it bad enough Red Earth Theatre gets free use of a city-owned facility, but for the city to agree to pay them $2000 a month plus utilities for an unknown number of years? It’s nuts!

    BTW, March 3 – 1:00 PM – candidates for vacant council seat will be interviewed. Steve Segner’s recommendation to select Mike Ward is another scary turn of events. But of course Mike Ward voted for the Chamber contract. Another ax on the necks of city based businesses and residents.

  33. RON says:


  34. Kevin says:

    whats a nimrod

  35. @RON says:

    How about checking your own temper?

    The contract hasn’t been signed yet.

    (But I like your suggestion for a recall – the reasons to justify that just keep adding up:-)

  36. GNS, Sedona says:

    Ron we get your anger but it also reflects our frustration. Here we have a handful of people attending a council meeting being granted over $50k a year.

    On the other hand we have had standing room only at back to back meetings relating to city controlling our garbage hauler, hundreds have signed petitions, sent emails, and responded to the city sponsored telephone survey – overwhelmingly in OPPOSITION. And in all probability the city council will ignore our voices and thumb their noses at us.

    How can we just shake it off when such blatant disrespect flies in our face no matter what.

    Recall? Very difficult to do – especially when so few are willing to run for city council. Once again the burden falls on voter apathy which enables the takeover by the likes of those in charge and of course we know who that is.

    As for the garbage franchise, don’t be surprised if a ballot Referendum is in the making if council ignores us. That’s easier to do than a recall and has been effectively processed not all that long ago.

  37. West Sedona Resident says:


    Your misplacing your comment on SE cause if it’s a recall you want….
    All anyone on this blog does is complain and cry….. Also most of the comments here are written by one person using various names(or non names)

    I suspect sharlott

  38. Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    @West Sedona Resident (the one with all caps this time) Wishful thinking if you think someone named “sharlott” speaks for me. Do you also think someone named “sharlott” forged all the names on the petition protesting city garbage collection? And all the emails that have been written to city council? All “sharlott” under alias names? And did he/she clone herself/himself in order to create all the people that attended those two public meetings? Dream on.

  39. West Sedona Resident - NOT! says:

    Jerry, Sedona, made some good points but left one out. Was it just one person that pulled off the Referendum that overturned the stupid decision made by a former city council to take over ownership of W89A? That’s one issue that will never resurface because of the accompanying Initiative, also approved by over 70% of voters, that the stupid idea for city ownership of a state highway will never again be approved by an ignorant city council. Of course ADOT could always gift it to us. Just what we need – can’t even get our own city streets in safe driving condition.

    Quit whining WSR – your days are numbered so enjoy life and don’t be so concerned about what people are writing on Sedona Eye. Practice what you preach.

  40. Don says:

    @jerry damn good one

  41. BUYER' S R.E. MARKET? says:

    Maxine writes ” Look at that latest tabloid produced by Coldwell-Banker. It looks like all of Sedona is up for sale.” Well, five houses finally sold in the Broken Arrow area in the last three years (two had been on the market for several years). Now just this past week two more are sporting “for sale” signs (one “by owner” ). Oh, and don’t forget, this will represent another two residents smart enough to avoid being snared into city-wide garbage pickup so you can add another layer of taxation.

    While Sedona may be a Mecca for tourists (for the time being) you certainly can’t say the same as an attraction to lure people to move here.

    Hellooo – staff? city council? Anybody home or are you all permanently out to lunch? Or maybe luxuriating at “free” performances at your latest business venture – Red Earth Theatre! Creepy, creepy and sneaky.

  42. Just Sayin' says:

    @ Buyers’s Market Maybe you’re not remembering the past few years but we are entering THE BEST time to put a house on the market. This happens every year!!! There are a thousand reasons why someone would want to sell. Is there really anyone here that dumb to put their house on the market because we JUST MAY have to keep the same sanit company and get lower rates. GET A LIFE!

  43. Robert O'Donnell says:

    Regarding the comment about changing things so a council position remains open or the next higher vote getter is appointed, the problem is this is controlled by state law so unless that is changed, the city does not have any say. As for my not being considered by Jablow and now they have just 3 people to interview, I actually have to thank the council for eliminating me because by their own ranking I would not be appointed, so I thank them for not wasting my time anymore. To paraphrase Jablow, the council has already spoken and there was no way they wanted someone like me who won’t just tow their line on the council.

  44. BUYER' S R.E. MARKET? says:

    @Just Sayin’ = Why don’t YOU get a life? Clearly you are among the closely knit group that will push through city garbage collection at a time when people are away on vacation and unable to defend their rights.

    As for that being the only reason for leaving Sedona – NOT TRUE! Some of the homes mentioned had been on the market for YEARS – long before the garbage issue came up – but when Sedona residents are in fact treated like “garbage” unless among the “in-group” why would they stay? When the homes finally did sell vastly reduced prices is what moved them. And how do you, know-it-all “Just Sayin;” explain why Sedona’s population dropped from 11,000 to 10,000 when the last census was taken?

    The best thing that could happen here is if cities and towns that continue to ignore State Statutes would be dropped from receiving State funding. That would level the playing field real fast.

    @Robert O’Donnell – Jablow and “the gang” did you a favor by ignoring your application to sit with the self-agenda driven holier-than-thou six. Can you imagine how frustrating it would have been to be the only sane voice in a wilderness of over-inflated egos. “They” don’t deserve you. And as for Jab-Low – the only reason he won in the run-off was because of a certain control freak’s money and dirty politics to smear Rio Robson, his opponent. It’s true – there’s no honor among thieves.

  45. Marv says:

    IMO one of the best things that could happen would be in a word BANKRUPT!

  46. CC4A Welcomes CD1 Candidate says:

    CC4A Hosts Sheriff Paul Babeu, CD1 Candidate for US Congress – Mar 3, 2016

    America’s 2011 Sheriff of the Year and an Iraqi war veteran Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, Candidate for U.S. Congress Congressional District 1 will discuss Pinal County as the #1 pass through in all of America for drugs and human trafficking, what is really happening on the border, his conversation with President Obama, ISIS camps directly across the border, Chinese cybercrime, EPA, VA issues in Phoenix, Common Core and other issues of importance to CD-1 voters. Sheriff Babeu won office in 2008 in a landslide victory and immediately launched a full reorganization of the Sheriff’s department, cut his own budget, implemented employee training and standards, reduced emergency response times by 40%, and remains committed to transparency in government. He holds degrees in Law Enforcement, History/Political Science, and a Master of Public Administration, Suma Cum Laude. Also joining the conversation will be AZ State Treasurer Jeff DeWitt to talk about Proposition 123 (AZ Schools) and why he and Governor Doug Ducey disagree. Free and open to the public, all voters and interested parties welcome. Canyon Trails Cowboy Church, 3132 White Bear Road, Sedona AZ 86336. 6:30 – 8:30 PM (doors open for seating at 6 PM). Enjoy desserts with us.

    Visit CC4A on Facebook and http://www.ConcernedCitizensforAmerica.com on the web.

  47. Phil says:

    Wife and I talked to real estate friend last week and were surprised to learn one house is all that sold in the million dollar more range last month. It is true that the market has no teeth like the old men and women we are that live here.

  48. Charles W. says:

    @Phil – and how long had that million dollar range house been on the market? And why would anyone spend that kind of money for a home in an area where they will be trapped in the event of a disaster? And it will only get worse.

    Wait until West Sedona Gateway, all the new hotels planned for West Sedona, and then Tlaquapaque addition, Brewer Road Heart of Sedona? and Schnebly Focus Area are completed – all on the fast track with Mr. JT that can’t understand how Sedona survived before he came here and devised the new community plan.

    Oh yes and BTW, that Western Gateway includes a lot of additional housing too. Maybe all in the affordable price range (whatever that means) since many homes are sold for half the listing price.

    Buyer’s market for anybody that’s stupid enough to move here unless things change drastically.

  49. Norma says:

    Charles W. is right. Twenty years ago the upscale market had a chance. Then the special interest groups got greedy. Slowly they started saying they contributed, that they deserved city financing. The ole boys worked it. They played the game. Grouping those that would benefit from that. Great actors and actresses. If you hear thing long enough the average person will get brainwashed. Just as the city council and staff have. The incorporated area had a chance to be upscale delightful a place where one with money would like to live, come and stay. They gave up that chance by making Sedona a circus of beggars and freeloaders. Wesselholfs, Goldensteins, Larsons, Segners, Clubs groups and others are the only ones benefiting. They are having fun with taxpayers money.

    Gone are the days……….. The system is broke. The residents and businesses don’t matter. The seven elected officials are directing staff. While they are all nice people, they are not professional. They have their own pet project and agendas. Wealthy people can go anywhere. Working class, families and small businesses have to work for less. education is poor. Retirees are completely treated with disrespect. There are many more beautiful places in the world. Welcoming respectful. They don’t let those with conflicts control them. They don’t let outside residents clubs and business owners take control of the city. You the city council have bent the rules to far.

    Your lost it Sedona…… Even the tourists are a one time day trippers. You can’t compare to any upscale tourist town. You driven it down. But remember that you can put on as much as a act as yo want you will always be a two road town.

  50. Peter says:

    About that Western Gateway. Haven’t any of the planners and land use experts (or should that be non-experts?) in Sedona heard of feasible studies?

    Silly question, of course, because if that had been the case the Cultural Park would have never been built in the first place. It’s failure was doomed from the start and history is about to repeat itself.

    Cliff Castle Casino, convention center, and performing arts venue, not to worry This hick-town continues to go from bad to worse.

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