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County Cell Towers Going Up Near You

Massive cell towers planned for Yavapai County residential communities

Massive cell towers planned for Yavapai County residential communities

Sedona AZ (April 2, 2013) – In a Letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, a Village of Oak Creek, Arizona resident writes a letter to the public and the Director and Commissioners of Yavapai County, regarding a scheduled April 3, 2013 joint meeting of County Supervisiors and Planning and Zoning Commissioners to discuss and approve cell towers:

Dear Yavapai County Supervisors, Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Director, Commissioners and all Residents of Yavapai County:

Since October of last year (2012), I have waited very patiently for discussion on Wireless Communications Placement for the upcoming April 3 joint meeting of County Supervisors (now 5) and Planning and Zoning Commissioners. They meet only twice a year.

It is now official:


Since December 2012 in Yavapai County there have been:

  • A 99 ft tower proposal –Verde Village-withdrawn
  • A 99 ft tower proposal – Sedona Pines– withdrawn
  • A 15 ft tower extension on a 100 ft tower to equal 129.ft –Black Canyon City- Yavapai County- approved.
  • A 99 ft tower proposal in Rancho RV –Camp Verde– postponed.
  • A 90 ft tower at Mingus High School-Cottonwood-?
  • A 90 ft tower in VFW –Cottonwood-?

They’re preparing to come back here again.

  • 99 ft tower –Verde Village-new citizen participation process- March 4
  • 99 ft tower – Sedona Pines– new citizen participation process- March 4

This is only one carrier and I have not listed two other sites mentioned by that same carrier. On average, three more carriers will follow behind demanding the same. They believe they are entitled.


City of Sedona, look up at the Sedona Airport and see all the new pieces of machinery that have been recently added to the existing tower structures. This is the same with our firehouses. VOC has had major stealth upgrades very close to residents.

We should know what this means to our future before they go up. Long after we are all gone, they will be there for your kids.

I’ve sent Supervisors enough information over the last four months for them to come to the rightful conclusion that protective action must be taken at the local government level. Local Leaders, you have a responsibility to your citizens/voters. History, voters and your families will judge your actions moving forward.

Citizens have become involved and are asking for action to be taken for our protection. I am asking all citizens to do the same by writing to their leaders.

There are federal laws preventing us from protecting ourselves.

Our planning and zoning ordinances might have been adequate in 1999 or not, but time has shown through numerous medical studies at the expense of human life that we are not having our health and safety properly looked after by the radiation governing FCC.







What about the FCC article from the World Health Organization report on non ionizing radiation? It took years to get the FCC to put that up.

Congress made it illegal to consider our health or the environment when basing a decision for tower siting in the community. Yes. That’s right.

Sec 704. Facilities Siting; Radio Frequency Emission Standards of the Telecommunications Act of 1996

  • (iv) No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.

Congress also approved “The Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968″ when they actually cared about citizen safety.

What happened within 30 years that everything was thrown by the wayside relating to the health of our citizens?

People know the implications of this microwave technology. There are 322 comments recently to the FCC asking for help, many groups pretending to care did nothing with the opportunity to comment.

Yavapai County Supervisors please place an immediate moratorium on all wireless communication placements in Yavapai County until a Master Plan can be developed to include our cities, towns and federal lands. Tourism will be affected by careless placement of towers.

Stop waiving our distance and fall zones. Distance is our only key to safety. Please adhere to the few protections of distance and fall zones that citizens have.

I am asking you to update our ordinances with Citizen Public Health and Safety as a Number ONE priority.

  • We need by-right zones where facilities can locate-but nowhere else.
  • We should require extensive engineering detail in the application.
  • No more administrative reviews with NO public participation on upgrades/modifications because they have been installing new 4g technology which includes dangerous pulsing microwave radiation antennas very close to our residents. New technology waits on the horizon. Nanotechnology. All unproven. We need to address this on a regular basis.

I have sent FCC guidelines to the County showing our areas of responsibility.


A Local Government Official’s Guide to Transmitting Antenna RF Emission Safety:

  • Rules, Procedures, and Practical Guidance

/ just a few highlights

This document addresses only the issue of compliance with RF exposure limits established by the FCC. It does not address other issues such as construction, siting, permits, inspection, zoning, environmental review, and placement of antenna facilities within communities. Such issues fall generally under the jurisdiction of states and local governments, within the limits imposed for personal wireless service facilities by Section 332(c)(7) of the Communications Act.

Determining whether a potential health hazard could exist with respect to a given transmitting antenna is not always a simple matter. Several important factors must be considered in making that determination.

They include the following:

  • (1) What is the frequency of the RF signal being transmitted?
  • (2) What is the operating power of the transmitting station and what is the actual power radiated from the antenna?
  • (3) How long will someone be exposed to the RF signal at a given distance from the antenna?
  • (4) What other antennas are located in the area, and what is the exposure from those antennas?

We must cover everything we are responsible for in our ordinances.

Here are great ordinances from the east coast that comply with the FCC Handbook and also provide strong public health and safety. What could be better than that?

Here are examples of denials that have been upheld in Supreme Court by citizens and towns around the country that were brave enough to stand up for their rights.

  • Aesthetic objections coupled with evidence of and or safety concerns can constitute substantial evidence.


Let’s not forget perceived stigma and property devaluation.


Consider future insurance costs:  AM Best – Emerging Technologies Pose Significant Risks with Possible Long-Tail Losses Emerging Technology-Based Risks RF (Radio Frequency) Radiation Risk

The insurance industry faces a constantly escalating level of exposure from rapidly developing technologies with risks that are not well understood. In many situations, the science associated with understanding these new risks is in the early stages of development.

Consider Forest Ecosystem Health.

Consider Environmentally Sensitive Lands.


Significant Gap. No one is entitled to seamless coverage.


Consider Air Quality.

Consider your grandchildren.

It is too late to have anything included in the Supervisors or Commissioners packet. If you would like to comment to the Supervisors and commissioners in advance send your emails to:

Yavapai County Supervisors:

  • carolyn.dicus@yavapai.us

She will make sure it goes to them in advance of the meeting.

Yavapai County Planning and Zoning:

  • Steven.Mauk@yavapai.us

Please copy to your leaders from Sedona, Cottonwood, Prescott, etc.

This is about all of Yavapai County.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country. ”

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, December 1, 1862

Elaine Brown
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For the best Sedona Arizona News and Views? Subscribe to www.SedonaEye.com today.





    Wednesday, April 3, 2013, at 9:00 A.M.
    Yavapai County Administrative Services
    10 South Sixth Street
    Cottonwood, Arizona

  2. howd Chip Davis vote ????? all his stories with heroes and want to know if he’s one for the people or for his self when i vote next time ?????? Bob, Cottonwood

  3. Doug says:

    finished reading articles, didn’t know about all that, appreciate your time to point it out

  4. that big sucking sound you hear in yavapai county its elected officials sucking up to campaign donations from aps and energy lobbyists

    follow the money and find out

  5. Frank Henry says:

    “…where’s the beef…” (or in this case “where’s the smoking gun(s)”…)

    To win an argument with the public, news media, elected/appointed officials we need links to the “smoking gun(s)”…

    We need links to “Reports” showing human harm is caused by low level power electromagnetic radiation…etc.

    We need links to the actual reports. Not news items about the reports…etc. The report needs to detail the actual test set up…the model numbers, serial numbers, the calibration due dates of equipment….The use of test group and
    control group….tables, graphs, of all measurements….We need to see all the raw data/info observed/measured…etc. The reports need to show a connection to human harm…the type of harm…the type of rf radiation…moduated, pulsed, …,etc. And if the harm is immediate/short term or long term…and/or if the
    harm occurs immediately/short term or in the long term.

    The concerned team of people pushing for honest answer are fighting an up-hill battle…some what similar to the foot-dragging we have seen with the smoking industry and asbestos industry.

    Just this past week I bought a book in the science section of a popular book store. The book is dated 2013. The title is RADIATION. The author of the book is soft selling the old (since WW2) story of rf radiation (or non-ionizing
    electormagnetic radiation) is only harmful to the human body only if it causes thermal heating…etc…(but, the author does cover himself with “studies are still needed to prove other-wise”…[my words]).

    Thanks and Good Luck,
    Frank Henry

  6. Complying with what ordinances we have seems like a no brainer. If the county waives an ordinance, is there not accountibility down the road should there be an environmental or health effect? Can the county not be held responsible for waiving its own ordinances?

    Sedona Pines is permitting a tower that does not comply with the 1000 foot set back from dwellings.
    Even if AT&T is above the law, as it appears to be, givien the 1996 regulations, a local business may not be.

    And who would consider regulations as out dated as 1996 in so rapidly growing a field, regulations prohibiting consideration of the health issue, who might find such regulations applicable? Surely not Yavapai County ‘s Development Services.

    The very fact that there are such regulations protecting the wireless industry from responsibility points a finger, and raises suspicion. If there were no harmful effects, then why would the industry need regulations to protect them, and not us?

    If wireless companies were accountable for future potential health and environmental effects, they might be more willing to comply with ordinances.

    Encourage development services to stand firm to mega industry pressure.

    Heather Baker

  7. Cell towers and antannae should be as far away from people as possible, especially far from where they sleep. Children are most vulnerable, so no to near schools, libraries,ets. Towers should be especially far from where any children sleep. That is the time when we are all most vulnerable to the negative health effects of the EMFs.

  8. It is easy to see how much the public knows about the cell phone tower microwave radiation hazard, talking to your neigbors. It’s very hard to find someone that already knows. It’s like: If I can not see it, its not there.

    How many will read the studies that you point out to them after you give them the website ? Ah its not happening to me it’s happening to my neighbor.seems to be the thinking. If there is something wrong here, someone else will address the problem. Are most of the people dumb?? NO they are just to ignorant to face the facts that are hitting them in the face.

    It is inconvenient and or simply human to hope that someone will be doing something the right way ( for a change). well well, think along these lines as long as you want, it is more likely that someone will screw it up for you, especially if they dont have to be responsible for there actions, and these cell phone tower placements in many places are certainly one of those screw ups to say the least, and the consequences of our not knowing or ignoring the facts BEFORE IT IS TO LATE may very well be YOUR cancer and not your neighbors.

    Right now I would like to find a supervisor that would want to buy our wonderful dream house Built before the cell phone towers arrived, that sits 200 ft away from 4 cell towers (one of them 60 ft from our front door ) all approved by his buddy supervisors.

    I am open for any offers, I have only one stipulation , he MUST live in the house daily for at least 10 years, to proof thereby that there is nothing wrong with cellphone tower placements that are close to a residence approved by the supervisors ( against the rules they made in the year 2000 that no cell tower shall be erected within 1000 ft of any residence in yavapai county ) it is obvious to me that none of these officials ever been at the site ( or any other place for that matter ) where they approved one or more of these towers , unless of course it was VERY foggy on that day and no one could see more then 10 ft

    I wish every one that reads this the best of luck and good health in your endeavor to stay a life and make a better world for us all REGARDS WOLF

  9. Pamela says:

    I get ringing in my ears now. When at work wifi all day / by afternoon ears begin to ring! I can get away from work for several days and ringing goes away for the most part. No cable at home. Like you on FB.

  10. OK Neighbors:

    It is time to prepare and start informing all residents of the new proposed Cell Tower in Verde Village. Don’t let it stop you because you don’t live there because your home or neighborhood could be next. One tower at a time. Quietly chipping away at our environment and distance safety. Oh, and our health.

    Approval came in March to Rancho RV in Camp Verde. When people drive into the valley, they will be greeted right off I-17 with a very tall fake metal non indigenous pine shaped tower structure to enhance our tourists visual experience. That would make me want to fly thousands of miles and drive for hours to see. It will be right next to residential. Sad day for Camp Verde residents.

    This Verde Village tower was originally proposed the same time as the Sedona Pines and for some reason did not receive the same level of concern and amount of letters as Sedona Pines. Both were withdrawn in December of 2012 due to opposition.

    Both have had new Citizen participation efforts in March of 2013.

    This Verde Village proposal is the one closest to residents. The most dangerous of the two in terms of safety and distance from residents. Less than 100 feet from a duplex and other homes. There are small children living in this area. I have seen them. I have met them.

    Re familiarize yourselves with the fall zone waiver requests and distance waiver requests that the Yavapai County planning and zoning commissioners have been waiving for YEARS. This is not a new practice, just a new realization by the public.


    Click below and scroll down and click on the blue for information on proposals for both Verde Village and Sedona Pines.


    Please write to the planning and zoning director and ask that it be forwarded to the voting planning and zoning commissioners. Please copy to the Supervisors.

    Yavapai County Director of Development Services:


    Yavapai County Supervisors:

    Rowle P. Simmons: web.bos.district1@co.yavapai.az.us
    Thomas Thurman: web.bos.district2@co.yavapai.az.us
    Chip Davis: web.bos.district3@co.yavapai.az.us
    Craig Brown: web.bos.district4@co.yavapai.az.us
    Jack Smith: web.bos.district5@co.yavapai.az.us

    More information will follow. Hopefully all the Yavapai County districts will be represented at the upcoming meeting unlike the recent Joint Supervisors and Planning and Zoning meeting this past April 3, 2013.

    Best to you.

  11. Tom says:

    We need towers because each person will have a cell phone in the near future and we need good service. People blame the cell companies when service is bad. Case closed.

  12. Notice the dates on the original article. Do not let our communities be ruined. Protect your neighbor.


    Please comment to this article for our friends in Cottonwood.

    This Land Is Your Land
    Words and Music by Woody Guthrie

    This land is your land This land is my land
    From California to the New York island;
    From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters
    This land was made for you and Me.

    As I was walking that ribbon of highway,
    I saw above me that endless skyway:
    I saw below me that golden valley:
    This land was made for you and me.

    I’ve roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
    To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
    And all around me a voice was sounding:
    This land was made for you and me.

    When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,
    And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,
    As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:
    This land was made for you and me.

    As I went walking I saw a sign there
    And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”
    But on the other side it didn’t say nothing,
    That side was made for you and me.

    In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
    By the relief office I seen my people;
    As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
    Is this land made for you and me?

    Nobody living can ever stop me,
    As I go walking that freedom highway;
    Nobody living can ever make me turn back
    This land was made for you and me.

  13. April 13, 2014

    Dear Sedona Eye:

    Neighbors. Please send an email to the Cottonwood City Council opposing the proposed two 90 ft cell towers in Cottonwood to be decided on April 15. You must send both proposal numbers so they can be documented in the proper record before Tuesday.


    The email addresses are:

    Mayor Diane Joens
    January, 2017 djoens
    928-634-4112 (O)
    Vice Mayor Karen Pfeifer
    January, 2019 kpfeifer
    928-634-7151 (H)
    Councilmember Tim Elinski
    January, 2019 telinski
    928-340-2727 (O)
    Councilmember Jesse Dowling
    January, 2017 jdowling
    928-300-3743 (H)
    Councilmember Randy Garrison
    January, 2019 rgarrison
    928-634-5550 (W)
    Councilmember Ruben Jauregui
    January, 2017 rjauregui
    928-340-2727 (O)
    Councilmember Terence Pratt
    January, 2017 tpratt
    928-254-9406 (H)

    You may also plan to attend if you are concerned about all of Verde Valley and tower placement.


    Here is my letter.

    Mayor Joens, Council:

    I am opposed to placement of cell towers close to residents and I shop in Cottonwood so I feel qualified to speak in opposition in your city.

    Please place this document in your public record for both proposals for future reference by your residents.

    DR 14-001- AT&T WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER AT VFW: Consideration of a request for a ninety (90) foot tall wireless communication facility to exceed the sixty (60) foot height limitation in the CF (Community Facility) zoning district located at 705 E. Aspen Street (VFW-AT&T YA70). APN 406-42-097L. Owner: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7400. Agent: Capital Telecom Acquisition

    DR 14-002- AT&T WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER AT MINGUS HIGH SCHOOL: Consideration of a request for a ninety (90) foot tall wireless communication facility to exceed the sixty (60) foot height limitation in the AR (Agricultural Residential) zoning district located at 1801 E Fir Street (Mingus Union High School Campus-AT&T YA71). APN 406-12-001H. Owner: Mingus Union High School District #4. Agent: Coal Creek Consulting LLC for AT&T Mobility

    I am opposed to both of these proposals due to the following concerns. I also have other concerns.

    Every carrier must prove these towers are needed. How the new, pulsed microwave radiation will mix and measure with the existing radiation coming off of Mingus Mountain and other already existing towers in the vicinity. What the combined total will be. Have they? Have you asked for this information?

    They must prove that a “no” would prohibit “adequate” service. Have they?

    They must prove that they do not have “adequate” service, which is ALL they are entitled to, especially in hilly areas. It is expected that there will be gaps.

    Are they ‘spec” building? I do not believe this is allowed.

    Is it for collecting ‘smart meter’ data off of your residents? Pinnacle West, which owns APS, told me that wireless carriers would be collecting the data. The carriers are not liable for data breaches to your residents. OUR govt has made them exempt. Did you know that? Will that fall to you when it happens? It will have to fall somewhere.

    Are you aware that you have the right to decide where these proposed tower structures will be placed?

    I hear a lot of local government chanting the mantra of, “We can not base decisions on health or environment, it is a Congressional Act”, over and over, as if to convince people you are helpless and your hands are tied. Cottonwood announced just that at the recent planning and zoning meeting.

    Why don’t I hear local government chanting, “We will decide the height, we will decide the location? It is our right according to the Congressional Act.” In my opinion, it is because communities’ act totally based in fear because they do not know the rules of the game.
    In my opinion, you are not well informed about your responsibilities concerning wireless communications or placement. In my opinion, that makes you unqualified to make a decision at this time.

    The Telecommunications Act of 96, sec 704 is not a shield for you to hide behind while third party vendors ride into your city and tell you what they want. They are here to propose. It is your responsibility to try to accommodate them after public health and safety needs are met.

    It is the responsibility of the city to get and know this information according to the FCC. There is a handbook for cities and towns outlining your rights and responsibilities. If you do not follow these guidelines, you are liable to lawsuits from your residents when the truth about radiation is exposed publicly.

    Many future lawsuits will be left to planning and zoning commissions and local governments across the country. As you may already know, many carriers and informed landowners operate under LLC’s. Ask yourself why?

    Did you know that a very large percentage of these tower structures go unchecked and untested to ensure compliance. Have you addressed this for your city?

    Are you aware that once a carrier is given permission for a tower, you must allow all the other carriers the same? They are entitled. That would make another six towers right there from three more carriers. In addition, the FCC is now proposing to allow small cells to go up anywhere without the permission of local government. Has anyone shared that information with you? What a mesh.

    Why so many towers now? Twenty years later.

    Google is presently installing fiber optic in cities across the country that use clean safe glass fibers and a hundred times faster communication.
    Face Book is developing planes that will provide wireless from the sky.
    There is spray on nanotechnology.
    There are so many new, safe communications here and just around the corner.
    Tower structures almost never come down once they are go up. Twenty four seven, pulsed microwave radiation, year after year. Something to leave the kids. What a mesh.

    Do we need a tower structure every two miles here in Verde Valley? This is what a third party vendor told me back in 2012 . Every two miles as opposed to Phoenix which was every one and a half miles. This is from just one carrier. Have you been to Phoenix lately? There are tower structures all over the place.

    Our business in Verde Valley is the environment and you are branding yourself as the heart of wine country. Do you think people will not notice the contrast of nature vs. machinery? These people come from all over the world not to look at machinery but rather your rivers and endangered species.

    Lets talk about the Verde River Greenway

    Life along the river changes with each season, giving visitors a glimpse of great blue heron, black hawks, ducks, coyotes, raccoons, mule deer, beavers, frogs, turtles, snakes and toads. The Verde River and surrounding riparian corridor support nearly twenty threatened or endangered species including river otter, southwestern bald eagles, southwestern willow flycatchers, and lowland leopard frogs.

    I do believe The Migratory Bird Treaty supersedes this Congressional Act.

    The most significant natural resource in the Greenway, besides the year-round flowing river, is the dense forest of riparian trees and shrubs along its riverbank. This Fremont Cottonwood & Gooding Willow Riparian Gallery Forest is one of five remaining stands in Arizona and one of 20 such stands in the world.





    National Environmental Policy Act
    The FCC requires all license applicants for antenna facilities and structures, including towers, to review their proposed actions for environmental consequences.

    Has the carrier addressed each one of these? Has the City asked for the reports?

    Endangered Species Act of 1973
    Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
    Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969


    Please request this information before you allow any structures to be place next to your residents or endangered wildlife. Place them properly with knowledge and integrity.


    Elaine Brown

  14. CHECK IT OUT….

    5-28-14 Minutes-SFD Budget Workshop and Regular Meeting
    Page 6
    7. Discussion/Possible Action: Station 4 – Communication Tower Replacement.
    Division Chief Schwisow stated Telecommunications Supervisor Motz has been working with our tower vendor, Verizon, on the tower structure at Station 4; years ago, SFD entered into a lease with Verizon, who built the tower, but SFD owns it and since then, the wind load rating has increased to a higher capacity, and Verizon wants to rebuild the tower for safety and additional function issues. Verizon is doing studies on the foundation and the tower itself to see what would be needed in a new tower to replace the current one; Chief Schwisow said the tower has been modified over the years trying to make it stronger, but is now at a point where it needs to be replaced. Verizon must secure approval from the City for this project, as well, and the tower may be slightly taller, if necessary. In order to accomplish this replacement, they will have to erect a temporary tower to house all the equipment, construct the new tower, then move the equipment back. Verizon is paying rent to locate equipment on this tower, and will fund all the work. Chief Schwisow said staff is not asking for formal approval from the Board today, but rather consensus to move forward with the research with Verizon. Mr. Jablow asked who would make a presentation to the City of Sedona; Chief Schwisow replied Verizon. Chief Kazian said this is a safety issue with the wind strength for tower support. Mr. Jablow said it is necessary, but the aesthetics could be an issue; Mr. Hazime commented that the tower is already there. Mrs. Schoen said we should caution Verizon to not use the SFD Board as an “endorser” of this project to the City because we are waiting to see what the project will entail. Chief Kazian stated there could be a potential for increased revenue as a result of this. Mrs. Schoen asked that a staff member attend the City Council meeting when this is discussed. The Board gave its consensus to move forward in researching this issue.

    This is a perfect time to find out if equipment has been placed on this tower without permission of the city thereby making it a safety issue?
    See what the current emissions are and if it complies with the FCC.
    How unsafe and dangerous is it at this moment?


    Do not let them raise the height, it will endanger more residents. This would be a perfect time to place this tower on the tower ‘farm’ up on the airport mesa. Get rid of the eyesore and bring health and safety to the nearby residents. Its a disgrace and with all the money the SFD has and spends, I can believe they need to endanger the men and residents for a couple of bucks.

    This is a city of 10,000 ppl and look at all the towers you are surrounded with. It has nothing to do with phone reception. Please.

  15. Every resident needs to be aware that if you can see the airport cell towers from your house, you are being radiated. In fact, if you want to see how many cell towers and antennas are within a four mile radius of your location, go to http://www.antennasearch.com and put your address in. You’ll then be able to see the number of towers and antennae around you.

  16. in regard to reinstalling and increasing the power of the cell tower, “Chief Kazian stated there could be a potential for increased revenue as a result of this.” AND any increase in emissions will result in increased; ambulance calls, illness (as in CA) among those who are in direct line of fire and increased deaths, so if the City wants to make more money on the backs of its residents here’s the perfect opportunity.

  17. When I drive into Sedona via 179, the first thing I see is that wretched tower in uptown. It pains me knowing what it does to my neighbors health and that we all accept it as a fact of life. It is not a fact, it is your choice.

    The carriers want a tower every two miles. If you read the letters sent above, you will see a lot of them have already been approved. You are not paying attention. The County has also allowed installation around the perimeter of your town with more on the books for proposal. I’ll bet you don’t know where they are.

    Cottonwood,basically owned and operated by the utilities, just approved 2- 90 ft towers in the middle of town. They have no protective ordinances for the citizens. The carriers convinced them to up the height allowance under the threat of more lower towers when the reality was that the city had the right to decide where the towers would be placed. This is called cluelessness (or bow down)of government officials.

    You have a 30% increased chance of illness if you live within 1500 feet of a tower. The radiation goes unmeasured in 70% of towers. How do you know? You don’t.

    You see cranes all the time at the airport mesa adding and adding equipment. For what?
    That is one quick(rather, long and painful) way to eliminate the masons.

    Start asking questions, there is only one chance to be involved. You live in this. Sedona had a chance to be eco friendly, you do not have that chance any more.

    25% of Sedona opted out of smart meter. Radiation is not going away but needs to be managed by citizens not APS, wireless carriers and now satellite dish.(Satellite is now approved by FCC to do wireless , and AT&T is purchasing a satellite dish company)
    There is also small cell coming in and the FCC is removing barriers(eliminating local government). They will be placed everywhere. It’s going to get ugly and unhealthy if you just stare at the 4 bars on your phone and feel happy for it.

    You can keep the ongoing radiation to a minimum with a little work. Talk to your leaders. Always question authority. Get commitments before the elections. Don’t wait for others to do it.

  18. Nancy Baer says:



    Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions

    The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.

    http://www.iaff.org/hs/Facts/CellTowerFinal.asp http://whyfry.org/international-association-of-fire-fighters-oppose-cell-towers-on-fire-stations/

  19. peter says:

    Hello, I just bought a house on View dr in west sedona. We are close to the towers on airport mesa. We are concerned for our 3 yr old. I do not sleep well sincde we moved in. I called the cell tower companies given to me by airport person. The cell tower companies will not give me any information as to what type and strength of rf being broad casted. Are there any updated about airport mesa towers? Thanks

  20. Send me an email and I will help you try to sort it out.
    Elaine Brown

  21. Alii Bek says:

    any new information about the towers here? I’m in the Village of Oak Creek, and the tower at the fire station on Cortez is doing a real number on me! Who can I talk to, to put in a complaint about it? (not that it will do much good)


  22. Mary G says:

    It’s amazing to me that our “public safety” officials, could care less about the unseen dangers coming from cell towers located on fire department property. Just because they get some additional revenue? Shameful.

    One karmic payback is that they and their staff are closest, so they get the most damage.

    I have had sleep problems also.

    See this:


  23. LAWYER UP says:

    Unincorporated Yavapai County does not measure emissions from cell towers.
    This is their responsibility according to the FCC. They are liable down the road for what is already up and running unmeasured.


  24. NOT very environmental………or good for any of the Verde Valley residents health, in my opinion.
    My letter to the politicos. They are supposed to vote on the 12th although I can not find it posted on an agenda, neither can a reporter at Verde Independent.

    See Below

    Mayor,Council, Commissioners and Concerned Citizens:

    Please forward to Clarkdale planning commissioners.

    I am opposed to placement of cell towers close to residents and residential areas.
    Please place this document in your public record for this proposal.

    I am opposed to this proposal at 555 Miller Road due to the following concerns. I also have other concerns.
    The citizen engagement was a failure. 2 out of 31 is inadequate and should not be viewed any differently than an unsuccessful attempt to engage. Can you hear me now?

    Every carrier must prove these towers are needed. How the new, pulsed microwave radiation will mix and measure with the existing radiation coming off of Mingus Mountain and other already existing towers in the vicinity. What the combined total will be. Have they? Have you asked for this information? How far will this radiation travel? Will it blanket more than your little city? Do you have a right to blanket other areas?

    They must prove that a “no” would prohibit “adequate” service. Have they?

    They must prove that they do not have “adequate” service, which is ALL they are entitled to, especially in hilly areas. It is expected that there will be gaps.
    Are they ‘spec” building? I do not believe this is allowed.

    Is it for collecting ‘smart meter’ data off of your residents? Pinnacle West, which owns APS, told me that wireless carriers are collecting the data. The carriers are not liable for data breaches to your residents. OUR govt has made them exempt. Did you know that? Will that fall to you when it happens? It will have to fall somewhere.
    Are you aware that you have the right to decide where these proposed tower structures will be placed?
    I hear a lot of local government chanting the mantra of, “We can not base decisions on health or environment, it is a Congressional Act”, over and over, as if to convince people you are helpless and your hands are tied. This is a pitiful, irresponsible excuse.

    Why don’t I hear local governments saying, “We will decide the height, we will decide the location? It is our right according to the Congressional Act.” In my opinion, it is because communities’ act totally based in fear because they do not know the rules of the game. Many times they think they can be sued if they say no. That is only under certain circumstances.

    In my opinion, you are not well informed about your responsibilities concerning wireless communications or placement. In my opinion, that makes you unqualified to make a decision at this time.

    The Telecommunications Act of 96, sec 704 is not a shield for you to hide behind while third party vendors ride into your city and make wish lists. They are here to propose. It is your responsibility to try to accommodate them after public health and safety needs are met. AFTER.

    It is the responsibility of the city to get and know this information according to the FCC. There is a handbook for cities and towns outlining your rights and responsibilities. If you do not follow these guidelines, you are liable to lawsuits from your residents when the truth about radiation is exposed publicly.

    Many future lawsuits will be left to planning and zoning commissions and local governments across the country. As you may already know, many carriers and informed landowners operate under LLC’s. Ask yourself why?
    Did you know that a very large percentage of these tower structures go unchecked and untested to ensure continued compliance. Have you addressed this for your city and your residents? I would guess no, you have not.

    Even your favorite newspaper didn’t want no tower hanging over their heads.

    http://dcourier.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=145205&SectionID=1&SubSectionI D=1086&S=1

    Are you aware that once a carrier is given permission for a tower, you must allow all the other carriers the same? They are entitled. That would make another three towers right there from three more carriers. In addition, the FCC is now proposing to allow small cells to go up anywhere without the permission of local government. Has anyone shared that information with you? They would not because you have not required them to.
    Why so many towers now? Clarkdale is not Phoenix. Will you be collecting the rent money?

    Google is presently installing fiber optic in cities across the country that use clean safe glass fibers and a hundred times faster communication.
    Face Book is developing planes that will provide wireless from the sky.
    There is spray on nanotechnology.
    There are so many new, safe communications here and just around the corner.
    Tower structures almost never come down once they are go up. Twenty four seven, pulsed microwave radiation, year after year. Something to leave the kids. You are no longer environmentally responsible. You lost that 60-65 feet ago.

    Do we need a tower structure every two miles here in Verde Valley? This is what a third party vendor told me back in 2012 . Every two miles as opposed to Phoenix which was every one and a half miles. This is from just one carrier. Have you been to Phoenix lately? There are tower structures all over the place. It is disgusting.

    Our business in Verde Valley is the environment and you are branding yourself as such. Do you think people will not notice the contrast of nature vs. machinery? Will they be able to see this tower from the Historic Verde Railway. You have eagles out there too.These people come from all over the world not to look at machinery but rather your rivers and endangered species.
    How will the radiation bouncing inside and around the metal Verde Railway train cars affect the passengers? Has anyone asked that question? Will it create hot spots?

    Lets talk about the Verde River Greenway
    Life along the river changes with each season, giving visitors a glimpse of great blue heron, black hawks, ducks, coyotes, raccoons, mule deer, beavers, frogs, turtles, snakes and toads. The Verde River and surrounding riparian corridor support nearly twenty threatened or endangered species including river otter, southwestern bald eagles, southwestern willow flycatchers, and lowland leopard frogs. How far will the microwave radiation reach? Do you have any idea?

    I do believe The Migratory Bird Treaty supersedes this Congressional Act.
    The most significant natural resource in the Greenway, besides the year-round flowing river, is the dense forest of riparian trees and shrubs along its riverbank. This Fremont Cottonwood & Gooding Willow Riparian Gallery Forest is one of five remaining stands in Arizona and one of 20 such stands in the world.
    National Environmental Policy Act
    The FCC requires all license applicants for antenna facilities and structures, including towers, to review their proposed actions for environmental consequences.
    Has the carrier addressed each one of these? Has the City asked for the reports?
    Endangered Species Act of 1973
    Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
    Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
    Please request this information before you allow any structures to be place next to your residents or endangered wildlife. Place them properly with knowledge and integrity.
    http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/major-phone-firm-patent-admits-non-thermal-exposures-to-wire less-radiation-is-genotoxic-causes-clear-damage-to-hereditary-material/

    Your neighbor.

    Elaine Brown

  25. Pat says:

    seems half the neighborhoods around CVS are trying to sell out before prices plummet and one problem is that huge aluminum tower destroying all uptown and west Sedona views added in.

    Count in those hideous neon OPEN signs and huge glaring drive in to this tacky business signs not keeping to our historic colors and exclusive southwest upscale style and we are Glendale and not Sante Fe – we are fast becoming the Venice beach of Arizona or any city that fails to keep its pride to its beauty beyond its falling on tacky decor.

    Count this city voter as dissatisfied with the votes I cast.

  26. The thing is, Elaine, the Clarkdale Council bozos think microwaves are modern.

  27. Alarmed says:

    Is the huge aluminum tower at the Fire Station in Uptown still needed? Several dispatchers have been let go thanks to the Board of Directors.

    911 calls for SFD now go from the Sedona Police Dept. to Cottonwood’s 911 emergency regional communications center, after which they finally get routed to the SFD. Former Board Member Scott Jablow was among those voting for this travesty.

    By the way, the City of Sedona’s current fiscal year budget includes a Wireless Master Plan as a one-time project, estimated cost of $60,000. When Karen gets her claws into this, I wonder how many added cell towers will wind up bringing sight-blight and health risks to Sedona?

  28. JeanJ says:

    According to the VERDE INDEPENDENT, AT&T plans six cell towers in the Verde Valley. They will be 99 feet tall.

    The location of two was mentioned. One at Sedona Shadows west of Sedona and one in Verde Village northwest of the Quick Country Store.

    In addition to blocking views, cell towers decrease property values for people who own homes nearby. In addition, some studies have shown “clusters” of cancer cases in areas near cell towers.

  29. SEDONA TOWERS says:

    I think they use a company called Cityscape.

    The reason the towers are so loaded to breaking point is because they can modify or upgrade without public outreach.
    New towers would need to be discussed with the public.
    Property values can go down, call your realtors and request that info.
    The point everyone is missing is that these towers are detrimental to your health. Lust for life is one of the side effects of chronic exposure. Not a plus for the aged.

  30. Clarkdale 199 ft CELL TOWER IS VERIZON says:

    The reason it is not 200 feet is because it wold be more difficult for the provider to do. More paperwork. More cost. Less profit.

    City of CLARKDALE will be getting the RENT MONEY on this monstrosity and it will never come down. Verizon on the horizon, maybe you can market that for people that love four bars on their phone??????
    Good luck with your ecotourism. Nice way to ruin your town…..
    We might replace all those sustainable people like Von Gausig and Filardo. All talk….
    Clarkdale can withdraw any time until the vote.

  31. To Alarmed says:

    I don’t know about you but, I’m thrilled that SFD dumped that wasteful and obsolete dispatch and now we’ll be able to save about $400k per year. The way I remember Chief Kazian say it, we in Sedona were paying way more then any other city per call. How was that right! I’m tired of paying a premium for things just because we had our name on it.

    I think that some of you on this site “get it” and for those who don’t; there’s not one thing that anyone can do about cell towers as they are federally mandated or protected.

    Maybe a wireless master plan is a good thing, PLANNING AHEAD! I think that someone is trying to get ahead of this. I also don’t think that cell towers and a wireless master plan are the same. Maybe if Eddie Maddock can speak to this, we’d have some facts for a change.

  32. Alarmed says:

    The $400K per year involved SFD handling fire services for other communities in the Verde Valley. This required more dispatchers and more equipment. Just why did the SFD run up costs by not sticking to the fire services needed for its own area? Didn’t upgrade its dispatch center like other communities are able to do?

    The placement of towers (antenna and support structures) throughout the City to protect Sedonans quality of life and health is one of things that can be done.

    According to Ron Eland of the RRN: “By regulating wireless facilities through a wireless master plan, staff will have the ability to minimize the impacts of wireless communication facilities on surrounding areas by establishing standards for location, structural integrity and compatibility.”

    All this sounds scary.

  33. Nan says:

    I’d love to know more about this issue. There is a public meeting IN FLAGSTAFF on Tuesday January 19. Emails for the record are being accepted before this. (Cell Tower at Indian Gardens)

    That’s about all I know. Thanks for all you do!
    A new subscriber,


    It is more than scary, Mr. Alarmed. It has been going on since early 90’s and it is cumulative exposure.
    When the towers go up, they almost never come down. The firemen are also in danger and AZ had the first lawsuit from a firefighter. Expect more.
    AZ Senator John McCain is on of the biggest supporters of wireless radiation in the country.
    Let that speak to you.
    You must have missed this in the original article. See above.


    Excerpts include:


    Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions

    The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF OPPOSE the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.

    There is a large body of internationally accepted scientific evidence which points to the existence of non-thermal effects of RF/MW radiation. The issue at the present time is not whether such evidence exists, but rather what weight to give it.

    Internationally acknowledged experts in the field of RF/MW radiation research have shown that RF/MW transmissions of the type used in digital cellular antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals, and people in laboratories and have also found epidemiological evidence (studies of communities, not in the laboratory) of serious health effects at “non-thermal levels,” where the intensity of the RF/MW radiation was too low to cause heating. They have found:

    Increased cell growth of brain cancer cells (5)
    A doubling of the rate of lymphoma in mice (6)
    Changes in tumor growth in rats (7)
    An increased number of tumors in rats (8)
    Increased single- and double-strand breaks in DNA, our genetic material (9)
    2 to 4 times as many cancers in Polish soldiers exposed to RF (10)
    More childhood leukemia in children exposed to RF (11)
    Changes in sleep patterns and REM type sleep (12)
    Headaches caused by RF/MW radiation exposure (13)
    Neurologic changes (14) including:
    Changes in the blood-brain-barrier (15)
    Changes in cellular morphology (including cell death) (16)
    Changes in neural electrophysiology (EEG) (17)
    Changes in neurotransmitters (which affect motivation and pain perception) (18)
    Metabolic changes (of calcium ions, for instance) (19)
    Cytogenetic effects (which can affect cancer, Alzheimer’s, neurodegenerative diseases) (20)
    Decreased memory, attention, and slower reaction time in school children (21)
    Retarded learning in rats indicating a deficit in spatial “working memory” (22)
    Increased blood pressure in healthy men (23)
    Damage to eye cells when combined with commonly used glaucoma medications (24)

  35. what's a person to do says:

    We are surrounded by people who don’t care about their neighbor. The golden rule doesn’t matter anymore. Health care costs skyrocket while we allow damaging cell towers in our back yard. What’s it going to take before sensible people outweigh the self-absorbed politicians and power companies?

  36. Darryl Z says:

    This is an interesting article: http://www.knowthelies.com/node/8984

    From the article: Microwaves are key in the evolution of a new series of non-lethal weapons that the Military is interested in developing. These weapons could be capable of…

    preventing voluntary muscular movements; control emotions (and thus actions); produce sleep; transmit suggestions; interfere with both short-term and long-term memory; produce an experience set and delete an experience set.

    Microwaves used at low power densities can be used to induce sounds and words within a person’s head so that it appears that the person is hearing voices.

    This technology can be used in isolated individuals either to send instructions to soldiers in the field who are in combat situations or it can be used on the enemy to scare and/or disorient them (one of the non-lethal weapons being developed).

    There is also some evidence to suggest that this technology has the capability of remote mind reading.

    …What we call cell towers are absolutely not needed. They are often heavily fortified, are always fed at least 50,000 watts, often fed half a million watts, and typically spaced four miles apart, to give a signal radius of two miles per tower. Something is wrong with that.

    The proof of how powerful they are is indicated by the size of the transformers feeding them, which are often 500KVA and Farganne even photographed and sent me the picture of one that had to be at least a megawatt.

    WLS in Chicago transmits with five percent of that – (50,000 watts,) and can be heard clearly for over a thousand miles at all hours of the day with a reasonable radio, and often comes in clearly nationwide.

    So why do what we call “cell towers” often get fed 10 TIMES THAT to talk to a cell phone two miles away?

    (I’ve been seeing these towers go up all over the verde valley and in Sedona. There’s a whole slew of them up on Airport Mesa. Why do they need all those towers? Why hasn’t my phone reception improved? )

  37. Alarmed says:

    I didn’t miss anything from the original article. In addition to the SFD’s handling of our fire services, I gave a very BRIEF advanced notice of the City of Sedona’s Wireless Master Plan via my Jan 14th posting. The details will come out later in 2016. But didn’t Karen Daines indicate the numerous wireless facilities would be located on City owned property and that the City is interested in getting rental revenue from leasing the towers? I feel citizens need to be extremely concerned about the total number of new structures and their placement.

    Moving along to the single trash hauler matter. According to the RRN, the City is hosting Focus Groups (behind closed doors?) and Public Meetings. The latter are planned for the first week of February, and Sedona City staff is planning to present to the City Council in March. Concerned citizens may want to speak up at one of the Public Meetings opposing this violation of our right to select the trash hauler of our choosing. Schedule TBA.


    Its rather shocking that people of intellegence who spend so much time on trivial fodder have nothing to say about a real and dangerous situation we are facing in our Valley
    Figures. Cowards.

  39. Marty says:

    @NO COMMENT FROM THE SAGE SEDONANS? Are we to presume you are referring to the know-it-all Sedona City Council that have designated themselves as the caretakers of the entire Verde Valley? Or maybe the “regional” Chamber of Commerce that are more interested in the money they receive to bring in more day-trippers to clog our highways – not to mention they offer absolutely no substantial accountability for how that $1.5 million is being spent.

  40. @Marty says:

    Yes, Marty, why is it the Sedona City Council avoids really important issues like harmful effects from cell towers but favors spending millions, minus accountable return on investment, with the chamber of commerce to encourage more traffic and many day-trippers that simply trip through Sedona non-stop on their way to Oak Creek Canyon, Flagstaff, and the Grand Canyon?

    Completely incompetent and continuous snubbing of those who reside in the Verde Valley – unless maybe if you’re a member of the C of C.

  41. Harold W. says:

    Forge that cell towers might be killing us. Sedona City Council thinks they’re exception to all rules. They’re more troubled about the number of companies, all three of them that pick up our trash! And to think they have the audacity to blame the garbage trucks as the sole cause of tearing up the roads. HELLOOO!!

  42. Stuck with verizon says:

    I think more cell towers sre a great idea… This way we will have more wireless companies to choose from that work well instead of just Verizon..

    I think choice is a good idea just like those who complain about thier garbage haulers choice being taken away.. More choice is better right…

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