Sedona highway trash
Sedona AZ (March 21, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
2015 Verde Valley Adopt-A-Highway Groups
(March 20, 2015)
The following information is verified on the third Saturday of February, May, August and November after every litter event. It is our hope that the city and town leaders, businesses and resident of every community recognize these groups and many like them, each and every year.
Highway 89A Groups between Cottonwood and Sedona:
Rio Verde Roverett’s, Inc. MP 355-356, Available MP 356-357, Immaculate Conception Parish MP 357-358, Knights of Columbus Council #2493 MP 358-359, Cottonwood Ranch MP 359-360, Available MP 360-361, Verde Valley Cyclists MP 361-362, Halau Hula Na-Pua-O-Ka-Lei-‘Ilama MP 362-363, Sedona Car Club MP 363-364, Sedona Pines LLC MP 364-365, Sedona Pines Resort MP 365-366, Central Arizona Masonic #14 Sedona MP 366-367, Available/Pending MP 367-368, Kiwanis Club of Sedona MP 368-369 and Rotary Club of Sedona MP 369-370.
If you wish adopt one of the “Available” sections noted for Highway 89A, contact Jeanne Sunda ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Permits Technician at (928) 779-7529.
Highway 260 Adopt-A-Highway Groups between Cottonwood and Camp Verde:
Mickles Custom Homes MP89A-207, Verde Village Property Owners Association MP207–209, Cottonwood WalMart Associates MP209–210, Clarkdale Verde Kiwanis MP210–211, In Loving Memory of “Pete” Thompson MP211–212, Yavapai County Inmate Work Crew MP212-213, Faith Lutheran Church MP 213-214, American Legion Family Post #25 MP 214-215, Verde Valley Rotary MP215-216, MHS Marauders Wrestling Team MP216-217, Highlands Resort at Verde Ridge MP217-218, Camp Verde FedEx Ground MP218-219, American Legion Family Post #93 MP 219-220, Verde River Rock Hounds MP 220-221, In Loving Memory of Troy V Krauter MP 221-222, Boy Scout Troop 7193 MP 222-223, Camp Verde Marshall’s Office MP 223-224, Sedona Sky Academy MP 224-225, Verde Valley Archaeology Center MP 225-226, Clear Creek RV Park MP 226-227 and Camp Verde Town Council MP 227-228.
If you wish adopt one of the “Available” sections noted for Highway 260, contact Mike Brown ADOT Adopt-A-Highway Permits Technician at (928) 777-5875.
Gary Chamberlain
“America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs”
Empowering our nation’s youth
(928) 202-1186

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and views!
SHAME on me!
ADOT Adopt a Highway New Permit Requests
Donald Cassano 3:15 PM (4 hours ago) to me —–
Gary, in the future please do not include names, emails and phone numbers for the District Adopt a Highway permit folks.
Patricia Powers-Zermeño manages the ADOT Adopt a Highway Volunteer program. Anyone interested in participating can call the ADOT Adopt a Highway line 602.712.7114 and follow the prompts. This phone line is monitored and all calls WILL be promptly be responded to.
By using this process the permit applications can move quickly and delays minimized.
Don Cassano Ombudsman
Government Relations
206 S. 17th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Gary Chamberlain 7:13 PM (54 minutes ago) to publisher, John, Patricia, Jeanne, mbrown, azgov
Dear Publisher,
Please publish these emails for your readers to review and comment.
Don Cassano, ADOT Ombudsman is a huge reason government doesn’t work! The ADOT names, email addresses and phone numbers I placed in a recent document that was sent to the SedonaEyE.com and many others is available to anyone that goes to the ADOT website.
As you may have noticed, I don’t and won’t respond to Don Cassano for many reasons and one of them being he is an “obstructionist” to the effort by many in our area to energize the ADOT Adopt-A-Highway program and improve the image and economy of the Verde Valley and Arizona.
What Don Cassano forgets is that he and other state employees work for the residents of Arizona.
I will be sending a copy of this email to Governor Doug Ducey very soon.
Gary Chamberlain
“America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs”
Empowering our nation’s youth
Gary Chamberlain 7:41 PM (27 minutes ago)
to publisher, John, Patricia, Jeanne, mbrown, azgov
Dear Publisher,
For the record, the last time (many, many, many months ago) I called Patricia Powers-Zermeño manages who manages the ADOT Adopt a Highway Volunteer program, she told me that she was told not to speak to me by ADOT.
Shame on me for forgetting I work for you!
Thank you to the volunteers who pick up litter any time and any place even if in your own yards. Do more, not less to pick up trash.
Everytime I open this news site I come across another negative article from Mr. Chamberlain. His efforts to take over state programs would probably be appreciated more by myself and many other residents of the Sedona area if he used other tactics than bullying. He is the reason many of us previous volunteers found it necessary to quit assisting in community clean ups.
I disagree with Phebe Obrum’s comment and chuckle to see her initials are PO (pissed off?). Are you with ADOT? For years lots of us picked up litter and nobody at state does and then they hate on the people like the volunteers and Mr. Chamberlain and KSB and Barry’s group in Oak Creek for speaking up!! Why? You realize it’s because the state is being asked for accountability? That our state isn’t? The state takes our money, has a program they say it’s being spent on and it’s not!!! If your road isn’t covered with trash PO, thank a volunteer.
I also disagree with Phoebe. I have never met Gary, but have seen his comments posted here many times. He has always presented himself and his organization well, doing so politely & on point. His frustration with ADOT and those who cast litter shows, but that is what he deals with every day.
Well written Josh Violette! I was recently driving by Poco Diablo and several volunteers were picking up trash and they filled me with admiration. Chamberlain has fought a valiant and uphill battle and the litter filled garbage bags by the side of the roads are reminders what doesn’t get done unless volunteers do it. Keep it up, sirs and madames. Keep it up, Sedona KSB. Please don’t forsake us, litter volunteers. We need you!
Those of us who have seen the numbers of bags along highways for pick-up, keep in mind they were filled by volunteers, the only compensation being pride in our surroundings.
Then how about just trying to imagine what those highways would look like if the contents of the bags were dumped back onto the roads. Add a sudden wind to the mix. It would be a quick reminder of the slobs that carelessly created the problem in the first place, but then they don’t give a hoot.
It’s high time credit is given to those willing to do the grunt work and not the pigs who only know how to oink for more public money for themselves or attempt to claim undeserved credit.
Thanks KSB and Gary Chamberlain for the tenacity to never give up on the never-ending battle for a good cause.
Eddie Maddock
Arizona litter.
Arizona will never solve the littering problem they have without a team effort including ADOT, educators, parents, businesses and residents?
For those that use me as an excuse for not getting involved, that is lame reason!
ADOT doesn’t manage this program worth a hoot and they certainly don’t clean our highway medians … open your eyes and check them out and view what tourists and residents see.
If someone else wants to actually lead this effort with “words and actions” then please step up and make it happen, lead from the front!
The ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups that actually keep their sections of highway clean are to be celebrated.
Gary Chamberlain
“America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs”
Empowering our nations youth
I commented on Oak Creek event and want to repeat here (repeat comment)____thank you_______Applause Applause Applause for the people picking up trash around the country. A job that doesn’t get done by those that should gets done by those that will.
There are currently roads within Yavapai County that are available for adoption!!!
What is the Adopt-A-Road Program?
The Yavapai County Adopt-A-Road Program is a volunteer community service litter pickup program on county-maintained roadways.
Why Adopt a Road?
It is free and an easy way for groups to help their communities stay litter free and also to make a visible impact.
Who is eligible?
Individuals, businesses, clubs, schools and groups of any kind are encouraged to participate in this community service.
How do I get started?
Contact Gay Hendin at (928) 771-3183 or gay.hendin@co.yavapai.az.us for more information.
Here are some things you should know:
We provide Adopt-A-Road signs;
We provide orange trash bags;
We provide trash bag pick up;
One mile of roadway is the standard length available for adoption;
Trash pick-ups should be every other month or as needed;
For safety reasons, children under the age of ten (10) are not permitted to assist in clean ups;
No application or annual fees.
Join the family. See how organizations like yours can raise the profile of litter prevention efforts and make a difference in keeping Yavapai County clean and beautiful.
The roads listed below are available. Sign up today!
Crookton Road (Old Hwy 66)
MP 147 to 148
Crookton Road (Old Hwy 66)
MP 150 to 151
Crookton Road (Old Hwy 66)
MP 151 to 152
Crookton Road (Old Hwy 66)
MP 152 to 153
Fort Rock Road
Exit 103 to APS substation
Naples Road
1.5 miles
Outer Loop Road
MP 4 to Chino Valley town limits
Williamson Valley Road
MP 17 to 18
Williamson Valley Road
MP 20 to 21
Williamson Valley Road
MP 21 to 22
Chairman Craig L. Brown of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors appreciates the effort put forth by the groups and organizations that volunteer so diligently on keeping our roadways clean and clear of clutter and keeps our scenery beautiful!!
For additional information, please contact Gay Hendin at (928) 771-3183 or gay.hendin@co.yavapai.az.us
Dear Supervisor Craig Brown, Yavapai County
What would our Arizona highways and roads look like if the efforts of our ADOT Adopt-A-Highway and Yavapai County Adopt-A-Road programs partnered in their efforts?
What if this was a Arizona-wide effort?
Would there be more “Blue” bags or “Orange” bags?
Could this be a “Orange” vs “Blue” sport? If so, we all win!
Gary Chamberlain
“America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs”
Empowering our nations youth
(928) 202-1186