Sedona AZ (July 3, 2016) – The following is a letter to the editor:
Steve and Cokie Roberts are at it again (Verde Independent 6/24/2016). They or their “Information Sources” can manipulate numbers about as well as anyone who has come along in years.
Way back (when?) someone, like Mark Twain or Will Rogers, had sayings that “Figures don’t lie but Liars sure figure!” and “There are three categories of deception: There are LIES, there are DAMNABLE LIES, and there are STATISTICS.” I have not been able to pigeonhole some things in only one of those categories, and, when Steve and Cokie start quoting Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake, the lines can get blurred ‘before quick.’
For example, by generalizing and lumping all Hispanics into one mindset is blatantly ridiculous. Those who are here legally are often as vehemently against “Illegals” as can be. (Some of those against illegals even came here through the illegal route and do not want others to be exploited the way they were, or witness that terrible experience.)
The Hispanic-Icon Cesar Chavez stood against illegal migration on Economic (Strike-Breaking) and Humanitarian (grotesque Human Exploitation) grounds! So don’t even try to tell me that just because someone is of a particular ethnicity they all vote as a block! (There are a lot of people who believe that garbage.)
Jeff Flake is quoted about the Republicans losing the support of the Black population, which has some credence to it, mostly because of ‘Disinformation.’
Let’s go way back when…again.
Someone (Lenin, Stalin or Hitler?) said (paraphrase), “If you repeat a Lie loud enough and long enough, it will be accepted as fact by the majority” which is how Civil Rights – mostly promoted by Republicans – was co-opted, while the Democrats were largely hiding – many of them behind bed sheets as KKK and UKA members! Some of those KKK and UKA Democrats became Major Leaders in the Democratic Party (West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd for example).
The INHUMANE TREATMENT of Women, Children, Animals and the National Economy should be forefront as the Legacy of the Democratic Party, instead, to a vast and complex segment of the U.S. population, Democrats and the Democratic Party are considered “champions of the poor and downtrodden.” And this belief is at the same time they promote legislation that farther marginalizes and increases the rift between groups of people! (Especially dividing on “Ethnicity” and the so-called “Rich” from the so-called “Poor – often called the haves and the have nots.)
One more major point about Voting Laws, an excerpt from the Steve and Cokie article: “It has been demonstrated countless times that voter fraud barely exists, if at all.”
What? Are they deluded?
Maybe to the current administration or in former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s imagination! Holder steadfastly refused to prosecute a litany of cases from multiple (I think it was 16 states) of “Voter Fraud, Voter Registration Fraud, Voter Intimidation” that were rampant about the 2008 Election (remember ACORN?).
The “Voter Fraud Problem” goes back at least to the 1960 Election when it was proven that a large block of Democrats (voters) were in actuality the names from Headstones in Chicago cemeteries!
Former President Richard Nixon refused to pursue the problem and conceded the election, because he said it would be too devastating to the Nation to go through the legal battle that would ensue. Just because the President’s Attorney General will not allow an investigation about the Election and Election process does not mean there is no problem. This all fits well into the fact that “Figures Don’t Lie”! ! !
Dale Gohr
Clarkdale, Arizona, USA

Read for daily news and interactive views!
Hillary Clinton opposes the TPP. Bernie Sanders opposes the TPP. Most Democrats in Congress oppose the TPP.
So why did the delegates to the Democratic National Convention just block opposition to the TPP in the party platform?
This is proof positive that corporations and lobbyists still hold massive sway in the Democratic Party.
The TPP is an awful trade deal that threatens Net Neutrality, ends protections against Wall Street recklessness, and allows corporations to sue the U.S. government in secret tribunals to overturn laws passed by Congress.
That’s why Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and even Donald Trump oppose it.
But the corporate lobbyists pushing this deal have a secret plan to push it through Congress during the lame-duck session after the election, when it’s too late to hold politicians who vote for it accountable.
The Rock Against the TPP tour is exactly what we need to sound the alarm about the TPP. Because the corporate media has paid so little attention, millions of Americans have heard very little about it—or have heard nothing at all.
It’s up to you. What will you do?
How about supporting the Rock Against the TPP Tour by clicking on the link above?
we’re supposed to believe that the crisis is over????? it’s the same as day one !!!
Supreme Court Nominees
Before You Say You Won’t Vote For Whomever Is Nominated For President, Consider This. Something to think about, indeed . . .
Supreme Court of the United States:
Some people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for the Republican nominee if the eventual nominee is not the man they wanted. I just want to put something into perspective.
Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant, Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79,
Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67.
Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The
next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme
Court skewed in his or her ideology. Think about that… 7-2.
If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will **** guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation . And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are viewed as lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear that she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision, stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Anyone and Everyone who is saying that they won’t vote for one candidate
or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this.
Hear this!
If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.
Whoever is the GOP nominee … go and VOTE for the GOP Nominee!
Remember Romney? Three million conservatives who had voted for McCain did not cast a vote for Romney (for whatever reason) … and the result was four additional years of Obama.
AND ONE FINAL THOUGHT: Hillary is already on the record as saying that her buddy, Obama “would make a great Supreme Court Justice.”
“The Snake” is going viral in Europe. Donald Trump began reciting the lyrics to a song entitled “The Snake” at his rallies, a few weeks back, which was not reported by the mainstream media. To tell you more would be to give away the following video that is allegedly making its way through Europe.
This is a POWERFUL video that cuts straight to the heart. WATCH “THE
VICIOUS SNAKE” (During the clip the screen will go dark but the sound
comes back as does the video)
Gotta Love the Clintons and their cronies like Jackson & Reynolds!
Claim: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.
TRUE says with the following information:
Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]
Jessie Jackson has added former Chicago democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton’s last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud & lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.
This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.
His new job? Youth counselor.
Origins: We can’t say with absolute certainty that what’s described above is “a first in American politics,” since the sexual peccadilloes of American politicians were not always as widely publicized as they are now, but the gist of the piece is true (although it originally circulated back in 2001, so it now references events that occurred many years ago and not just recently):
1995-1997: President Bill Clinton’s involvement with Monica Lewinsky, then a 21-year-old unpaid White House intern working in the office of Leon Panetta, Clinton’s Chief of Staff, is quite familiar to anyone who follows American politics.
January 2001: The National Enquirer revealed that Jesse Jackson had been carrying on a four-year affair with Karin L. Stanford, a 39-year-old former aide with his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition staff, and that Jackson had fathered the child Stanford bore in May 1999. (Jackson has been married to Jacqueline Brown since 1962.)
January 2001: Just before leaving office, President Clinton (at the urging of Jesse Jackson, among others) commuted the sentence of former Illinois congressman Mel Reynolds, who had spent 30 months in a state prison for statutory rape (i.e., having sex with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer) and was serving a five-year sentence in federal prison for lying to obtain loans and illegally diverting campaign money for personal use.
January 2001: The Chicago Sun-Times reported that former congressman Mel Reynolds would be working as the community development director of Salem Baptist Church in south-side Chicago, and as a consultant for Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, trying to decrease the number of young African-Americans going to prison. (Reynolds’ position would be more accurately characterized as that of an advisor on prison reform rather than a “Youth counselor,” however.)
In February 2014, Mel Reynolds was arrested in Zimbabwe for violating immigration laws and possessing pornographic material and was later deported to South Africa. In June 2015, Reynolds was indicted on charges of failing to file income tax returns from 2009 through 2012.
Trump is an upright God compared to the Clintons! And watch the stupid Republicans take a slam dunk win with Trump and turn it into Romney II with Cruz. Gotta love the RINOS for stupid is as stupid does. But of course God told ’em to do it….
THIS IS UNREAL WATCH IT ALL—– It’s a digital world
Amazing! Remember all those sets that movie companies used to build and then transport to Florida to turn into theme parks? Well, no more. And, will they no longer present an Oscar for best makeup artist because there is no makeup— it’s all done digitally. It’s a new world. Get ready to never believe any picture or video you see again. It’s incredible how much of every scene in this link is created by computer graphics. A good reason to be skeptical of what you see on-line!;
Thought about what’s being said, makes me sick. When will you people learn?
Trump needs to win or our country is toast. Republicans we’re toast if you don’t back him & democrats we’re toast if you don’t back him. Hispanics you’re toast if you don’t back him. Muslims you’re toast if you don’t back him. Christians you’re toast if you don’t back him. Jews you’re toast if you don’;t back him.
You dumb bastards get it? You’re toast if you don’t back Trump. Don’t give me the liberal vs conservative BS. It’s media propaganda. It’s about business enterprise vs state control. Period. Clinton’s are pro state control, Trump isn’t. End of reason to vote for Trump vs Clinton.
Don’t like him? Suck it up. It’s not about you. It’s about saving our (deleted by editor) great country. I served in Iraq & Afghanistan & I know what hasn’t worked in Pentagon for long time under Presidents Bush & Obama. We don’t want more years of either one!! of either party!!!
Trump is fresh air. Who gives a damn if he’s not what you want!! It’s not about you. It’s about NOT having the same powers that have been in power!! You;ve destroyed our nation. We need Trump because he isn’t YOU.
Felt good saying this. Keep the tweets.We’re watching.
@Steve DeVol, Propaganda Distributor and First Amendment Hating Publisher of
Steve DeVol, the publisher of banned me two and a half years ago from posting comments at his site for legitimate criticisms of his friends such as Barbara Litrell, Angela LeFevre, KSB, certain left-leaning city councilors etc. Yesterday, I attempted to post the below comment to an article at his site entitled “Guns Subject of League of Women Voters Meeting” by The League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley Chapter but Steve DeVol refuses to post it even though his mention of gun control only attracted 5 commenters, one of whom is my partner in Arizona Liberty, two are regular commenters here at The Eye, and the other two are anti-gun control advocates:
@ The League of Women Voters and Barbara Litrell,
You may not like guns…and that is your right!
You may not believe in God…and that’s your choice!
But if someone, much less with accomplices, breaks into your house when your family is there…
You WILL do TWO things:
1.] Call someone who does have a gun,
2.] Pray that they get there in time!
Always keep in mind, when SECONDS count to save your life or that of a loved one, the police will be there in only MINUTES! (usually to take a report)
I never read such BS from you
I though you said your were a independent and clearly denounced that you were a Tea Party member….. Oh excuse me… A member of AZ Liberty ( same thing)
JRN,s pond, is getting even smaller, now Sedona biz will not print his posts.
Thank god for sedona eye or what would rick do all day.
WW3 around the corner?
I really wish that J Rick Normand would punch Steve segner in the face. Dream come true. If he does others will jump in. Steve you are stealing from the incorporated city. You are barf. Barf barf barf!
“I really wish that J Rick Normand would punch Steve segner in the face. Dream come true. If he does others will jump in. Steve you are stealing from the incorporated city. You are barf. Barf barf barf!”
This is a response?….Violence?….Dog barking?….Insulting someone????
I will bet the people that would jump in are call police!
I am amazed of the lack of civility here and all over the internet?
All I know when I have watched channel 3 out of Phoenix I do see ads for Sedona and those arnt free…
I have also heard from friends that they have seen Sedona commercials in other states, one which is 1700 miles away….
So to think that people are collecting a pay check and doing nothing….Is quite disingenuous!
The flatlanders, residents are fed up with the bully crap things Steve does. He is using taxpayers money that should be used for the incorporated city.
I think it was funny and not intended to actually punch him. But what do I know. Look at all the civil unrest.
Best post I’ve seen, time for the city to do the right thing and stop gifting steve’s club millions. Why should we pay for private enterprise? We pay, steve plays with our money. He actually does deserve it.
You are one that is stealing. Afraid? you should be.
Pay for your own advertising. I’d help J Rick just as many others would.
How funny for feel the taxpayers have to pay for your advertising, The businesses should spend their own money. That’s the cost of business. You do own a B&B.
Barf is a perfect description of you Steve.
And for what purpose are Sedona commercials being shown on Channel 3 out of Phoenix. The only possible reason to advertise on an Arizona TV channel is to encourage more day trippers! Just what Sedona does NOT need and another example of the wasted money given to the regional chamber of commerce. That money as is proven on days like today would be better spent on upgrading drainage in order to prevent flash flooding. DUH & BARF (and don’t confuse the word with BARK which is what dogs do)
To who ever who loves to light there hair on fire and just ramble, threaten to punch people in the face and bark, and barf…….
Are you away that the city has been working on drainage in town?
I know you must have some thing for Eddie and been friends for a long time…
I try and come to this site with the other side, or to try to inform some…..
As you can see the city has been working on drainage projects throughout the city..
And I will not be surprised that you will counter with some more violence or regurgitation as that must be your way to communicate with the masses…..This must have been very successful your whole life?
Project Name Status
Brewer Road/Tlaquepaque Drainage Improvements Project – Complete
Coffee Pot Drainage Project – (Map) – Complete
MS4 Storm Water Sampling Project – On Hold
Just so you know, any city needs to allocate its funds in many different directions.
And for the masses that love to do nothing but complain it will never be enough!
You may also want to ponder about your tact…..?….. You may remember as a child the story of the boy who cry’ed wolf?
If I would of encountered any of this non stop complaining in the business world, I would of handed you your walking papers very fast if you didnt straighten out quickly!
So for all of you please continue to light your hair on fire and complain that the sun rises in the east and sets to the west….
But for the most part, please keep taking your medication as prescribed by your Dr.s, and please, please, please…..Check you blood pressure twice daily.
The city gets funding for flood control from both counties. The partners at Tlaquepaque are also contributing.
I not sure what all the rant is. But the city real focus is supposed to be for infrasturure. Not freebies and giveaways. This city waste money on things they have no businesses doing like advertising the region.
Everyone has a limit.
Excuse me, West Sedona Dave, but if your reference ” I know you must have some thing for Eddie and been friends for a long time…” is directed at me it is without merit. There are no comments made from me under this article and therefore your suggestion is out of line. If, by chance, the “Eddie” to whom you refer is someone other than myself, it would be honorable if you would take time to clarify.
Thank you,
Eddie Maddock
Did you hear that the Manager at (Sedona restaurant name deleted by editor) got punched in the face yesterday?
I wonder who will be next?
(Editor’s note: SE contacted the restaurant and was informed by its owner that the statement above was untrue.)
Right on West Sedona DAVE!!!!!
They had it when you talk facts and don’t join in with thief manipulating world of complaining…
Right on….once again
Transparency please! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that SS is West Sedona Dave.
Using taxpayer city coffer money, come on Steve. Your facts are spins. WSR
If this will make you feel better….I do not have any idea if you to are friends so I apologize…
But I have to admit your worried about that?….We have people on this site calling out other citizens to assault people and asking for others to jump in!
Now if I were you or your pro gun tot’en brethren I would think you just might ask people to town down the heated rhetoric?
How silly of me correct?…..As long as the people are insulting or even calling for violence and they hold your opinion all is good right?
So again I will try not to use your name in vain, even if some one uses your name and becomes your biggest cheer leader on this forum….
Thank you, West Sedona Dave, for clearing the air. However, you continue to pass judgment about my opinions on issues of which you are clueless since to my knowledge I’ve never expressed positions. Case in point – pro gun? How do you know where I stand on that or anything else for that matter unless on Sedona Eye, like others, I’ve seized the opportunity to state my case.
To my knowledge neither you nor I have authorization to control what others say or do, here or anyplace else. By jumping to conclusions you merely add to the dissension to which you openly claim you find so distasteful. Surely you are aware of the interpretation some have of the word “assumption?” All too often usage of that term provokes a risk of an invitation for the first three letters of that world to boomerang right back to the person using it.
Again, you are solely responsible for having brought my name into this particular forum since I had nothing at all whatsoever to do with the article or subsequent comments. If you dislike me and others that don’t agree with you, then why bring up names or make off the wall insinuations for which you have no proof? Since my name hasn’t appeared, except by your own doing, what merit has your claim about anyone defending me? Makes no sense.
Bottom line, Mr. WS Dave (or whomever you are that you, too, feel you must hide under obscurity) – how about practicing what you preach?
Eddie Maddock
Read this and more in the article…:
Swedish law only allows the government to operate border controls six months at a time, and there is a two-week waiting period before the controls can be reinstated. The two-week lapse is scheduled for July 4-17; many fear that tens of thousands of migrants will seize the opportunity to enter Sweden during this time.
A new report on migrants in Sweden, based on interviews with 1,100 students in Stockholm (90% of respondents were Muslims) found that immigrant youths live in a different world from their Swedish peers. 83% of the girls are not allowed to have male friends, 62% of the boys are not allowed to have female friends.
After several sexual attacks on women in Östersund, the local police issued a warning that women are not safe outdoors after dark. Since February 20, eight women have been sexually assaulted or raped in the town.
A bus driver was suspended from work after sharing posts on Facebook that were critical of immigration. A wave of public criticism of the bus company then led them to reverse the decision. The company admitted that the driver had never treated anyone badly.
The Swedish Security Service has identified at least 60 asylum seekers as terrorists and a threat to the country. However, the Immigration Service refuses to deport them…
There’s more, and it’s worse. Read it all.