Home » General » The Gripe Guy says, it’s Illegal Immigration and that’s how I see it!

The Gripe Guy says, it’s Illegal Immigration and that’s how I see it!



The Gripe Guy of Sedona


I’m gonna start off by telling you how I greeted the census taker today.  

“I’m not interested” says I.  “Oh wait, you have too” says she.   

“I don’t have to do anything,” said I, and punctuated the statement with a slammed door immediately after she said “I will ask your neighbors!”    

Nice!  The census taker is going to provide false information to the federal government.   

Folks, I’m not buying into the idea that giving census takers information better provides for a community’s needs!  The government should start by documenting all the illegal aliens, then it can ask me how many people live in my home!  By the way, with my dark tan I could pass for Mexican.  Eat that. 


All of which brings me to the hot topic at hand, illegal immigration.  Let’s start by asking the Indians what they think, and I’m sure you’ll open a huge can of worms! But this isn’t about the Indians, it’s about the laws as they exist now.  


Is it racial profiling when a Mexican is stopped and asked for identification just because they look Mexican?  Of course it is, but let’s ask a black man driving through a white neighborhood about racial profiling or a woman who goes to get her car fixed and is raked over the coals by a huge repair bill just because she’s female.  Ask any gay or transsexual about profiling and discrimination!  It exists and always has, and I’m just as guilty of it as anyone else.  We all judge, like it or not.  


This immigration issue has come about because Arizona, like most states including California, is operating in deficit budgets and illegal immigration is costing everyone in America a fortune.  Illegal aliens come here, have a baby (commonly called an anchor baby) which is now a US citizen and can collect state assistance for that child without any worry of having to report earned income because the parents have no or false social security numbers.  Whereas, the opposite is true of parents who are US citizens!  If a US citizen has a child in Mexico or other countries, see what they get automatically from that country! Why is it that an illegal immigrant in this country becomes entitled to more liberties and benefits than citizens?  Let’s go further. 


After Hurricane Katrina, ask any blue collar worker in the Louisiana construction trade how their job situation is, or how their wages dropped because illegal immigrants also flooded the land? Whatever happened to US employers being required to sponsor foreign workers? Justify, businesses, justify! 


This really isn’t about being Mexican or singled out as a race, it’s about doing what’s right by the law-abiding, tax-paying, democratic American people living right here in the US of A, baby!  


I totally understand wanting a better life. For the most part, that is why our ancestors immigrated here!  But to come here illegally and demand rights to a piece of the American pie is wrong!  Illegal immigration drains our states social services funds which includes food, welfare, medical care and as is now fact, state penitentiaries.  Our public school systems are failing trying to meet impossible multicultural expectations! America is the melting pot, the only nation on this planet that welcomes diverse peoples and asks only that they respect and abide by our civil laws, and honor our nation’s democratic principles as “we, the people” not them, us and you people! 


It strikes me as odd that a majority voted for that 1% sales tax increase of which the majority will go to schools, but yet most favor the immigration bill. (By the way, the sales tax won’t expire in three years…ask Buffalo and the New York State Toll-Way system about the same promise!)  


So let’s see, we have the President mad at Arizona for doing a job he should be doing, and California pointing fingers at us for discrimination, and even Cuba jumping on the bandwagon calling us Xenophobic! After looking the word xenophobic up, I also looked up Cuban law. Did you know that Cuban citizens are required by law to carry identification, and they are arrested immediately if without it? Did you know that Cuban citizens are arrested if the government doesn’t like where they happen to be? 


So what is happening with our Homeland Security Agency?  Isn’t it supposed to be about protecting us and what’s ours? 


I love more than just the land of Arizona.  I love our “leave us alone” attitude.  When I first moved here from another state, I saw people carrying guns on their hips and, at first, it bothered me but I quickly saw that the gun and its wearer were granted a sense of “respect.”  When I lived in Colorado, many Coloradans disliked anyone not born in their state and even had bumper stickers calling themselves natives! When a co-worker in Colorado started complaining about her upcoming jury duty, I mentioned the Colorado pride thing and she blasted me and told me to leave Colorado if I didn’t like it.  I said, “Baby, this is America and I can live anywhere I want because I’m a US citizen!”  She didn’t like that but as American citizens, we can agree to disagree because we earned that right! 


Of course, that Coloradan wouldn’t have said anything if it was Arizona and I had a gun on my belt.  


So keep your chin up Arizona, we’re going to be the example for the nation and the world. 



“The Gripe Guy” 

What to comment or share a view? Write me at HollywoodJimAdvice@yahoo.com and leave a reply on this web site. Speak your piece! 




  1. Jocelyn Buckner says:

    Dear Gripe Guy,
    Let’s see how you feel when you are profiled as an illegal immigrant from Canada.
    Where’s Obama’s birth certificate and how come no one is talking about THAT part of SB 1070.

  2. Griping about the Griper says:

    When you refused to answer the census and slammed the door in the census worker’s face, you, too, became an illegal citizen, as the law requires you to participate in the census — not just the federal law, but also the U.S. Constitution itself.
    So when you say, “…it’s about doing what’s right by the law-abiding, tax-paying, democratic American people living right here in the US of A, baby!”, you must not include yourself among those “law-abiding” people. Perhaps we should find what country your ancestors came from and deport you.

  3. The Gripe Guy says:

    Last I checked it is not the law to participate in the census as much as you and the government would like me to believe. Sadly, you are missing the point and perhaps you yourself could be singled out to support illegal immigrants with YOUR taxes (profiled, so to speak) and let MY taxes go to supporting MY government and its people.

    You might have a different perspective if you lived in terror as many US citizens do along the border.

    By the way, you can’t deport me, I was born HERE!

  4. cogito ergosumatra says:

    Oh, Arizona is becoming an example, alright! It’s becoming an example of intolerance, bigotry, right-wing paranoia, and gun fanatics scared that around every corner is someone about to attack them.

  5. River219 says:


  6. Ursula says:

    The “Gripe Guy’s” comments are OUTSTANDING and I agree with all of what he wrote. I am originally an immigrant from Europe and I came here legally, worked 3 jobs much of my life, and never held out my hands for Welfare, Food Stamps, free Medical, subsidized housing, etc., etc., etc. I say sterilize every one of their women after they have 2 children, plus send every one of them back to Mexico and force them to come here legally if they want to live here so badly. Also, we need to stop hiring bilingual teachers for them, and if they cannot speak English, then we need to stop catering to them in stores by us looking around for someone who can translate for them. I learned English and so can they!

    Sedona Arizona

  7. Clyde Cobb says:

    Clyde Cobb

    You know this type of news making is what has got the newspapers and big news television barely attracting an audience. Most people don’t beleive that racial profiling is a problem or that SB1070 wil encourage it. You have to use common sense though, if our border isn’t secured FIRST, then piling on more laws that aren’t enforced aren’t going to solve it. Why isn’t the government cracking down on sanctuary cities? Could that draw illegals? How about all of the healthcare/education that I have to pay for? The menial jobs thay get won’t pay for any of their needs but the gov will coming running.

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